What's new

They come in "5's"

New Years
Labor Day

They are paid statutory holidays! Guess I answered your question and mine. Sorry Try
Name 5 favorite past Christmas presents
make clothes whiter
kill germs
kill mold
whiten teeth
sterilize surfaces

Name 5 favorite desserts
Peregrine Falcon. Talon. Dragonfly. Wings. T-Rex.
I cheated!
Name 5 favorite things to cook
pasta with bacon sauce
a full english breakfast
christmas dinner (thats fun helping :D)
toast lol!

name 5 things that would heal a broken heart
A Heart Surgeon
Heart Surgery (I mean these in two differant ways lol)
Talking to a friend
Slashing a few tires under the cover of darkness

Name 5 brands of Chocolate....
buckwheat37 said:

Slashing a few tires under the cover of darkness

i like that one

bill ingum
larry the cable guy
jeff fox worthy
margret cho (i think thats her name)

5 best things about falling in love
You lose weight!
Always being light hearted
Always feeling happy
Feeling good about yourself
another chance....

Name 5 great Jimmy Stewart movies (they're ALL great!)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
It's A Wonderful Life
The Philedelphia Story
Born to Dance
Name 5 favorite things to do on a date
Watch a movie
go for a drive
Have a panic attack that hopefully your date doesn't notice

name 5 types of nuts....
macadamia nut

Name 5 reasons to break up with someone
they're boring
they're rude
You're in love with someone else
You/they're cheating
you're allergic to their pet

name 5 things that you're afraid of or dislike greatly...
5 things I dislike greatly:
1. The wind in the city (only place I love the wind is at the shore)
2. Bilingualism (it is destroying the Country)
3. Scroungers(always there with their hand out but you never see them when they have the money to pay you back)
4. Anti-American sentiment
5. Liars

Name 5 topics that interest you the most
The internet

The first five things you look at on a person (they have to be material things...not personality and crap)
Ring finger ( don't want to be looking at someone else's property! LOL)
Shoes or lack of shoes ( feet)
Neck chains
(material things on a person are difficult. Whatever happened to physical features. I could list those quick enough! HA!)

List 5 things you expect from a date
to be on time
to have a laugh
to want to go and do the same things as me on a date
for them not to expect too much
for them to just be themselves

name 5 things you'd hate yourself for doing
Not too sure what this means. 5 things I would hate myself for doing. I assume you mean 5 things you should hate yourself for IF you did do it. That is the way I am taking it.
1. Cheating on my significant other ( would hate it to cheat on my girlfriend or wife or both! LOL
2. Lying ( I wouldn't want to have to be in the position where I would have to tell a bold faced lie
3. Stealing( only one form of stealing that I condone - stealing someone's heart. Must be the romanticist in me)
4. Misleading someone I love
5. Losing someone I love because I acted like a moron

Name 5 reasons you would have to refuse a date with someone you don't like
They hated the music I like
They were very critical and pedantic
They told me lies
They thoughts they were better than me
They seemed to think I was just good enough for them to go out with

name 5 of the days of christmas song..

aka on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me....blah blah blah...get it?