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Should PC - Console gaming be considered a sport?

Video games are

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Ever since I started working out (at age 17), I dreamed of an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) where a game console was interactive with weights and exercise.

The bench press would be recognized like a wii remote, and your calisthenics and cardiovascular exercises would be picked up by something similar to an Xbox's Kinect.

The only way to advance your character in the game, phsyically, would be to level up by working out. That way being a certain level would actually mean something and when you met a high level character, it would be due to his exercising success.

Then people could have fun AND lead healthy lives simultaneously.
It literally is a sport already in some countries. Like for say the game starcraft. Its literally on TV 24/7 and its considered such a big event. I dont know if other countries will start this but I wouldnt mind.
It literally is a sport already in some countries. Like for say the game starcraft. Its literally on TV 24/7 and its considered such a big event. I dont know if other countries will start this but I wouldnt mind.

If its lucrative enough and people start making money off of it, I'm sure it won't be long before other countries start to adopt it.
Like I said earlier, Video Gaming should be considered solely as an eSport, nothing more. It's fine as it is IMO.
I think it should. I see sports as a competition where two teams (or two players) compete to find out which one is better, and competetive gaming is exactly this. The only thing that seperates gaming from normal sports is the fact that you can get good at it while staying at home haha
If car and motorcycle races are sports, then video games are sports too. Just my 2 cents.
Why do people obsess over the label of "sport", does it change anything? People couldn't care less that NASCAR is a sport or not, most people will just call it racing. Console gaming is just that, gaming. I guess I can see the label esports working as other people have mentioned, but who cares if other people consider it a sport or not?
Even if its not a sport it would be amazing to get paid to simply game outside of competitions. I know there are video game testers but honestly you'll probably never land that job and 10823749 dirty filthy nerds are already waiting in line.

Can you imagine if it was a sport? There would be 10823749987654321 dirty filthy nerds competing. How would they make categories? It would be so complicated to decide how to break it down. Plus tournaments would be a nightmare and would take forever!!
Its not a sport - its a game. I do think they should make it professional because the skill involved can sometimes be imense - just not label it a sport.
Nope, it's not a sport. How can playing video games be even considered a sport? Is that what lazy people will use as an excuse?

-Son, do more exercise
- Okay mom, brb ps3!

I mean, seriously. Are you high?
Considered a sport, chess is considered a sport so why shouldn't competitive video games be? and in my opinion no definition can actually define any type of word because they can all be made to mean different things such as slang language. Competitive video games are usually called "e-sports" by many but really, what sport isn't "entertaining" when you're watching or playing it by yourself?
This brings the old argument about whether chess should be considered a sport, as video gaming and chess are relatively similar especially in terms of physical exertion. However at the end of the day they're not real sports, they are games played at a competitive level, similar to poker. Sports require the winner to be the best physically at the sport, such as the fastest sprinter or the strongest weightlifter.
This brings the old argument about whether chess should be considered a sport, as video gaming and chess are relatively similar especially in terms of physical exertion. However at the end of the day they're not real sports, they are games played at a competitive level, similar to poker. Sports require the winner to be the best physically at the sport, such as the fastest sprinter or the strongest weightlifter.

This is probably as good as you could put it. Sports are all about physical aspects of the body. These include strength, speed, reaction, and other things. Video games and board games only stress mental aspects of the body.
But there also goes the fact that sports need strategy, teamwork and tactics which are all mental aspects and factors of video games unless of course the sport is solo, but regardless it will still require any of the above.
an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

So it's basically based on your perception of what is a sport, does it require physical prowess or not in your opinions?
an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

So it's basically based on your perception of what is a sport, does it require physical prowess or not in your opinions?

Curling requires more mental prowess than physical (aiming). But it's a sport. Starcraft matches in Korea attract as much viewers as smaller sports worldwide!
There really isn't an objective definition for sport, it's all based on people's individual tastes, there's no one criteria for what really is a sport or not. But I can still appreciate the mental and physical skills shown by people in more of the questionable sports.
I'm pretty sure a sport requires more than just "physical prowess" regardless of what definition you throw at it.

There really isn't an objective definition for sport, it's all based on people's individual tastes, there's no one criteria for what really is a sport or not. But I can still appreciate the mental and physical skills shown by people in more of the questionable sports.

This definitely.
I simply feel that by calling it a sport, you're disgracing every physical activity. In a world where obesity is becoming more and more prevalent, it's just a step in the wrong direction to call pushing buttons on a mouse and keyboard a sport. Sports should be athletic and require physical work.
I simply feel that by calling it a sport, you're disgracing every physical activity. In a world where obesity is becoming more and more prevalent, it's just a step in the wrong direction to call pushing buttons on a mouse and keyboard a sport. Sports should be athletic and require physical work.

Even competitive gaming requires physical factors such as natural eye reflexes and fast fingers, nowadays most people can't even get above 100wpm and it's not about the extent of the physical activity either.