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The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots.

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

I was being ironic. Sorry about your DH.

Last week the administration stated the Church is excused from having to pay for the BC requirements through their employer-funded healthcare, such expenses will be covered by the insurance companies themselves.

Anyway, I don't know why anyone is still talking about this as a Church/state issue because the threat was removed last week already. Church wins, nothing to see here people...


Ok, that was kinda what I was saying too...thought the thread was about Rush being a butt, but when the BC thing came back up I wasn't sure if I just imagined the whole thing about the Catholic church not having to pay anymore...

And thanks DH is doing better, but he is doped up on Vicadin and Motrin right now.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

My first comment was in response to the conversation started by steve and mrsmom....you do know what santorum is, right? Google it.

no, I have no idea and i don't know how to use google
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

I was being ironic. Sorry about your DH.

Last week the administration stated the Church is excused from having to pay for the BC requirements through their employer-funded healthcare, such expenses will be covered by the insurance companies themselves.

Anyway, I don't know why anyone is still talking about this as a Church/state issue because the threat was removed last week already. Church wins, nothing to see here people...


Wrongoooo, the church was only excused from paying, not providing. The church is still very much on the hook and Obama will lose in the end. He and his administration think they can thumb these nose at the constitution, but they can't and he will lose his re-election bid because he is a power hungry law breaking nut.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Wrongoooo, the church was only excused from paying, not providing. The church is still very much on the hook and Obama will lose in the end. He and his administration think they can thumb these nose at the constitution, but they can't and he will lose his re-election bid because he is a power hungry law breaking nut.

Last time we talked about this I know that it was stated that the issue was paying, and that there was nothing saying the Catholic church had to provide it...so now they have to provide it too? when did that come about?
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

no, I have no idea and i don't know how to use google

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

So glad the Democratic Party is taking a stand against men who use derogatory language towards women......or maybe not

An Evening with Bill Maher

March 17, 2012 Chairman’s Reception at 7pm

Performance at 8pm

Come join Alabama Democrats at the Von Braun Center Concert Hall in Huntsville for an Evening with Bill Maher. 700 Monroe Street Southwest, Huntsville, AL 35801.

Tickets are $100 and include admission to the pre-event Chairman’s reception and prime seating at the performance.

Paid for by the Alabama Democratic Party. P.O. Box 950. Montgomery, AL 36101. (334) 262-2221. (800) 995-3386.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Oh THANK GOD!!! I was about to :hah:
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Last time we talked about this I know that it was stated that the issue was paying, and that there was nothing saying the Catholic church had to provide it...so now they have to provide it too? when did that come about?

They don't have to provide it MrsM, the insurance co will provide these services directly to the employees.

If the Church doesn't care for that option, they can just fire all the employees who show interest in the BC benefit.

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

So glad the Democratic Party is taking a stand against men who use derogatory language towards women......or maybe not
Back to Bill Maher again?....right wingers love spin and talking in circles.......I am no fan of Bill Maher and would never defend an ignorant comment of his.

Stephen Colbert on the other hand is the bees knees. He's also an awesome "orator" that speaks the truthiness....DVR his show once in a while--try laughing instead.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Difference is I'm on a tiny message board having a laugh at the far right's expense. They enjoy being appalled--I'm providing that service.

If you think your upsetting me, you can add delusional to your list of character flaws. I feel sorry for you because you really don't know what you think you do.

Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains. - Winston Churchill
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

I'm not 'all for' or 'all against' anyone, and I do consider myself Catholic (maybe not a 'good one') but why didn't religious organizations have a problem with almost the exact same mandate under Bush? I think it was in 2001-2002 when the courts ruled that religious organizations couldn't sexually discriminate and therefore had to cover bc. No stink was made then. I see, and agree, that the religious order does not have to believe in birth control (and I'm not trying to sound ignorant here) but I don't think that every Catholic person would need to follow the Catholic rules to a "T"...I mean if it really came down to it- not even all of the priests follow the rules to a "T"...(and I'm not only pointing in the molestation issues, it goes further than that) When I was 17, I needed to go on the pill because my ovarian cyst grew to the size of a grapefruit. Luckily it responded fast to the pill and I did not lose the ovary and am now the proud mother to 3 angels. Whether the church is 'for' or against' it- some things are supposed to be considered 'free will'. If the pill is taken away, wont that cause more abortions to be performed? (I, personally, am against abortion- but I dont believe in telling someone what they can and can't do with their body. not everyone else is Catholic or has the same beliefs as I do) Basically, I say if each person had their own choice- then that person is the one who will have to take it up with their God when their time on this earth is over.

I would like to add- I am in NO WAY trying to pick a fight about this. I think the more people talk about things RATIONALLY, the closer you can come to a solution. The whole dem. vs. rep. thing really confuses me too :dunce:...I never understood what the technical difference was. I would think that no matter what your belief was, you would want to coexist peacefully and try to make things better no matter which party you are representing.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

If you think your upsetting me, you can add delusional to your list of character flaws. I feel sorry for you because you really don't know what you think you do.

I'm not trying to upset anyone. If I am, bonus points for me--they can ignore me.

Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains. - Winston Churchill

When someone hands you a flyer, it's like they're saying here you throw this away. -Mitch Hedberg
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Back to Bill Maher again?....right wingers love spin and talking in circles.......I am no fan of Bill Maher and would never defend an ignorant comment of his.

Stephen Colbert on the other hand is the bees knees. He's also an awesome "orator" that speaks the truthiness....DVR his show once in a while--try laughing instead.

And what about the Elite National Media Dinner who is showcasing a vile comedian; Loious CK, twho said horrible things about Palin and her family. Wonder if Obama and others will take a stand and not attend.

The hypocrisy is beyond Maher.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

And what about the Elite National Media Dinner who is showcasing a vile comedian; Loious CK, twho said horrible things about Palin and her family. Wonder if Obama and others will take a stand and not attend.

The hypocrisy is beyond Maher.

Anne, the only way to see things from a libs point of view is to bend over and shove your head up your ****. :lol:

Oooo I just scared myself. I sounded a little like JRL. :fart: Yeah, those who disagree....get over it!
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

'kay...I 'Googled' the term Liberal (like I said, I dont understand the technical differences) and this is what I found...

"Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)[1] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and the free exercise of religion.[3][4][5][6][7]
Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment, rejecting several foundational assumptions that dominated most earlier theories of government, such as nobility, established religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The early liberal thinker John Locke, who is often credited for the creation of liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition, employed the concept of natural rights and the social contract to argue that the rule of law should replace absolutism in government, that rulers were subject to the consent of the governed, and that private individuals had a fundamental right to life, liberty, and property.
The revolutionaries in the American Revolution and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of tyrannical rule. The nineteenth century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe, Latin America, and North America. Liberal ideas spread even further in the twentieth century, when liberal democracies triumphed in two world wars and survived major ideological challenges from fascism and communism. Today, liberalism in its many forms remains as a political force to varying degrees of power and influence on all major continents.
A twenty-first century development is an emerging new liberalism that is centred on the concept of timeless freedom (ensuring the freedom of future generations through proactive action taken today).[8] This is an idea that has been endorsed by the President of Liberal International Hans van Baalen."

Liberty and equal rights sound nice to me....so does free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and the free exercise of religion.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Okay... please don't flame me. But here goes... I am not Catholic. I am, however raised Christian. The thing I don't understand is why does the Catholic Church care about Contraception? This is a real question, not sarcasm. I am not familiar with the Catholic traditions so I am totally confused on that one. (Any Catholics want to school me?) Also, if abortion is a big concern for Catholics, then wouldn't it make sense to promote contraception? More Contraception = less abortions ?