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The Meaning of life


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So im sitting around my house as usal contelplating my misery. Theres alot to comtemplate i asure you. So here the question i have for you. Whats the meaning of life? And I will not accept 42 as an anwser.
There is no universal meaning to life its as simple as that. Everyone has their own desire in life whether it to be rich, famous, have a family or follow the path of whatever god they have faith in. I guess the meaning of your own life is different depending on your roots and what you were tought while young. When you take a step back and think about what life really is it makes you think, why am i here and going to school and working. It makes no sense when i could die at any moment, and what comes after death. Life is the pursuit to fill ones wants, its different for everyone of us...so whats life to you?
Wont accept 42 as a answer what about 42.5?
Just start thinking u haven't done enough in your life yet think that later when u have lots of money to spend :p
Eric20 said:
Wont accept 42 as a answer what about 42.5?
Just start thinking u haven't done enough in your life yet think that later when u have lots of money to spend :p
You obviously haven't read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Anyway, how about 41.999 repeating ;)

Meaning of life is to be the man's slave and to shag as many women as possible.
hmmm meaning of life. dont rightly know. video games ?? boobies?
its not shagging women....

meaning of life is whatever gets you out of your bed/couch/wherever you slept. Each persons meaning of life is what keeps them going each day, whether it be money, sex, friends, ect. cuz w/o that you aren't living.
NefariousGaz said:
its not shagging women....

meaning of life is whatever gets you out of your bed/couch/wherever you slept. Each persons meaning of life is what keeps them going each day, whether it be money, sex, friends, ect. cuz w/o that you aren't living.
What this man speaks are lies!
700_Level-EAGLES said:
What exactly in your life is so bad?

Look 700 nothing in my like is "so Bad" am i happy no... do i enjoy my life no, but its not terrible. I started this thread just to debate it im bored debating provides enjoyment for me. Personaly I feel that life its self has no purpose if i choose to belive in god (which i dont but thats a topic of another thread) then the purpose would be to prove weather or not you are worthy to go to heaven. However..... Since i dont that leaves a bit of a void. The way i see it Life is what ever you find that makes you happy and fills that void. Life is what gives you purpose. When you find your purpose then you have the meaning of life. If your purpose is to deliver pizzas all day long and your happy then thats your meaning of life. If its to have sex with as many girls as possible the hey lucky you i mean my god im 19 and still havent kissed a girl (and no im not a **** just have bad luck me being a social exile and all im a bit behind with my skills) but As i have found sitting in the dark crying many a night (once again i have problems with depression) Life is what you make of it. Yes i can sit here and say that but really i still belive that you have to come to that conclution your self. I have heard it before and it just didnt sink in. Once i stoped eating lost 10 pounds and became very sucidal things start to fall into prospective. Im not a happy person but i can at least say im content. Contentness is my meaning of life and untill somthing changes my oppion its going to stay that way. Sorry for the long post but thats my 2 cents.
whoa, i agree with u anthrax about the whole god and what u find in life and stuff beacouse if there was a god why would the world be this way...?
To love serve and worship Him in this life and the next. You have to earn eternal bliss. That's why we exist.

And Exile, I appreciate the long post, I wasn't saying what I did to sound like a **** I really wanted to know what was up.
hmm i dunno bout life. i guess life is the meaning of living. u just live and do what u desire. sometimes i dont really understand life, like, why are we here. without life, us, where would we be or what would be doing or will we be doing anything at all... (wow that was totally confusing i have no idea what i just said haha)
um excuse me mrcodedude...you said "what this man speaks are lies" what YOU speak is a lie. i'm a woman thanku very much!

well said anthrax
The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life.

700_Level-EAGLES said:
To love serve and worship Him in this life and the next. You have to earn eternal bliss. That's why we exist.

And Exile, I appreciate the long post, I wasn't saying what I did to sound like a **** I really wanted to know what was up.

(For thoughes who are confused i also run under the name Exile)
Its cool man Im just a lonly, bitter, person not like its gonna change any time soon im just learing to be content with that but i addressed that earlyer in some sence. As for the eternal bliss and loving and serving him i dont buy it but its ur choice to belive just like its mine choice not to. Not to sound like and **** but how many no belivers do you see running around trying to convert people to no belivers... not as many as u see trying to make people belive, who are they trying to convince any ways? but enough of that i do NOT want this turning into a religion thread. were talking about the meaning of life here.

Thank you for the Compliment NefariousGaz i just have 2 questions for u 1. Are you hot? 2. Are you single? but serriously. Ur right wile i cant speak from experience im assuming sex isnt all its cracked up to be. Id be a very happy person for half and hour of cuddling with a girl who cares for me in front of a tv or watching music. Contentment and being with some one u love is what matters. I think Finding your place is the true meaning. When you have found ur place you are content.

if you are going to post at least try to think of somthing thats worth wile... not to be mean but reading ur post just made a few of my brain cells die. Try to at least contribute. Thanks yall
1. i really don't think i'm hot
2. not single, sry..my b/f is how i got into computers

if only more guys thought that cuddling could bring perfect contentment, i find myself avoiding my b/f at times, not because i don't want to see him, but because i don't want to feel obligated to do stuff.

the meaning of life really does apply to religion, especially to some religions. if everyone had the same meaning there wouldn't be a world to live in, the world would be completely mechanical and emotionless. and while at times i could definitely go for that. the few moments of pure happiness i've had make me ok with the people that are apparently here to make me miserable.
If you really think deep about my post it will make sense.