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The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots.

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

After the test.. I am 100 percent republican...
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

According to this, I would be a Democrat. But see, at the same time- I see pro's and con's in all parties. I believe we should help the less fortunate (charity= good in Catholic church eyes, no?) but at the same time I know there is abuse there. The pill? Thats not KILLING babies, just preventing. (I mean the nature taking its course and putting your health in Gods hands may not get you far if you have cancer. And those drugs to treat cancer also are changing natural course if you think about it really) Abortion? Not for it, and I do not believe people should be having multiple abortions, but who am I to tell the Athiest what to do with their bodies? Corporal punishment- to some degree I do support it because you have people like Dahmer and Gacy, but others I cant say because that system is flawed as well. Entitlement programs such as social security and issues such as FMLA, you bet your dupa I believe in those. Social Security was taken out of my check in the respect that it would be given back to me at retirement age. FMLA pays me for time off to the extent of how much vacation time I have and any time that exceeds is unpaid but excused leave. And when it comes to money, I do find most people who donate the most to church and other programs are people who understand what it's like to be in less fortunate circumstances. I'm broke as ****. When DH's hours were cut and we needed FMLA for some health issues between DS and I, we really struggled. I went to seek help but was turned away from everyone- so I know how that feels to need the help and not get it when I knew of numerous people who bragged on using it when they wouldn't have qualified had they not lied about things. *sigh* I guess in a perfect world we would all be able to come to some kind of compromise.

:snicker: Well I guess after 12-21-12 we won't have to worry about all this :snicker: (just kidding!! lol)

Thats right, lets go on a big shopping spree.... the world will end in a few months anyway... right?!?! :roll:
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

What do you mean?

I was asking from what Nanny had stated about republicans being for education. If you cant afford $3 grand a year (thats what my parents paid for me 14 years ago anyway) at a community college but dont qualify for any kind of financial aid cuz even tho they are 18 and 'technically an adult'- mom and dad made too much money in the previous 5 years. Is there help in being able to go to college to 'better oneself' if the person is not able to afford school at the time? (Luckily my parents were able to help me, but this is not everyones case)
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

**** it...I know I'm going to be sorry. And I honest to goodness am not being a Catholic basher but riddle me this batman.

The "rhythm method" is a method of birth control. You abstain during certain days of the month to prevent getting pregnant. That is an attempt to control whether or not you get pregnant. It is just not a "synthetic" means of doing it. The result is the same, i.e. not getting pregnant.

How is this different? If I take Avenue A, and you take Avenue B and we both end up on Avenue C, how we got there becomes irrelevant no? We are both in the same place (i.e. not pregnant).

Can anyone explain it to me I'm sure there is an explanation and I'm not about to Google it, Lord knows where that would lead me.

I think it has something to do with wasting a seed. :9:
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

**** it...I know I'm going to be sorry. And I honest to goodness am not being a Catholic basher but riddle me this batman.

The "rhythm method" is a method of birth control. You abstain during certain days of the month to prevent getting pregnant. That is an attempt to control whether or not you get pregnant. It is just not a "synthetic" means of doing it. The result is the same, i.e. not getting pregnant.

How is this different? If I take Avenue A, and you take Avenue B and we both end up on Avenue C, how we got there becomes irrelevant no? We are both in the same place (i.e. not pregnant).

Can anyone explain it to me I'm sure there is an explanation and I'm not about to Google it, Lord knows where that would lead me.

Chemical birth control (as opposed to the rhythm method--and barrier contraception for that matter) actually doesn't prevent conception (in some ways of looking at it) but rather prevents the fertilized egg from anchoring properly and thus from thriving. While I do not agree that this fertilized egg is a person, if you do believe so--such as is espoused by the various "personhood" amendments making the rounds--chemical birth control would logically be a form of proto-abortion and some form of murder. HTH
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

According to this, I would be a Democrat. But see, at the same time- I see pro's and con's in all parties. I believe we should help the less fortunate (charity= good in Catholic church eyes, no?) but at the same time I know there is abuse there. The pill? Thats not KILLING babies, just preventing. (I mean the nature taking its course and putting your health in Gods hands may not get you far if you have cancer. And those drugs to treat cancer also are changing natural course if you think about it really) Abortion? Not for it, and I do not believe people should be having multiple abortions, but who am I to tell the Athiest what to do with their bodies? Corporal punishment- to some degree I do support it because you have people like Dahmer and Gacy, but others I cant say because that system is flawed as well. Entitlement programs such as social security and issues such as FMLA, you bet your dupa I believe in those. Social Security was taken out of my check in the respect that it would be given back to me at retirement age. FMLA pays me for time off to the extent of how much vacation time I have and any time that exceeds is unpaid but excused leave. And when it comes to money, I do find most people who donate the most to church and other programs are people who understand what it's like to be in less fortunate circumstances. I'm broke as ****. When DH's hours were cut and we needed FMLA for some health issues between DS and I, we really struggled. I went to seek help but was turned away from everyone- so I know how that feels to need the help and not get it when I knew of numerous people who bragged on using it when they wouldn't have qualified had they not lied about things. *sigh* I guess in a perfect world we would all be able to come to some kind of compromise.

:snicker: Well I guess after 12-21-12 we won't have to worry about all this :snicker: (just kidding!! lol)

Well said,

And I'm an "other" according to this :lol:

The others are the ones who both parties fear because we won't just follow along like good little sheep, our morals and convictions are far less for convience sake.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Is that with insurance or without. I am honestly curious. I have had insurance for a long time and don't know what it is like to be without it.

I don't know if the $3000 figure that Ms Fluke used is accurate. She did say it was for the entire time of being in law school.

I guess from what I read at HHS website, condoms would probably have to be covered since they are FDA-approved contraception.

pharmasist says without insurance........by her math using 3 years of law school thqt wold be $83 a month
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

1. Do you believe a woman should have the right to choose to have an abortion?
Yes No Not sure
2. Do you believe that Global Warming is Natural and not caused by Human influence?
Yes No Not sure
3. Do you support Capital Punishment?
Yes No Not sure
4. Do you support increasing Gun Control from current levels?
Yes No Not sure
5. Do you believe the ACLU and “Affirmative Action†are racist or sexist?
Yes No Not sure
6. Do you think Taxes are too high and should be lowered?
Yes No Not sure
7. Do you believe that Social Programs like Wellfare are succeeding?
Yes No Not sure
8. Do you believe Homosexuals have a constitutional right to “Marryâ€.
Yes No Not sure
9. Do you believe the Federal Government should fund the arts?
Yes No Not sure
10. Do you believe public school teachers should be teaching 4th graders about sex?
Yes No Not sure
Just for fun, predict what your #1 result will be. Your prediction will not influence your results.
Predict Your ResultDemocratRepublicanOther
Finish the test :http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=demorepub

Not sure how they're figuring their percentages here but I was 100% Republican and 40% other. (I'm thinking gun control & capital punishment were the "other" parts.)
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

(Out of curiosity) Is the church against fertility treatments and fertility drugs for those who want to have kids but can't? Or is that considered going against what God had intended for the woman?
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

(Out of curiosity) Is the church against fertility treatments and fertility drugs for those who want to have kids but can't? Or is that considered going against what God had intended for the woman?

I believe the church says if you do anything with fertlized eggs (invetro) then you have to implant all eggs that took. Otherwise you would be killing a baby. Does that make sense?
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Not sure how they're figuring their percentages here but I was 100% Republican and 40% other. (I'm thinking gun control & capital punishment were the "other" parts.)

At least you were given the hope of possibly changing your vote... I was given 100 percent republican. Funny... I have voted all 3 at some point in my life... dem, rep and "green/other"
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

At least you were given the hope of possibly changing your vote... I was given 100 percent republican. Funny... I have voted all 3 at some point in my life... dem, rep and "green/other"

"If you're not Liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not Conservative when you're 35, you have no brain."

Have a great day everyone!
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

"If you're not Liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not Conservative when you're 35, you have no brain."

Have a great day everyone!

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Even if at this rate, these babies keep having more babies that rely on the welfare programs that so many are on already? I think its a double edged sword. Everyone wants to save the babies, but no one wants to support them if we hold true to those beliefs of not wanting to support the welfare system, no? I can see stricter guidelines, but not getting rid of welfare completely.

I never said get rid of welfare. I don't think conservatives want to get rid of it. It is wayyyyyyy abused by certain people/groups, etc. They lie to get it and live off of it. Why the hell do illegals get it? or any government services? food stamps? they do, but why? Kind of like the handicapped placard thing, anyone too fat to walk any long distance qualifies. I only weigh 110lbs. but have horrible knees, should I qualify? Those are not the real people in need. Real people in need can't do for themselves. Even if it was re-evaluated at some point they could probably kick 50% of the people off because it's fraud. I can't engage in the thinking that because we have babies that never get adopted that it's ok to do away with them with an abortion. No way. There are plenty of people who would love to raise these kids, it's the cost and red tape that gums it up. I have several friends who did adoptions in China because of the good old USA red tape and cost. It's wrong and very sad. It shouldn't be that hard.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

I never said get rid of welfare. I don't think conservatives want to get rid of it. It is wayyyyyyy abused by certain people/groups, etc. They lie to get it and live off of it. Why the hell do illegals get it? or any government services? food stamps? they do, but why? Kind of like the handicapped placard thing, anyone too fat to walk any long distance qualifies. I only weigh 110lbs. but have horrible knees, should I qualify? Those are not the real people in need. Real people in need can't do for themselves. Even if it was re-evaluated at some point they could probably kick 50% of the people off because it's fraud. I can't engage in the thinking that because we have babies that never get adopted that it's ok to do away with them with an abortion. No way. There are plenty of people who would love to raise these kids, it's the cost and red tape that gums it up. I have several friends who did adoptions in China because of the good old USA red tape and cost. It's wrong and very sad. It shouldn't be that hard.

speaking of food stamps and all that ...

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

I was asking from what Nanny had stated about republicans being for education. If you cant afford $3 grand a year (thats what my parents paid for me 14 years ago anyway) at a community college but dont qualify for any kind of financial aid cuz even tho they are 18 and 'technically an adult'- mom and dad made too much money in the previous 5 years. Is there help in being able to go to college to 'better oneself' if the person is not able to afford school at the time? (Luckily my parents were able to help me, but this is not everyones case)

When you are 18 and live at home with mom and dad, yes their income is in play as far as grants go until you are 21 or 22? Or if you don't live under their roof, you could qualify under FAFSA (federal pell grants) for as much as $5,500/yearly and MAPS (Ill State grant) $5000/yearly or so. If you live with them still at 22 you can apply and get the grants on your own and they don't count parents income or assets anymore. If you don't use all of the $$$ you get awarded on your education, they refund the money to you in cash....another scam in my book. Just sign up for $2500 worth of classes and cash out the other 2500 for downpayment on a car. This is what many, many are doing with the education money....sickening!
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

was just going to this....glad she got caught. The feeling of entitlement some people have is unbelievable!

:eek: Wow!!! I bet there is soooo much more fraud with food stamps.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

was just going to this....glad she got caught. The feeling of entitlement some people have is unbelievable!

cuz she has 2 houses and bills to pay ya know