Should We Have a Right to Die?


Senior Talker
PF Member
The family of late locked-in syndrome sufferer Tony Nicklinson and paralysed road accident victim Paul Lamb have lost their right-to-die challenges.
I'm not going to go into huge detail about the story, but you can find that here if you're interested.

Do you think Euthanasia should be legalised for those with similar problems, such as Locked-in Syndrome?
Those who really do not have a quality of life and are in their right minds to choose whether they want to live or not?

Why or why not?
Yes. We have many rights similar to this. We have the right to abortion. We have the right to have our pets put down. Why do we not have the right to dictate, should we become incapacitated beyond help, to decide to end it?
That has always been something I could never understand.
I'm completely FOR when it comes to Euthanasia; I think it's a choice that we should be able to make should it come to being deeply unhappy in life, and not being able to do anything about it.

To be honest, I believe it is more appropriate for euthanasia to be legal than abortion in some ways.
I am for euthanisia for mentally stable patients :)

I don't believe that people who are depressed etc should just be able to request death, but someone with an illness they can't live with sure.
Yes. It's our bodies, we have the choice of how we treat it and what we do with it!
To be in the European Union - a place so determined to force human rights on its states - it's quite shocking that euthanasia isn't that popular.
To me to be honest I think we treat animals better then people. When an animal is suffering and there is no chance of saving them, we put them out of their misery by putting them to sleep. So, why can't the same be done for a human being. If they are suffering needlessly and there is no chance of helping them why allow them to continue to suffer? This is why I can't fault those who are terminally ill for taking their own lives or asking someone else to do it for them.