Theists; what do you think heaven is like?


Chief Talker
PF Member
For those of you who believe in heaven, what do you think it'll be like?
I've always been curious as to what people believe about that as...well, I'm assuming that if it is real it isn't people flying round on fluffy wings, wearing robes and playing harps.

Thoughts and theories? :)
Cool question....
I've been back and forth on this topic my whole life. I was raised in a church that eventually betrayed me in the worst way. I was taught the beliefs of this particular religion and had a bit of a hard time letting go of some of those beliefs when I started thinking for myself. As I got older and had more experience in life - experience not influenced by this loony organization - I came to understand a lot more. Mainly that organized religion is a total fallacy.
I do believe in God. He has made His presence known to me in a few ways. I believe there is much more to our existence once we die.
I don't think we float up into the sky and grow wings and play harps, like Lauren joked about. :-D I think that all the things we wonder about in this life; why are we here, what is our purpose, what is the meaning of life - I think these questions are answered. I think our soul, or our minds (I'm not sure what to call it) become aware of everything we didn't know in our mortal lives. The brains that we use only a small percentage of are freed from our mortal bodies and can realize everything. We attain a new state of being. Maybe not a physical being, but an aware being, nonetheless. Everything God has meant for us becomes our reality. We are reunited with our loved ones who have passed on, we understand why God made us, what we've messed up in our mortal lives, we become better than what we were as people on earth.
I've never tried to put into written words what I think heaven or the afterlife is like and I'm not sure I've done a very good job describing what I believe here. I hope it makes some kind of sense to somebody other than me!
I'm not a believer and do not personally believe that there is anything after life, you just experience nothing; which funnily enough is something you can't actually imagine.

But, if I were to believe in a Heaven I would probably assume that it would be more of a paradise that you create. It would be whatever you believe to be perfect, your own little happy place for the rest of eternity.

Here's my guess:

Mass: 714 t
Velocity: ~6.4 km/s
Perpiapsis: 12,701,030 km
Apoapsis: 172,262,278 km
Inclination: 0.8?