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Smoking in public, should it be banned?


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I heard from a good friend of mine that his university campus recently turned into a smoke-free zone. I think it's a great idea and I'm sure that people can relate to me when I say that I cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. Sure we have smoke free areas like schools and libraries but why could we just not ban smoking in public everywhere and force it to be kept in private and in your home?

Second hand smoke is knowingly just as bad as first hand smoking and causes lots of damage to humanity - especially when a child gets to inhale it.

I think we should add more non-smoking areas and actually invent laws that prohibit people from smoking near children!

What's your thoughts on the subject?
Personally, yes. By all means, do it in your own home. But I have a right (I assume, at least) to breathe semi-clean air, which is not being fulfilled if you're spewing smoke everywhere.
Here in Portugal all restaurants/shops are smoking-free, unless you have the machinery to actually filter the air in the area. I got used to it really, even if I don't smoke.
My opinion about it is neutral, no matter how much the smoke does indeed bug me.
One way or another you're inhaling a lot of ****, such as car's gas, etc.

By the way, that thing about second-hand smoking being just as bad is pure myth. :P
Across Europe I think smoking is banned in most public places and very likely some streets. I haven't seen many people smoking. This is probably why a packet of cigs is so expensive.
It would never happen. This would force less people to smoke and the government would make a lot less money off of the taxes so they wouldn't impose it.
Well, here in the United States smoking in doors has more or less become a no no. Most places are now non smoking. If people want to smoke they have to go outside to do it. To me this is a great thing because it has now been proven that second hand smoke can be just as dangerous as smoking the cigarettes yourself. My father always made his home a non smoking zone, he made it clear to any visitors to his home that they had to go outside if they wanted to smoke. He even told his kids that when they got of age and wanted to smoke that was their business, but they weren't to do it inside the house, they had to go outside. I couldn't blame him for this, not only was inhaling the smoke dangerous but the smell could get into the house and into the furniture.
What I like when onboard these cruise ships that have become very popular recently, are smoking designated areas. These are usually on the Port side, or Aft, tucked away to one side so we smokers can enjoy a little peace. This arrangement, very kindly permitted by the shipping company itself, allows smokers to congregate without being haragued. Naturally, if some non-smoker unintentionally wanders in to complain and remonstrate, then the daft bugger becomes fair game. And too **** right. :D
In my state, smoking became banned when I was in elementary school.
I still remember when they had smoking and non-smoking sections of restaurants.

I don't think you can smoke in any buildings now except your own home. I guess that's a good thing. I don't smoke anymore, but I used to only prefer smoking outside anyway. I think it's a smart idea. I hate it when people smoke in the same car as their children, though. I feel bad for the child because I know how dangerous second-hand smoke could be.
**** yes.

You choose to smoke cigarettes.
The residue of this pleasure of yours is smoke.
It gets in my hair, on my clothes and in my lungs without my consent.
I take pleasure in having a beer now and then.
The residue of my pleasure is urine.
Would you like it if I pissed all over you without your consent?
Didn't think so.

There's a resident at my work who tries to smoke inside.
Every time I catch him I take his pack of smokes and toss it in one of the big sinks full of dish water.
Stupid ****er should have learned by now to at least take it outside considering it's the **** law.
People don't need their choice to not smoke dampened by the fact that some inconsiderate **** holes like to spew their **** everywhere completely undermining that choice.

You wanna kill yourself with those cancer sticks?
Cool, but there's much faster ways that don't harm everyone around you.
Just curious because I don't know any of you lot, but has anyone ever smoked? Have you smoked weed or some such ****? Has giving up smoking been extremely difficult?
As a smoker, I am obviously more towards no ban.
I'm all for banning smoking in public places, but I think there should be designating places to smoke for smokers, if you ban them all completely, smoking in public isn't going to stop.
To actually prevent some one from smoking in public isn't right, even though it may not be fair on non-smokers.
If there were places around that people can smoke, they should use them.
Like at my work, we have to go out the way from the public, and it's a four minute walk.
If we were to smoke right at the entrance of our store, we'd get a disciplinary.
But smoking in places like a city center is different, because people don't think about what they are doing really.
If you need a cigarette, you need a cigarette.
The only place I wouldn't smoke is if there children around.

It's like saying.. banning colds in places.. If some one has a cold or illness and they spread it around, they can't help it.
Just the same for smokers really. We don't want to be full of other people's germs when they cough or what not. Same principle.
^^Here, there's ARE places you don't allow sick people.
Any sort of facility for children,elderly or other vulnerable persons will turn people away if they have even a cough or cold.(Other than the ER/walk in obviously, but even most day clinics in hospitals now will make you rebook your appointment if you're sick)
Sure, smoke in your own home, and have smoking areas WELL away from the public where the fumes and the smoke can't bother us, but if you're around people and pull out a smoke and it's not a designated smoking area, don't be surprised if a non-smoker grabs it from you and crushes it.
I certainly do because my choice is not to smoke, breathing in your filthy leftovers pretty well cancels that out.
[MENTION=15]Sarah[/MENTION] I'm glad you spoke up, because I only smoke when stressed and being stressed during exam times is when I go outside to a -smoking designated area- meaning in my palce, off the college campus. As you commented 'If you need a cigarette, you need a cigarette.' Indeed, but I've never been addicted by tobacco, but always found a smoke comforting. Sadly it seems at least on this thread a zero tolerance towards the likes of us and Mum, but I wouldn't mind betting that a couple of members have smoked, yet, show no empathy whatsoever. but then, this is the internet... XD
I am empathic with smokers and I, myself, smoke. My mere point with the thread is to define the serious problem that lies in smoking without irresponsible. Unfortunately, many do smoke very irresponsibly and out in public among children. I personally think being addicted to tobacco is very weak, but since LOADS of people have an addiction, I understand loads of people are weak - which is why you can't really blame them.

It's like saying.. banning colds in places.. If some one has a cold or illness and they spread it around, they can't help it.
Invalid argument. Smoking is generally accepted in public but running around with an illness is not tolerated as a standard. I simply want smoking to be looked down at and not accepted as widely as today. Smoking while grabbing a bear with a friend among many other smokers does no real harm and has nothing to do with irresponsibility but smoking in a park full of children just because you are addicted, does harm to society.

If some one has a cold or illness and they spread it around, they can't help it
By comparing smoking to this, you say that smoking is an illness that you cannot help? What kind of bullshit is that haha.
I am empathic with smokers and I, myself, smoke. My mere point with the thread is to define the serious problem that lies in smoking without irresponsible. Unfortunately, many do smoke very irresponsibly and out in public among children. I personally think being addicted to tobacco is very weak, but since LOADS of people have an addiction, I understand loads of people are weak - which is why you can't really blame them.

Invalid argument. Smoking is generally accepted in public but running around with an illness is not tolerated as a standard. I simply want smoking to be looked down at and not accepted as widely as today. Smoking while grabbing a bear with a friend among many other smokers does no real harm and has nothing to do with irresponsibility but smoking in a park full of children just because you are addicted, does harm to society.

By comparing smoking to this, you say that smoking is an illness that you cannot help? What kind of bullshit is that haha.

I wasn't comparing it to smoking I'm just giving an example where other stuff is the same in smoking in some ways.
And personally, I may sound stupid, but yes, I do think smoking is an illness, because it's addictive and yes it is a disgusting habbit, and obviously it is voluntarily.
I've tried many times to quit smoking and it always fails, because it is addictive and I can not help it.
But I personally will not smoke around other people, because I don't believe I should pass on the fumes to other people.
even as a smoker i feel this isn't too bad of an idea; though i do think there should be smoking areas in places where children and such wouldn't be near

i feel like all the crap that comes with second hand smoke shouldn't be something non-smokers should deal with. us smokers chose to smoke, and even though quitting is hard there are a lot of alternatives and aides to quit. those who don't smoke shouldn't have to deal with the stink and disease that's associated with smoking.

i dunno, i've been smoking for years and i've always managed to only smoke at home or on the smoking areas on campus or in clubs. quitting's always been fairly easy for me too, so i'm not sure just how good my word is on a lot of this, haha.