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SuperJill on Nightline tonight(3/25)!

Evidence of this board's <butt> kicking skills


Particularly post #66 where a_s_b looks up her photos and personal information. I'd say we kick it as well as anyone out there.

Not that we want to. We love to tell each other how awesome we are. Because we are. :) Hope you can make yourself at home here :)
What board doesn't allow it? Would be one ****ed up board. Who would be willing to join and participate at a board that disallows you to be a member ANYWHERE else? and how the hell would anyone KNOW that anyway?!?!

I am a member at AFC, FW, B$, (maybe SD...not sure), RS, WUC...I am not a newbie but CLEARLY allowed. I forgot DAGG/F.com course, most DO forget them.

You know Barb, there are boards out there that like to pretend they're the only board around. :snicker:
watch out...some members get really upset by the phrase "big girl panties" :lol::lol::lol:

And I wouldn't underestimate our ability to kick ****....how do you know how much better or worse we are than someone else in that skill?! How does one judge that exactly?

:lol: OMG i was gonna say something along those lines. LOL CW has SKILLS BABY SKILLS at verbal **** kicking.
I just watched it. Jill: you looked great. You looked so NORMAL. Thank you!

Nate, on the other hand, regardless of what he may have donated later, looked like some kind of Rainman/autistic guy (especially the part about his math talents). He sorta scares me.

that was abit ignorant. sorry but comparing someone to autism is rude. I have a child in the spectrum. using AUTISM as an insult is freaking IGNORANT TOO MIGHT I ADD

I have to agree here. I have a special needs child too - she is not on the specturm, but has special needs and I take offense to your comparison of him to Rainman. Sometimes we need to take a step back and remember that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Parents of special needs kids are sensitive to things like this, there are quite a few of us on this board.
I have to agree here. I have a special needs child too - she is not on the specturm, but has special needs and I take offense to your comparison of him to Rainman. Sometimes we need to take a step back and remember that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Parents of special needs kids are sensitive to things like this, there are quite a few of us on this board.

thank you. i was wondering if I was being a bit oversensative. but i found it to be very very rude for someone to make that type of comparision.
thank you. i was wondering if I was being a bit oversensative. but i found it to be very very rude for someone to make that type of comparision.

Not oversensitive at all, just being a Mom who loves and protects her children.:)
It seams he had alot of time to prep - I have trouble believing he is that well organized - all the time - and just so happened he waited to donate until after - but it is a shame that they didn't show that because it would have helped the perception of couponers as a whole - people think you are reselling or CRAZY or a hoarder if you stockpile 300 cans of Hormel chili (that is what I saw) - no way one could ever use them before expiration -

And what was sadly really missed is that all the coupon haters really believe you are buying all this and reselling it - it is really why I believe that most nasty cashiers are not helpful. Anyway Jill really did alot more to help the understanding of why people coupon and how helpful it can become - While Mr Coupon was impressive he just looks like he is going to open a store.

Great Job Jill on such short notice! I also wonder if he really bought all that on one receipt or if he broke it up - God knows you could have gotten 3 or 4 times that if you did that.

Yes, we don't want the world to think we are hoarders. But secretly we are a little bit aren't we? I'm stocking up in case I lose my job, it only makes sense. At the same time I donate to my mom, she's on disability and only gets $16 from the state for food. It's hard for everyone. Those cashiers have got to be crazy if they think we are reselling! It's time consuming enough to get the stuff this cheap!
I thought you looked hot.

I'm still hoping for nekkid pics!

You know, back when I used to do the radio segment for Johnny, he swore up and down that if my coupon DVD was not successful, all I'd have to do is re-shoot it wearing lingerie, "and THEN you'd have a hit!" ha.
You know, back when I used to do the radio segment for Johnny, he swore up and down that if my coupon DVD was not successful, all I'd have to do is re-shoot it wearing lingerie, "and THEN you'd have a hit!" ha.

I found out I was doing that segment with less than 24 hours' notice (the original shopper they asked was a Wal-Mart shopper in Alabama, which would have been really interesting to see) so I was more focused on putting together a good trip that visited almost every department in the store and again, would look balanced and "normal" on TV - AND get cut by at least half with coupons.

It would be nice if one of these segments would actually do a comparison piece on bargain shopping at Walmart vs. a grocery store with cat deals. It might help people realize that Walmart isn't the best (or cheapest) option after all.
It would be nice if one of these segments would actually do a comparison piece on bargain shopping at Walmart vs. a grocery store with cat deals. It might help people realize that Walmart isn't the best (or cheapest) option after all.

YUPPER!! I think that is a GREAT idea. doubt they will ever do it though since Walmart is like the GOD of retail. what newscaster is gonna risk thier wrath?
LOL yeah that was a WHOOOPSIE. but they are working on it. it keeps coming back up, its also under DOS attack as well from a hating competitor site

**sorry it was an ATTEMPTED attack that did not succeeed from the griping i have read**

Servers crash because they can't handle the load of way too many users. To say someone is attacking is incorrect. When you go on national tv, to plug your website, you should upgrade to a larger server to be able to handle all the new traffic coming your way.
Servers crash because they can't handle the load of way too many users. To say someone is attacking is incorrect. When you go on national tv, to plug your website, you should upgrade to a larger server to be able to handle all the new traffic coming your way.

yes, the server went down due to overload many times. doesnt change that there has been a DOS attack PROVEN against that site and that it was being at the very least DISCUSSED on other sites to attempt it again.
yes, the server went down due to overload many times. doesnt change that there has been a DOS attack PROVEN against that site and that it was being at the very least DISCUSSED on other sites to attempt it again.

Okay, but if it is proven then where is the proof?
Okay, but if it is proven then where is the proof?

I dont OWN WUC. but the proof was posted back during the last DOS attack so that we could see for ourselves. I saw, read, and saw the posts on the attacking site CROWING about them committing the DOS attack. I mean, its just my word i guess. *shrug*