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Should PC - Console gaming be considered a sport?

Video games are

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As someone who used to play computer games alot it can get very physical. There's physical repercussions upon the hands and arms and back. It's not down to sitting still, that's down to movement on the joystick/controller. I'm not arguing for it be a sport neccesarily just curious as to why it wouldn't met the criteria.

Exactly, there's various aspects for the word "sport" so why is athleticism the only thing that should be looked at when determining anything should or should not be considered a sport?
Definitely video games can`t be compared to sports. In the future this could change though. Take for example the new "movement technology" that the Nintendo Wii has implemented in what video game fans call "war of the consoles". With this small idea we could see in a near (perhaps distant) future a fully developed virtual interface where some real skill is needed, promoting interesting competition that attracts fans. What is a sport without it´s loyal fans?
Well there are people who play in competitions for money, and video games do require lots of skill to be good at, so I guess that the can be called a sport, but only for a certain, small group of people.
PC games are 100% not a sport. All you do is click a few buttons and sit on your couch. A sport is when you have to use essential muscles and train and practice, not just clicking buttons.
I'm sure its highly competitive and I support and enjoy the tournaments, but a sport really? is this a real debate going on?
I don't think this is a sport, it's a hobby, but not a sport. Did any of the players go to the gym to train before a game? I don't think so.
Playing video games cannot be considered as a sport. Nowadays due to add-ons like Xbox kinect, there is some physical activity involved but even then it cannot be compared with the real thing. At best, video games can be classified as a hobby or addiction.
PC Gaming is already a sport.
There is the ESL, the MLG, and some other leagues, which are exactly like sports.
Although, it can't be classified as a physical sport.
Well I think that passionate players should keep supporting their cause if that is considering pc gaming a sport. For the rest of us, it doesn't really make a difference.
No, it doesn't really require any physical activity and you don't need to be fit to play it. It is a game, not a sport.
If that is a sport, I have many others for you to consider : watching tv, farting on the couch, sleeping, walking, talking on the phone, reading. Very interesting and dynamic sports, aren't they?
If that is a sport, I have many others for you to consider : watching tv, farting on the couch, sleeping, walking, talking on the phone, reading. Very interesting and dynamic sports, aren't they?
But you can't compete in this.
And time competitions don't count, for example who sleeps the most, etc.
Playing on the PC should be a sport because you eliminate teams and other things like that, exactly like football.
It does take extreme dedication and practice. So why not call it a sport?

My vote is yes.
I agree with many people here. I think it should be classified a sport. It still takes hard work and dedication to get good at gaming to get to a professional level and play in leagues and tournaments so yeah, why not!
I agree with many people here. I think it should be classified a sport. It still takes hard work and dedication to get good at gaming to get to a professional level and play in leagues and tournaments so yeah, why not!
You must train to become the best, it doesn't come easy.