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Should roids be legal in sports?

Steroids should be legal. The fact that they're illegal now doesn't stop people from using them, but legalising them could help prevent some of their major side effects since you can tell your doctor you're on them and he can monitor your health. Plus imagine how intense all of the sports will get with a little bit of boost.
If by intense you mean guys taking balls and throwing them at a competitor, then they should not be illegal. While you guys are thinking about the potential earning of a doctor, think of the damage and immorality it can bring out in a person. "Roid rage" is fairly common with those who consume them.

I find it disgusting that you guys are even talking about the idea of legalizing them. :eek:
So many athletes will kill themselves by over-doing it. It's not even funny. When it's regulated, then the athletes that do use them regulate themselves.
In my opinion the use of roids in sports is unacceptable. They are specifically used with the sole objective of getting an unfair advantage. I don't want my kids, or your kids, or anybody's kids to have to turn themselves into chemical stockpiles just because there are cheaters out there who don't care what they promised when they started to participate. I don't want my kids in the hands of a coach who would encourage, condone or allow the use of drugs among his or her athletes.
I say no, because people react differently on them. Not everyone will get superhuman strength and it could be unfair.
I have no problem with athletes using steroids. Lets face it, they are already. So letes let the good ones do it as well. I know that you can go online and buy steroid cleaners for like 50 bucks.

If its not steroids , then the chemists will invent something else that will not be detecded.

Just because they can have steroids does not mean it is any easier for them! Still lots of hard work. It just allows them to recover faster, so less injury time, so more time of watching the best. And who wouldnt like that!
I think steroids are not legal for a reason. They can be unhealthy. Besides that I just think they wouldn't enhance the game IMO. It would take away from the game for me knowing that it is not real. It is like watching someone lip synch instead of sing. You are not getting the real deal just the enhanced version. Would put a bad taste in my mouth.
Just because some one takes steroids in a sport doesn't make it any less "real". In fact I think it enhances it. Better athletic performance, and easier on the eyes.
Just because some one takes steroids in a sport doesn't make it any less "real". In fact I think it enhances it. Better athletic performance, and easier on the eyes.
Your statement is a contradiction to your first sentence. The reason the performance is better is because they are using steroids. Had they not been using steroids, their performance would solely be based on talent.
Your statement is a contradiction to your first sentence. The reason the performance is better is because they are using steroids. Had they not been using steroids, their performance would solely be based on talent.

Even with steroids athletes still have to train hard you know.
I didn't say they wouldn't. I said their talent would be exaggerated with steroids.

Real talent will still show. All steroids on won't make a star out of the average athlete.
I don't think so. Some people are naturally talented, and their gifts shouldn't be overshadowed by some fake abilities.
Steroids only make you stronger/more aesthetic. They have nothing to do with how well you understand tactics or give you any extra talent.
Might as well since a lot of athletes do it anyways.
While its true that the athletes are performing just to show the spectators a great show, you got to understand that steroids will affect your life in some way. It may be a good idea at the start, but you will end up with problems if you are not careful about the usage.
While its true that the athletes are performing just to show the spectators a great show, you got to understand that steroids will affect your life in some way. It may be a good idea at the start, but you will end up with problems if you are not careful about the usage.

That's why it would be lucrative to make them legal, to a certain degree. It would create revenue from the initial purchase, but also bring a rise in the need of doctors.

Any rational person will know there are possible risks. That's why pro athletes would be appointed these doctors for controlled use. Obviously some one inexperienced running into the bathroom and shoving a needle into his left tenderloin five times a day will end in a short life.
Well, this is a pretty controversial topic. IMO, I think guys in the NBA like LeBron, Wade and Dwight Howard are already doping, and David Stern and company are turning a blind eye and letting them get away with it. It boggles my mind how they can be so freakishly big, strong and athletic without some type of chemical advantage. I think it's ridiculous that they hit Rashard Lewis for OTC medication a year or two back. It's not like he's the walking epitome of doping athletes.

If it is true, I guess they may as well make steroids legal, especially in the NBA. If steroids are legalised, you may get more power players in the mold of LeBron and Dwight, but this will eventually lead to more demand for pure shooters and players of more fundamental abilities to balance out a well-rounded team that can compete for titles every year. If kept illegal, people will remain skeptical about the abilities of various athletes anyways.
Meh, I really don't think they should be legalized. I don't want to see people who are unnaturally enhancing their bodies to excel in a sport. I want to see physical specimens that have exhausted their NATURAL ability to compete in their sport. I want it to seem like I could be out there playing if I put in the hard work and effort. Does that make sense? Haha
Meh, I really don't think they should be legalized. I don't want to see people who are unnaturally enhancing their bodies to excel in a sport. I want to see physical specimens that have exhausted their NATURAL ability to compete in their sport. I want it to seem like I could be out there playing if I put in the hard work and effort. Does that make sense? Haha

I know, man. It's so much more relatable knowing that these guys have pushed themselves to their actual physical limit. It's great knowing these guys have actually worked hard at their craft without any sort of unnatural help. At some point though, some of these guys are so physically dominant you can't help but suspect something shady is going on. They may as well let them dope. IMO, guys who don't use them now to succeed in their respective sports, will find no use for them when legalized anyways.
I don't think that just because there will be abuses means you legalise it all. There will always be car theft for example doesn't mean we legalise car theft. Sport should be about natural ability nor just getting 'ability' from something got in the lab.