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The 411 on origin of SC letters of intent



Doing a little research I've discovered the scheme employed by SC is a recent and now fairly widespread practice. There are numerous companies and law firms who specialize in this legal (although ethically challenged) practice of intimidating people with little understanding of legal due process.

These copyright "legal teams" at the very large firms tend to be comprised of college students and novice law students with an interest in intellectual property law. They are hired through work study programs and internships paying on average $15 /hr. You can find these job postings in the campus work study offices and sometimes online.

The procedure as prescribed includes the following recommendations. Letters that presume the guilt of the recipient, carefully crafted and to include a demand for payment as settlement of a predetermined amount including unspecified "damages" for the alleged infringement.

The "settlement" amounts are specifically set to be low enough that the recipient will be unable to hire a competent attorney. The settlement amount should be set such that it quickly appears "generous" when compared to the hourly fees of the competent expert legal counsel required to reply or defend.

Letters should contain a "deadline" for reply in order to accelerate the sense of urgency and evoke a more immediate emotional response while minimizing the window in which the recipient may obtain relevent public counsel or advice.

The "settlement" or complaint is often presented as a bill or "debt" that must be paid and subsequent phone and written communications address it from that perspective. It deflects attention away from the yet unsubstantiated "complaint" - and on to the perception of this as the collection of a debt already owed.

The entire scheme is designed to elicit a quick financial response through advantage of the recipients anxiety and lack of adequate knowledge of the legal process.

Few cases actually go to court, save for the opportunity for summary judgement against recipients unlikley to contest a case. The statutory damages often cited in the letters tend to be off base. Even in the event of a deafult judgement (meaning you did not contest a case) the plaintiff still has to substantiate these damages in separate heraing. Statutory damages are at the discretion of the court and are supposed to have a correlation to "actual damages." In practice, these amounts have often been less than plaintiff's were seeking.

In cases that do go to court - it is the attorneys who tend too make more money than the plaintiffs. Reasonable Legal fees granted to the prevailing party are actually a bigger concern to a defendant than the actual damage awards.
What an awesome practice!


So Pro, what hard evidence do you have that SC is using this practice utilizing law students & interns?

Don't you have something better to do like making sure your DJ business has the best possible bottom line than sit around a karaoke forum? :confusedpill:
Can't the mods do something about this guy. He's only here to stir things up.
How do the law firms target the defendant to start with?

That's easy, the phone book! :laughpill::laughpill::laughpill:

You guys have got to learn to put Bob on ignore so you can't even see the BS he post! He is so full of it, nothing he post is of any value or relevance to any of these discussions!

Once he has no response from anyone he will go away!
There was a scandal in Europe over "automated" copyright lawsuits that blanketed the country with intimidating letters in hopes that some would just pay. It was recently adopted by Indie Film makers in this country, according to one article, but was being condemned and possibly looked into. Does Pro have evidence that SC has adopted this same procedure? They havn't blanked the nation with letters to every single karaoke host hoping some settle have they?

I know there are some that will say that is exactly what they are doing as they KNOW they don't investigate. But unless these people were allowed to go on ride-alongs with the SC investigators, they really have no factual information about how the process is done. They are just stating their own feelings as fact. Those that do know the process aren't going to argue it here because they don't want to give it away so they have one hand tied behind their back on this one.

I think that Proformance's post is interesting and a development that we should all be aware is happening in our country. But I think that making the assumption that this is "the scheme employed by SC" without the facts to back it up is making too big a jump.

I can think of other reasons that SC might be asking for the smaller sums. One, they could have observed the backlash against the RIAA for ruining grandmas and didn't want that kind of publicity. Two, they probably knew that they weren't going to be able to collect a huge judgment out of a lowly pirate so they may as well go for something they could get. Three, they got in first and got paid for their songs before CB comes and puts these people out of business entirely with judgments they will never be able to collect.

I'm not saying they couldn't have observed this new "threatening letter" phenomena and said, "Now there's a plan." I wasn't in the boardroom. But neither was Proformance so he should probably be prefacing his posts with "I wonder if this is what SC is doing," rather than stating that he has the info on their scheme.
You guys have got to learn to put Bob on ignore so you can't even see the BS he post! He is so full of it, nothing he post is of any value or relevance to any of these discussions!
Everyone here has something of value to say, even you! Just because you don't agree with what he has to say doesn't mean it's of no value. Please grow up!

I think that Proformance's post is interesting and a development that we should all be aware is happening in our country. But I think that making the assumption that this is "the scheme employed by SC" without the facts to back it up is making too big a jump.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....
I can think of other reasons that SC might be asking for the smaller sums. One, they could have observed the backlash against the RIAA for ruining grandmas and didn't want that kind of publicity. Two, they probably knew that they weren't going to be able to collect a huge judgment out of a lowly pirate so they may as well go for something they could get. Three, they got in first and got paid for their songs before CB comes and puts these people out of business entirely with judgments they will never be able to collect.
Isn't this just repeating what Proformance has said? Seems to me, you've only validated what he pointed out.
I'm also with Joe, Better put, but I was right with Joe earlier on.
I just wish someone would actually REALLY challenge it.
That's easy, the phone book! :laughpill::laughpill::laughpill:

You guys have got to learn to put Bob on ignore so you can't even see the BS he post! He is so full of it, nothing he post is of any value or relevance to any of these discussions!

Once he has no response from anyone he will go away!

Thanks Thunder. What a great option. Have just put a couple of my "favorites" on the ignore list. Life (and these threads) will be so much better now. Why didn't I do this long ago.
Diafel, people can have whatever opinion they want. I just get tired of people posting their opinions as fact. I seriously do not know who will turn out to be correct on this but feel we won't know unless someone actually does follow through to court. But even then, if SC won, I could see people saying they only won because they could afford better lawyers or whatever. So maybe we will never know.

And seriously--what I said could help to validate what Proformance said. But it could also mean that they knew they weren't going to get 250,000/per song out of a low-life karaoke person. I don't know for a FACT why they made the decisions they did. Unless you are were in on the discussions in the boardroom, I don't think that you know for a fact, either.
Opinions are like rectums. Everybody has one, and most of 'em stink.
Everyone here has something of value to say, even you! Just because you don't agree with what he has to say doesn't mean it's of no value. Please grow up!

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....

Isn't this just repeating what Proformance has said? Seems to me, you've only validated what he pointed out.
I'm also with Joe, Better put, but I was right with Joe earlier on.
I just wish someone would actually REALLY challenge it.

Don't have to worry about growing up, that just makes you old!

Through out any of the dicussions of Karaoke in any content regardless of it being piracy, taking tips, books versus kiosh, even the size of font, Bob has done nothing but denigrate karaoke and those of us who do it for a living. His sole purpose of being here is to disrupt not to contribute, and that is the whole point of having him on ignore, so I don't see the trash he comes up with!

Now if he actually came up with something of substance (which I fully doubt) it is already tainted with what he has posted in the past. I am not interested in drinking from the well he has already poisoned just because someone else is fool enough to drink from it! Whatever he posted I can be satisfied in the knowledge that it was total BS inserted into this forum simply to cause disention or controversy amoung the actual working KJs here and nothing more!

He is not a KJ, although he may have tried his hand in it at one time and failed miserably, and now holds everything and everyone who does it in contempt......
How do the law firms target the defendant to start with?

From what I can tell, they go to a certain area, and use whatever is available to locate shows there ( Websites, Entertainment Mag Ads, etc..) as well as informers to FIND the shows.

If one were to assume that someone actually goes to the show ( I don't), then that person would wait for the SC logo to appear on the screen from a PC based source, use the PC generation ( rather than disc) as a basis (hook) for Trademark Infringement. They then send out letters of intent.

Unfortunately, they've acted erroneously enough times to throw doubt on the possibility that they actually "investigate" anything.
Don't have to worry about growing up, that just makes you old!

Through out any of the dicussions of Karaoke in any content regardless of it being piracy, taking tips, books versus kiosh, even the size of font, Bob has done nothing but denigrate karaoke and those of us who do it for a living. His sole purpose of being here is to disrupt not to contribute, and that is the whole point of having him on ignore, so I don't see the trash he comes up with!

Now if he actually came up with something of substance (which I fully doubt) it is already tainted with what he has posted in the past. I am not interested in drinking from the well he has already poisoned just because someone else is fool enough to drink from it! Whatever he posted I can be satisfied in the knowledge that it was total BS inserted into this forum simply to cause disention or controversy amoung the actual working KJs here and nothing more!

He is not a KJ, although he may have tried his hand in it at one time and failed miserably, and now holds everything and everyone who does it in contempt......

I'm actually the "halfway" guy this time.

I completely agree with Thunder that Bob gives the impression of having had his difficulties as a Karaoke Host, which may have embittered him a tweak.

ON THE OTHER HAND: Many of Bob's posts are of great substance and show sound business acumen. DEFINITELY a plus to the forum, once one gets past the emotional stuff reading his thoughts on karaoke in general.

Either way, our opinions carry no weight, as I haven't seen any TOS violations, and he's a good member in good standing.

Ignore him if you want, but I will continue to read and possibly learn from ( OR debate :rolleyespill: ) his posts.
You guys have got to learn to put Bob on ignore so you can't even see the BS he post! He is so full of it, nothing he post is of any value or relevance to any of these discussions!

Once he has no response from anyone he will go away!

Thanks Steve for the sound advice.

I have used it as well on some other squawking parrots. :laughpill:

Ah, the freedom!
how do you put someone on ignore? I have never felt the need to do so before.:nopill:
LOL. It's amazing how so many of you need to find a way to personalize everything. I can assure you I have no past "tragedy" with karaoke.

I reject the notion that one must be "struggling" to be an "artist" or that the "bitterness" you sense is anything but the taste of your own insecurity.

There is a line in a recent Disney movie where a blacksmith accuses a pirate of cheating. The pirate simply offers him a dumbfounded look that implies: Well, Duh! and exclaims "pirate!"

Why do so many of you expect something different?

Piracy lives largest among DJ/KJs with part time revenues between $16,000 - $24,000. This group is a huge and cheap supplier of services to small bars and that will not change even if every one of them buys a full new set of discs tomorrow.

Benefits will only accrue from your own initiative to choose a better arena for your karaoke offerings. Quit expecting things which are illogical. What SC does will ultimately be as fleeting as footprints in the sand.

Just aim higher.
how do you put someone on ignore? I have never felt the need to do so before.:nopill:

1. Click on the persons screen name.
2. Click on "View users profile"
3. Click on "Users List"
4. Click on "Add to Ignore List"
5. Click on "Yes"

And you are done with them!
Tee Hee....

I see Pro posted but I can't see it!

Thank the maker! :dancing_pill::yahlaugh:
ON THE OTHER HAND: Many of Bob's posts are of great substance and show sound business acumen. DEFINITELY a plus to the forum, once one gets past the emotional stuff reading his thoughts on karaoke in general.

And this is EXACTLY what I was getting at. Thanks for putting it much better than I could.