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Speaking about Sound Choice......

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jokerswild said:

Please remove you giant add you are taking up space. Do you go by Gorgeous George he's a karaoke guy and looks alot like your picture,


Thanks for deleting my tirade earlier, why don't you go back to your own blog?

You know the worst people you deal with in life are reformed something. Like people that smoked for 20 years then finally quit give you more grief about smoking than people who never did. Now people who were running loaded hard drives boast their KIAA logo. Go figure
DZnutZ said:
Please remove you giant add you are taking up space. Do you go by Gorgeous George he's a karaoke guy and looks alot like your picture,


Thanks for deleting my tirade earlier, why don't you go back to your own blog?

You know the worst people you deal with in life are reformed something. Like people that smoked for 20 years then finally quit give you more grief about smoking than people who never did. Now people who were running loaded hard drives boast their KIAA logo. Go figure

Dude . . . :sqeek: You need to chill a bit. I read your posts and I keep flashing on this image . . .
Clubs pay for karaoke to produce revenue, period. Whether you play 60 karaoke songs or have 60 strippers on the dance floor it doesn't matter. I consider myself to be the best at what I do (most DJs are a bit ****y anyway) and I have worked my **** off to get as good as I am. I have paid my dues studied the art, and try not to take Karaoke too seriously. I DJ as often as I can and stay sharp with beat matching, scratching and timing. I use a Serato TTM 57SL Mixer Scratch Live and a pair of Pioneer CDJ400’s, I spend more time focusing on that than karaoke. Most of my friends joke about karaoke and the fact is that Karaoke is often lame but it can be fun, not because you are now so drunk you won’t remember breaking the microphone and screaming all the words to Don’t Stop Believing. That is the part that takes away from the fun for me anyway, or you are a person who shouldn’t even sing in the shower but you insist on howling in front of 150 people while they cringe, not once but every rotation. Most people who have borrowed music from another person eventually buy the original, this is your business and if you want to keep it you work it that way. You put locks on your doors to keep honest people out. Honest KJs back up what’s on their drives.
DZnutZ said:
Please remove you giant add you are taking up space. Do you go by Gorgeous George he's a karaoke guy and looks alot like your picture,


Thanks for deleting my tirade earlier, why don't you go back to your own blog?

You know the worst people you deal with in life are reformed something. Like people that smoked for 20 years then finally quit give you more grief about smoking than people who never did. Now people who were running loaded hard drives boast their KIAA logo. Go figure

I have no idea who this Gorgeous George guy is but, you need to chill out a touch.

As for the KIAA logo I fly it because I am a proud member of the KIAA and have a legal hard drive no boasting about it... I mean who would brag about their huge 8000 song catalogue anyway?

Since you brought it up... we just ask that folks that post here do not post personal attacks on any members or even on non-posting members such as you did, which is why your post was deleted... it wasn't personal, just housekeeping.
No problem I guess I am just so pissed about being named in the SC dragnet. They could have called me and asked if they could see my collection, but instead they have slandered me and caused me to lose income that pays to feed my kids, they had no right to do that.
DZnutZ said:
No problem I guess I am just so pissed about being named in the SC dragnet. They could have called me and asked if they could see my collection, but instead they have slandered me and caused me to lose income that pays to feed my kids, they had no right to do that.

Since you are legit, and I have no reason to think otherwise, I'd be miffed too.

I also know that while the shotgun scatter shot is going to catch unsuspecting honest KJ's I know that for the greater good of karaoke the criminals will get the brunt of it.

I'm sure you'll come out just fine.... keep the faith and keep a rockin'
Mantis1 said:

I think the pauses at the end of the pioneer "at this moment" are way too long.

"Just a Gigolo" is shorter than the orig.

But they both sound great!!

One of these days I'm gonna put some of these Pioneer LD tunes on my pc.


Um...Sunfly has the only version of "Night Has A Thousand Eyes" that I could find.....

Rob, I can never accept hurting innocent people to get to the guilty, and that's not the way our system is supposed to work here in the U.S.

If someone raped your sister, and you were "pretty sure" it was someone within a block, should all males in that 1 block radius have their lives ruined? Yes, in your heart you might be mad enough to say screw it- but would it be RIGHT?

And that's just if you're "pretty sure". Again, if SC took the time to do the ethical thing, and INVESTIGATE at ALL, then the splatter would be minimized. What no one seems to get is that they just DON'T CARE. THIS is what's so very wrong. The splatter just isn't neccesary.
DZnutZ said:
No problem I guess I am just so pissed about being named in the SC dragnet. They could have called me and asked if they could see my collection, but instead they have slandered me and caused me to lose income that pays to feed my kids, they had no right to do that.

Have you called or written to them offering them a look at your library?

Did you lose a gig because they filed against you?
I won $500.00 singing that song !

Love it !

That's the way it should be done!
JoeChartreuse said:
Rob, I can never accept hurting innocent people to get to the guilty, and that's not the way our system is supposed to work here in the U.S.

If someone raped your sister, and you were "pretty sure" it was someone within a block, should all males in that 1 block radius have their lives ruined? Yes, in your heart you might be mad enough to say screw it- but would it be RIGHT?


First off in the situation you put forward it has been done in our Justice system many times over (Just ask the Duke Lacrosse players!) it was also done in Charlottesville VA when they were looking for the UVA rapist!

However, every male wasn't "checked and none of them had their lives ruined (with the exception of some of the Duke players).

1. Everyone wouldn't be checked only males in the reasonable age range of the attacker. In the case of the UVA rapist it was known that he was a black man. So they were not looking for some 60 year old white guy as a suspect. (just like Sound Choice isn't looking for disc based KJs)!

2. If someone in the area fits the general description of the rapist then the police could consider them a suspect and question them as to their whereabouts at the time of the rape. Now the suspect could tell them to "go to hell, do your Job", and remain on the suspect list or he could cooporate and tell them "I was with Sally that night", the police would check his story and that would be the end of it as far as he was concerned and they would move on to other suspects!

The same would apply with the Sound Choice situation!
Thunder said:
However, every male wasn't "checked and none of them had their lives ruined (with the exception of some of the Duke players).
Well, isn't that a contradiction?
Either no lives were ruined or there were some that were. Which is it?
Apparently there WERE lives ruined!
Not acceptable!
As for you comparison, it just doesn't work you are comparing a criminal case where lives were in danger with civil case were no lives are at stake.
It's imperative that the criminal be caught before he harms or perhaps even kills someone.
In the civil case, it's reasonable to assume that no one will be physically harmed and/or killed.
It's apples and oranges.
Diafel said:
Well, isn't that a contradiction?
Either no lives were ruined or there were some that were. Which is it?
Apparently there WERE lives ruined!
Not acceptable!
As for you comparison, it just doesn't work you are comparing a criminal case where lives were in danger with civil case were no lives are at stake.
It's imperative that the criminal be caught before he harms or perhaps even kills someone.
In the civil case, it's reasonable to assume that no one will be physically harmed and/or killed.
It's apples and oranges.

Well you may be right (on the fact that I may be wrong) perhaps none of the Duke players lives were ruined since the lawsuits are still on going there!
Thunder said:
Have you called or written to them offering them a look at your library?

Did you lose a gig because they filed against you?

Steve, he said BOTH.
" They could have called me and asked if they could see my collection, but instead they have slandered me and caused me to lose income that pays to feed my kids..."

In another post he said he offered to drive an investigator to see his discs as well.

He offered, they refused. He also said he's lost work. As far as I can see, he has terrific grounds for a large suit. If he finds a good contingincy lawyer, he has it covered...
Thunder said:

First off in the situation you put forward it has been done in our Justice system many times over (Just ask the Duke Lacrosse players!) it was also done in Charlottesville VA when they were looking for the UVA rapist!

First, I that that this isn't the way our U.S. system is SUPPOSED to work, not that it was they way it did.

Second, none of the above answered my question: Would it be RIGHT to ruin the lives of all males within the square block - or even those who might be within certain parameter? maybe 6 out of a hundred? Should SIX be RUINED for the sake of ONE'S wrongdoing? Just so you know, the answer of an ethical person is no. 5 of the six did NOTHING WRONG. Therefore, there is no reason to ruin there lives..

However, if SC was doing the "investigation", all one hundred would be ruined, because they would not bother taking the time to check the facts. that means 99 innocent people out of the hundred would be ruined to find one.

Sorry, but there is no ethical excuse for the laziness, stupidity, and inhumanity of that- period.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this subject.

If interviewing 30 guys about a rape to catch one rapist and take him off the street damages the reputation of 29 of them then I am sorry. But protecting one more female from a rapist to me would be worth it, even if I were one of the 29!
Thunder said:

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this subject.

If interviewing 30 guys about a rape to catch one rapist and take him off the street damages the reputation of 29 of them then I am sorry. But protecting one more female from a rapist to me would be worth it, even if I were one of the 29!
I lean towards Joe's way of thinking, but even so, you are, again, comparing apples to oranges.
No one's physical safety is at risk here.
Totally NOT the same thing and NOT comparable!
I thought this is how it is supposed to work "It Is Better To Let 100 Guilty Men Go Free As To Punish One Man That Is Innocent"
Doug said:
I thought this is how it is supposed to work "It Is Better To Let 100 Guilty Men Go Free As To Punish One Man That Is Innocent"

Doug I agree with you! That's exactly how it is supposed to work, and is exactly how it worked at both Duke and UVA!

That is what the courts are for, thy decide who is innocent and who is guilty!
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