Should the legal sex age be higher or lower?


Chief Talker
PF Member
I personally think it should be higher.
I lost mine at 16 and although I feel I made the right decision, lots of kids I know aren't mature enough at all and I think it's rare you find anyone at 16 in the type of relationship I was/am in.

Raising it won't change anything... and I don't see why it really matters? Let people do what they want, if they regret it then that's their problem.
I know it won't change much, but I think that you should still set the standard. Setting a reasonable law for what is expected also sets what is right in the eyes of society :P
I think 16 is perfect but if it was to change I think it should be lower. We did a debate about this in citizenship and most thought it was disgusting that some places in Europe have it as low as 13 but by the end the majority supported lowering it. I'm trying to remember what points both sides were making >_<
Neither. It's at the perfect age right now. However what does need to be instituted is a "tolerance" zone so that you can't be prosecuted for having sex with someone who's only a couple of years younger than you.

So for example if an 18 and 15 yo had sex, that's okay.
I think it should be increased, probably to 18, same as smoking and drinking. It may not help much in the long run, but I do know some people would not do it because of the age limitations. In my opinion if you can stop even one person, then the law has worked.

Realistically, sex isn't something a child should be having. Some places having it as low as 12 or 13, and it makes no sense to me. Their bodies are still growing, why do that?
16 is a good age. Kids are gonna **** each other anyway; might as well not go getting the law involved because of it, unless something non-consensual happens (and if that's the case, it's obviously illegal no matter the age).
16 is fine, because although there are many teenagers who don't stick to it - it's nice to have a 'guideline' there whether it's ignored or not.

Raising it just allows more immature girls to shout 'rape' and have a better chance in court because they decided against it after doing it. (I'm not suggesting that all girls are like that, by the way).
I'm on the fence. While I think that 16 is a good age to set the bar, I feel like raising it to 18 wouldn't hurt and might even help lower the teen pregnancy rate. However, people are going to do what people are going to do. It's not like you can stop people from having sex if they choose to do so. Also, just because you've reached a certain age doesn't make you any more ready for sex than the next person, really. There are very mature 16 year olds out there and very immature 18 year olds and vice versa.
I don't think it should change. A lot of people will still go against the law if they want to do it. They know they won't be caught and arrested for doing it, so they'll do it as young as they want.
[MENTION=2]Lauren[/MENTION] You say about people not having a mature relationship like yours at that age but I got with a guy when I was 14 (my first ever boyfriend) and we were together for nearly 2 years! I lost my virginity to him when I was 15 and we broke up when I was 16! So it is possible for people to have long term, mature relationships, even at a young age.