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Should roids be legal in sports?


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Do you think pro athletes should be allowed to use steroids? Personally, I would love to see it. Can you imagine Lebron James with some chemical help? Oh my, those dunks would be pretty.

People may argue that the players wont want to do it because it is unhealthy, but a LOT of them already do IMHO. Also, these guys didnt get to be the best of the best without taking advantage of every single possible thing. I guarantee over 90 percent of athletes would gladly jump on the juice if it were legal in their sport.

This would also allow for a better product to be seen, what do you think about this?
I don't really have an opinion either way, but if it were allowed I think there should be different leagues or divisions for users and non users.
Honestly, I think steroids should be legal in sports, but only if everyone playing is using it to make it fair. In that regard, I agree with Never1, since not everyone might want to use it.
I don't really have an opinion either way, but if it were allowed I think there should be different leagues or divisions for users and non users.

It'd be like the NBA and wNBA, thats how much of a difference their would be in athleticism.
I say no. I'm there for a show. I want to see one!

But with that I think records should be separate from the old days without roids.
I don't think so. They have such negative effects on the body if you don't know what you're doing that it's not good to promote them.
Steriods are damaging, I don't think it reflects well on the genuine nature of sport. A controlled diet is one thing, performance enhancing is another.
Steriods are damaging, I don't think it reflects well on the genuine nature of sport. A controlled diet is one thing, performance enhancing is another.

Steroids are only really damaging if you don't know how to properly use them.
I don't know how you can condone the damaging long-term effects that occur when steroids are taken. It would possibly be more entertaining to see already amazing athletes perform even better with the aid of PED's but then there probably wouldn't be a level playing field in regards to not everyone actually using them. The boundaries of sport would be pushed greatly though, it'd be quite the spectacle.
If everybody was on them, would it really be that much different? The best players now would still be the best players with everybody on roids. I'll admit I'm not an expert on PEDs, so somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I see it they will only give an advantage if they are competing against people who aren't on them. I do think one big difference is there will be a lot more injuries, with players being bigger and stronger and faster, they will be hitting each other that much harder, and causing more damage each time. Because of these reasons, I'd rather not see everybody on drugs.
I personally have nothing against steroids and think they shouldn't be as illegal as they are now. An age restriction should be appropriate in general, but not a Class 2 (felony) drug classification.

However its a touchy subject because even if you're allowed to suddenly use steroids in Sports, that would flush out a lot of talented individuals that don't take them for whatever personal reasons they may have, whether its an underlying medical condition or religious reasons.

That would basically make its to where its a requirement to juice if you want to have a chance at all, unless you're some sort of genetic freak.
I don't necessarily believe steroids should be legal, but it's easy to understand why regardless of legality, they are popular in pro sports. The amount of money on the line based on performance essentially ensures that a huge percentage of players will do ANYTHING they can to get ahead. This really isn't very surprising.
Yes. By taking away the illegality, it would become much safer for athletes to use them. After all, a hundred times more people die of alcohol or cigarettes (legal drugs) a year than steroids.

They should still be banned in under 18 sports however.
Steroids should be legal. The fact that they're illegal now doesn't stop people from using them, but legalising them could help prevent some of their major side effects since you can tell your doctor you're on them and he can monitor your health. Plus imagine how intense all of the sports will get with a little bit of boost.
Steroids should be legal. The fact that they're illegal now doesn't stop people from using them, but legalising them could help prevent some of their major side effects since you can tell your doctor you're on them and he can monitor your health. Plus imagine how intense all of the sports will get with a little bit of boost.

Government doesn't realize that they could make more money off of people by legalizing/selling it. People could trust its pure and refined, and it's their choice to take it.

Instead they make a few pinches here and there for $1000.00+ charges. Its honestly stupid. A tripple stack fat burger and McDonalds is just as detrimental to your health as performance enhancing drugs.

Also it would increase the potential for doctors to earn income by monitoring a patient's steroid use.
Plus really isn't the health of the nation important? Legalising them would be beneficial for a lot of people, not only for the people curently using them but also aid the obesse with fat loss.
Honestly the health of the nation is already down because of obesity and unemployment. If anything it couldn't hurt for a few people to die off. lol
Let them die I just want my gear legal LOL!
Haha. Yeah I want it to be legal so I can start. After six years of working out my gains have come to a halt visibly. Its like pulling teeth to get a new muscle fiber.