The nightmare in Syria

Are you serious?? There is some dipshit on the planet who is practically INVITING our military to attack his country?? Obviously he's got a serious death wish if he thinks the Armed Forces would have any trouble blowing his entire country to the other side of the galaxy should we choose to do so. I don't WANT us over there, but the idea that we'd have any problem taking them all out is hysterical.
To be fair, the recent military actions haven't been a stellar show of military skill. It took how many years to find and kill Bin Laden? Not to mention the Al-Qaeda managing to fend off attacks from high-tech military weaponry with little more than Gulf War relics and home-made explosive devices.

I'm not saying the US couldn't destroy Syria, merely that they probably would struggle somewhat, both from a combat perspective, and the resulting political backlash.
To be fair, the recent military actions haven't been a stellar show of military skill. It took how many years to find and kill Bin Laden? Not to mention the Al-Qaeda managing to fend off attacks from high-tech military weaponry with little more than Gulf War relics and home-made explosive devices.

I'm not saying the US couldn't destroy Syria, merely that they probably would struggle somewhat, both from a combat perspective, and the resulting political backlash.

They haven't been stellar because the coward in chief has no idea how to run an army. He is utterly inept and even the troops themselves see it and are beginning to question his command.
As far as bin Laden is concerned, don't believe for a second that we couldn't have gotten him a long time before we did. There was some ulterior motive there that I don't fully understand, but that was intentional. And then what happened to Seal team 6 after? No one can convince me that Ovomit didn't have that entire thing planned out from the start.
And Al Qaeda? The idiot in the White House SUPPORTS AND FUNDS them. No wonder they are making the progress they are.
Destroying Syria would not be a problem for our military. Combat - if it were done correctly - could be swift and brutal. The problem with that is, neither the citizens nor the military are prepared to put American soldiers on the ground there. The only one who wants that is Obozo.
Whatever political backlash that may come from it would be of no concern to him, either. He believes he is above the law, infallible, and practically immortal. He is a serious threat to this country.
The American government no longer represents what the American citizen wants. I predict the **** will hit the fan here within one year. I hope my fellow Americans are prepared for the upcoming ****storm.
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And Al Qaeda? The idiot in the White House SUPPORTS AND FUNDS them. No wonder they are making the progress they are.
What the... are you serious? I didn't even know this! Why would you support an organization that devastated your country in the past?
What the... are you serious? I didn't even know this! Why would you support an organization that devastated your country in the past?

@WalkingChillPill If there's one thing I NEVER joke about, it's the ****traitor in our White House. Have you read his book yet? In his own words from that book; (Dreams From My Father) "I will stand by my Muslim[e] brothers".
Another of the psycho's quotes: "The future should not belong to anyone who would slander the prophet Muhammad." Any person who does NOT believe that the filthy **** is muslime and supports their psychotic ideology has not been paying attention.
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"Scary" is one word for it, [MENTION=1800]phil[/MENTION]. What's more scary is the **** I see heading our way if the POTUS continues on his present course. He needs to GO, and there are people across the nation demanding the steps be taken to begin the impeachment process. Along that line, I have joined the Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment movement. Something must be done NOW and this is where it begins.
There are always ulterior motives behind Obama's actions - and people are disposable in his ways of getting there.
He actually reminds me of Hitler in some ways and not because of their autobiographies before their reign and new releases during about their goals ;-). I'm only one in many who believe this and there are sites all over the internet which show the many similarities between the two leaders.
I'm almost surprised that pages suggesting anything like that haven't been censored.
I'm almost surprised that pages suggesting anything like that haven't been censored.

Funny you should say that, Han. How many of the things I've talked about or provided links to have you seen on the news or read in the papers? None, right?
The lamestream media is SO biased, it would never dream of reporting any actual FACTS about the ****traitor.
Imagine the consequences if there were.
Obama has a way with words, and with his power I doubt it'd work out well for the reporter.