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The Official Alien Soup Arcade Thread

Got around 40,000 (extra zero!) in Jewel but apparently since it took me so long to get to that point I got logged out!!!! Like a chessgame I scrutinized every move and how it affected future moves so it took me a long time. Is it considered idle action playing in arcade being logged into aliensoup??? Not that it really matters.....guess if we have a certain time to finish a game I guess we better play it quicker. But that goes sadly for those who play for long time because they can go farther up in points (thinking of like MO playing tetris of past arcade "I played a really longgggg game") and then finding you can't keep score... :no:
Huh that's weird I remember it was like 40 thousand something. The blank champ has 13,820.....guess the game must have a capped limit...lol :tongue: I did notice this one is harder than previous arcades one. Glad though some of the sounds were eliminated. I had to shut off sound on previous one because it was annoying.
Noticing a consistent listing of Rumsfeld as champ...let's get some arcade going on and win back the cups!

BTW Rums I'm going to make sure you don't win Asteroids. That game is MINE!!! And if you do happen to beat it I'll come back with higher one (that score I got, I was interrupted with a business call--could've gone higher) :tongue:
BTW Rums I'm going to make sure you don't win Asteroids. That game is MINE!!! And if you do happen to beat it I'll come back with higher one (that score I got, I was interrupted with a business call--could've gone higher)
Sry to disappoint you psi but I have already contemplated beating you. This weekend is the start of my mid Winter break and I do indeed plan on playing it one afternoon. I have scored over 100,000 in that game on other boards before so don't think I haven't planned it ;) hehe
monsieurjohn said:
you need more top ten finishes! :lol:
I could always use this slow school computer to play some games now, which would cause everything to be slower and let me win easier, but I'm a better sport than that ;-1

I'll get on that top10 thing right away, Sir. :nod:
Hey inhuman4 tried to beat my high on the hampster game lol

edit: 9 games left until dominación :woot:
Ahhhh, I did the Carrot Sweeper naturale sans hints. My mastermind deducted each of those carrots with swiftness and preciseness. Ah, that Elmer sure woke up to find me and all the carrots gone..... haha
I was browsing thru another forum arcade and came across a 30,000+ score. I will aim for that tonight & tomorrow. Prepare!

edit: I did it! And without the use of a vis-a-vis pen!!! :number1:
i'm baack

wow it's been a while since I've checked out the arcade. Glad to see you've done so many wonderful changes to it :)

We could use a lot more casino games heh
if you like classic heavy rock or metal you'll love the Flyer game in arcade. I just love it!!!!
I wish you could just play games without 50 post but it dones't seem like that will happen?
you're almost there Light, just don't stop posting after you get there though. You're in our "Family" now and there's no turning back. You see soon you'll eat Italian often and rub things out you know.........with an eraser.... :nod:
hey look, you have 50 posts. sure hope you don't ditch the forum to play in the arcade...

...hint hint...
Hey the forums are the main reason I sign up not the games(even if they are pretty nice).