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So how does this holiday thing really work?

I don't think you're over reacting it's nice to have a "game plan" in advanced ie...what time who's bringing what. What do I need to bring etc...etc...

It sounds like they just expect the info to trickle down to you...which although is kind of rude...if it's how it is done in that family and everyone is accustomed to it I'd say don't take offence.... just call a week in advanced yourself and inquire the details for your peace of mind!

Have you asked your sis why she acts like that?

It is not easy to have a conversation with her. The rest of us(my family) is really close. She is very jealous of my kids. But she has always been like this. It makes me sad. I go from pissed to sad. Now I have let it go.
I have Thanksgiving every year and my Sister expects a "formal"invitation. Every year. She comes even though she HATES all of us, makes us feel like crap, upsets my Parents, announces she will NEVER attend another family function again and leaves. She doesn't talk to anyone until 2 weeks after Christmas and then expects all of us to go to my parent's for "Christmas in the middle of January". Oh yeah this is the best part... She emails a detailed list to Mom listing all the presents her and her husband expect!! Makes me crazy!! If she does this again I am tossing her a** out of my house and telling her never again. My kids can't stand her. My DH barely tolerates her and I feel guilty because she is my Sister. Well no more. I am done with that miserable B***ch!!
:huggy: You & your folks have my sympathies. I hope your family doesn't give in to her demanding crap, that behavior should never be tolerated, even from the mentally ill.
:huggy: You & your folks have my sympathies. I hope your family doesn't give in to her demanding crap, that behavior should never be tolerated, even from the mentally ill.

Yeah it really hurts my Parent's. We are all vowing to stand up to her this year. Holiday's are for Family and for the Children. Thanks.
Yeah it really hurts my Parent's. We are all vowing to stand up to her this year. Holiday's are for Family and for the Children. Thanks.

Well, I hate to say it but get ready for the battle of your life... if you have all allowed her to act this way for years... and now plan on standing up to her... it's gonna be on like donkey kong...

you need backup?
It is not easy to have a conversation with her. The rest of us(my family) is really close. She is very jealous of my kids. But she has always been like this. It makes me sad. I go from pissed to sad. Now I have let it go.

Jealous of your kids?! She's their Aunt! Does she want kids and not able to have them?
I think jealousy is one of the most difficult traits to tolerate in an adult.

My family has always been weird... there is money situations that have divided us for as long as I can remember...for generations. Thanksgiving was my mom favorite holiday. Everyone played nice for 1 day for her...such a great person. Didn't really celebrate any other holiday...she LOVED thanksgiving like a fat kid loves cookies.

Now there has been a death in the family...and all are coming "home" for the services. This could be very Jerry Springerish...think I'll keep bail money in the house.

My family has always been weird... there is money situations that have divided us for as long as I can remember...for generations. Thanksgiving was my mom favorite holiday. Everyone played nice for 1 day for her...such a great person. Didn't really celebrate any other holiday...she LOVED thanksgiving like a fat kid loves cookies.

Now there has been a death in the family...and all are coming "home" for the services. This could be very Jerry Springerish...think I'll keep bail money in the house.

Details thanks! AND :41:

My family has always been weird... there is money situations that have divided us for as long as I can remember...for generations. Thanksgiving was my mom favorite holiday. Everyone played nice for 1 day for her...such a great person. Didn't really celebrate any other holiday...she LOVED thanksgiving like a fat kid loves cookies.

Now there has been a death in the family...and all are coming "home" for the services. This could be very Jerry Springerish...think I'll keep bail money in the house.
As long as it is not Mauryish...you ARE the father!!!!

All kidding aside, I hope you have a good, drama free Thankgiving and funeral service.
Well, I hate to say it but get ready for the battle of your life... if you have all allowed her to act this way for years... and now plan on standing up to her... it's gonna be on like donkey kong...

you need backup?

I hope I don't need backup! I have 2 very young kids, I don't want them to see me flip out on her. I think my DH will hold me back. He says "it is what it is and she will never change". He's right. I hate that when it happens.
Jealous of your kids?! She's their Aunt! Does she want kids and not able to have them?

They don't have children. They do not want them. Told everyone at the wedding this. They have great jobs, nice house, cars, clothes, jewelry, and travel around the world. No place for children in their lives. Probably better that way.

My children do not call the Aunt Blah Blah and Uncle Blah Blah. They really do not know them. Especially the younger one. They did not come to my Children's BDay parties last year. No call, card, gifts... nothing. See why I have had to let it go. After this for months I would mantra "Let God.. Let go". The anger was eating me alive.

We have friends who are Auntie and Uncle.
Uhhh I think your way wrong... if they "don't want" kids.. she wouldn't be so jealous... I think HE doesn't want kids.. and maybe she just goes along to get along... KWIM??
Uhhh I think your way wrong... if they "don't want" kids.. she wouldn't be so jealous... I think HE doesn't want kids.. and maybe she just goes along to get along... KWIM??
Nope it is all her. He has interacted more with my kids than her. Everyone in my family thinks that he WANTS kids, she would never allow this. Trust me she is not the Maternal type. When her friends have kids...poof no more friendship. She just doesn't like kids, she never has.
Details thanks! AND :41:

My cousins husband passed away after long illness. Her Dad (my uncle) is coming up from Alabama and bringing his "woman friend"

Simple right? Wrong!

There has always been a big mystery about did my uncle really marry my aunt. They were very young and elpoed...but no one has ever seen a marriage licence, and they will tell no one where they got "married" (their kids have searched and searched)

Right after they "married" they moved out of state and started popping out kids. 30 years later my aunt leaves my uncle. For the last 15 years she has lived in illinois and had many a boyfriend. He has lived in Alabama with several girlfriends.

There never was a divorce and we don't know if there ever was a marriage. Weird huh?

The kicker when the whole family gets together it's like one big happy family...no one ever talks about it out loud (just constantly behind backs/closed doors)

Not sure what the "woman friend" is going to do during family stuff...the last one stayed at the hotel
They don't have children. They do not want them. Told everyone at the wedding this. They have great jobs, nice house, cars, clothes, jewelry, and travel around the world. No place for children in their lives. Probably better that way.

My children do not call the Aunt Blah Blah and Uncle Blah Blah. They really do not know them. Especially the younger one. They did not come to my Children's BDay parties last year. No call, card, gifts... nothing. See why I have had to let it go. After this for months I would mantra "Let God.. Let go". The anger was eating me alive.

We have friends who are Auntie and Uncle.

It doesn't really sound like she's jealous to me, but that maybe she just doesn't like kids.
Ever see Home for the Holidays? That's my family, except for the part of the gay brother. That would actually be funner. :lol: Another reason why me and my siblings all can't be together in one place, nevermind for a sit down dinner.