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so what are you thinking right now?

My feet are cold and some storm windows better be going up in the sun porch today.

I have a to do list a mile long, don't wanna, still in my jammies watching TV and sipping a latte.
Jonny comes home and wants to go immediately outside and dig in the dirt. Hello to you too, Kid LOL

Thats ok, I get unlimited nighttime snuggles still :)
grrr pissed off at DH right now, going out to do some xmas shopping ...grrr
About to head out to the mall for Round 2 of trick or treating. Thursday night was Round 1 at the local high school. And Round 3 will be Halloween night around our neighborhood. Something tells me we'll have a little too much candy around the house in the next few days and that's very bad for me if there are Kit Kats and PB cups involved.
Getting ready to carve some pumpkins. Not my favorite thing but the kids enjoy it.
DH just left with the teens.
Taking them to the haunted woods put on by the local boy scouts.
Apparently they chase you through the woods with chainsaws running. (chains have been removed of course)

Now, this would not be funny, except for the fact that last night, the same two teenagers watched a bad movie where people were being cut up with chainsaws and eaten. Needless to say they did not sleep well, and slept with the light on.

I think they'll have the lights on once again tonight. :snicker:
Getting ready to carve some pumpkins. Not my favorite thing but the kids enjoy it.

"We" did that last weekend. By "we" I mean DH, neighbor peeps and my boys. I sat and watched. I hate, hate, hate carving punkins.
We carved pumpkins a couple days ago. I think my hand/arm is still sore from trying to saw thru those darn pumpkins while not cutting myself or one of the kids because their faces had to be right there while the big knife was out.
DHs pms is apparently still hanging around.
And I'm just tickled ****in pink. :surrender:
Halloween is now known as "The Night of the Living Stuper."

I'm sure that everyone who has kids away at college are behaving :roll:
We carved pumpkins a couple days ago. I think my hand/arm is still sore from trying to saw thru those darn pumpkins while not cutting myself or one of the kids because their faces had to be right there while the big knife was out.
Seriously, that's what I used the last few years I carved. Works like a charm :)
Seriously? Is that what people use? Because the kitchen knives that we use are sharp but what a pain to cut out the faces and they are not pretty.

Yup DH and neighbor guy get out the power tools. The kids draw what they want on the punkins and scoop the goop out then the guys cut them out with power tools (didn't pay attention which tools they used).

Oh and I'm thinkin' it's after 8am...........where the hell is my paper?! :tap:
One mans toilet, is another dogs drinking fountain.