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sex offenders

what would you do if you found out a sex offender lived near you?

  • try to get that person out of my neighborhood

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • move

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • search for the reason that person is a sex offender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • something else

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Irish that was not your ****ing place to relate to the entire forum... I am frankly shocked and ashamed for you, if you are not. Utterly Horrible...

Castration doesn't work, it's a mental game more then physical to these people. They'll continue to do it because of the power and lust, there jsut won't be any actual penetration.. ro they will come up with something else to do.

Irish you need to get off your high ****ing horse and stop 'condemning' people... not only that, but when someone has the advantage on you ina d ebate I see you resort to low-life tactics and name calling....

How old are you supposed to be again?
Slack with Me said:
Irish that was not your ****ing place to relate to the entire forum... I am frankly shocked and ashamed for you, if you are not. Utterly Horrible...

Castration doesn't work, it's a mental game more then physical to these people. They'll continue to do it because of the power and lust, there jsut won't be any actual penetration.. ro they will come up with something else to do.

Irish you need to get off your high ****ing horse and stop 'condemning' people... not only that, but when someone has the advantage on you ina d ebate I see you resort to low-life tactics and name calling....

How old are you supposed to be again?
  1. No personal attacks Slack. Watch it please.
  2. Irish didn't tell everyone about her friend, Spunky did, in a post.
Slack with Me said:
Irish that was not your ****ing place to relate to the entire forum... I am frankly shocked and ashamed for you, if you are not. Utterly Horrible...

Castration doesn't work, it's a mental game more then physical to these people. They'll continue to do it because of the power and lust, there jsut won't be any actual penetration.. ro they will come up with something else to do.

Irish you need to get off your high ****ing horse and stop 'condemning' people... not only that, but when someone has the advantage on you ina d ebate I see you resort to low-life tactics and name calling....

How old are you supposed to be again?
First and foremost, Spunkey has already informed the entire BA in another thread about her friend being in jail so read before you accuse someone of anything you know nothing anything about.

Secondly, I never said to castrate the ****s in this thread! Chris made the remark that he would go with my option of castration! OK!

Thirdly - if you want my opinion I am going to give it and personally I am sick of the whining and boo hooing of women who deliberately seek out low life and complain when they get kicked in the face because of their choice.

Low life tactics and name calling - show me just where in all of my posts where I resorted to such tactics. Slack, unless you can back your statement your point is mundane and rather boring!!
I think Spunkey is referring to her friend, the sex offender who did a girl who was a few years under age and was sent to jail because of it. If that is the case all I can say it was a valuable and hard lesson to learn that you don't drop your pants until you know who you are sleeping with! Maybe next time he will think twice before he does it again.

Sad to say, but many young men and women are learning that right now.

As for the really dangerous ones? Being registered means nothing other than if you don't they put an ABP out on you and IF they catch you your in deep. My husbands cousin just got 45 years for not registering on time. I am so happy he's in jail. He deserved it. Sad thing he made it a foreign country and there's no way of really knowing who he encountered or what he did while on the run.
Slack with Me said:
Irish that was not your ****ing place to relate to the entire forum... I am frankly shocked and ashamed for you, if you are not. Utterly Horrible...

Castration doesn't work, it's a mental game more then physical to these people. They'll continue to do it because of the power and lust, there jsut won't be any actual penetration.. ro they will come up with something else to do.

Irish you need to get off your high ****ing horse and stop 'condemning' people... not only that, but when someone has the advantage on you ina d ebate I see you resort to low-life tactics and name calling....

How old are you supposed to be again?
While I completly agree that castration will not 'fix' these people and their are other ways to moleste or rape the verbal attack was uncalled for. While you get your panties out of their bunch the rest of the class will continue with civil conversation. We all get carried away sometimes so's long as it isn't a constant thing everyone is usually pretty forgiving, have a great one on me and when you get back maybe you'll feel better hun!
I think Spunkey is referring to her friend, the sex offender who did a girl who was a few years under age and was sent to jail because of it. If that is the case all I can say it was a valuable and hard lesson to learn that you don't drop your pants until you know who you are sleeping with! Maybe next time he will think twice before he does it again.
You got to be like a bouncer, always ask for ID ;). I think if the person doesn't know he shouldn't be held responsible the other person should.
I have noticed now that people look older than they really are!!!! And its because of the way they dress.. i have seen teenage girls coming into the salon who are 14/15 wearing make-up and dressing an older age... you do have to be careful who you approach, you never know, that you could be talking to an 17 year old thinking they are 21 or older.. Checking ID's would be a good idea.. lol :)
aliciamarie02 said:
I have noticed now that people look older than they really are!!!! And its because of the way they dress.. i have seen teenage girls coming into the salon who are 14/15 wearing make-up and dressing an older age... you do have to be careful who you approach, you never know, that you could be talking to an 17 year old thinking they are 21 or older.. Checking ID's would be a good idea.. lol :)

I agree 100%, but as I have said in the past, the final onus is on YOU! The problem, in my opinion, is that people sleep with someone they do not know well enough, but that is a moral issue, and not necessarily an issue of law.

Bottomline: you break it, you buy it. You sleep with an an underage person, you go to jail. You can't blame the underage person, because they are underage, and thus not deemed responsible enough to make adult decisions in the first place.
aliciamarie02 said:
I have noticed now that people look older than they really are!!!! And its because of the way they dress.. i have seen teenage girls coming into the salon who are 14/15 wearing make-up and dressing an older age... you do have to be careful who you approach, you never know, that you could be talking to an 17 year old thinking they are 21 or older.. Checking ID's would be a good idea.. lol :)

I know you should of been to my high school some of the girls that were there could of passed 25. The person might be 15, 16, 17, etc but they sure don't dress it. But hey no complaints from me ;).
I think Spunkey is referring to her friend, the sex offender who did a girl who was a few years under age and was sent to jail because of it. If that is the case all I can say it was a valuable and hard lesson to learn that you don't drop your pants until you know who you are sleeping with! Maybe next time he will think twice before he does it again.

yes he is included however you make it seem like he did what he did as a one night wim however he didnt they had known each other for months before and so did i everyone thought she was 18 she hung out with us was not in school and was working why would we question it. had she told the truth he wouldnt have been with her.
Slack with Me said:
Irish that was not your ****ing place to relate to the entire forum... I am frankly shocked and ashamed for you, if you are not. Utterly Horrible...

Castration doesn't work, it's a mental game more then physical to these people. They'll continue to do it because of the power and lust, there jsut won't be any actual penetration.. ro they will come up with something else to do.

Irish you need to get off your high ****ing horse and stop 'condemning' people... not only that, but when someone has the advantage on you ina d ebate I see you resort to low-life tactics and name calling....

How old are you supposed to be again?

i did make it known about this friend in another post but thanks for stickin up for me although some thought it was a bit inappropreate and kinda against the rules
aliciamarie02 said:
I have noticed now that people look older than they really are!!!! And its because of the way they dress.. i have seen teenage girls coming into the salon who are 14/15 wearing make-up and dressing an older age... you do have to be careful who you approach, you never know, that you could be talking to an 17 year old thinking they are 21 or older.. Checking ID's would be a good idea.. lol :)

its sad that if you want to be in a relationship with someone you have to ID them first. although even then it still isnt the total answer because so many people guys and girls alike have fake id's
Here is a novel idea that would save many from heartbreak, unwanted pregnancies , guest appearances on the "Maury" show and the possibility of jail time:
remain celibate until you are ready to marry!

If you insist on playing the "adult" game then be prepared to pay up for the trouble that your genitals may cause you!

What? Has virginity become extinct these days?
Here is a novel idea that would save many from heartbreak, unwanted pregnancies , guest appearances on the "Maury" show and the possibility of jail time:
remain celibate until you are ready to marry!

If you insist on playing the "adult" game then be prepared to pay up for the trouble that your genitals may cause you!

What? Has virginity become extinct these days?

Its just not that easy for some people, they can't keep it zipped up ;).
this is a VERY touchy subject! I agree with the people who said it depends on the status of their crime. However, my friend and I *and my husband* looked on the site to find someone on there *who wasn't* and we were amazed to find that the man living right upstairs from us was on there! I was scared for my niece who I had all the time staying the night with me. People do not know what the degree is usually. So, I'm not too sure what the point of my posting this was but.. I'm just saying