What's new

They come in "5's"

christmas, easter, new year, halloween and bonfire night.


Name 5 orange foods
1. Carrots
2. Oranges
3. Rice
4. "orange slice" candy
5. Starburst

(pssst! What's bonfire night?) Name 5 cpu manufacturers...
it's the day when someone tried to blow up parliment!!! november 5th???

you not celebrate that :O???
*thoughtful* I'm sure if someone had tried to blow up the white house we might...as it is, no.
I would name 5 cpu manufactures if I knew what they were.
Bonfire night is a British thing. Someday perhaps when the English in Canada reclaim their language we can have a "Jolly Good Show" holiday!
cpu = central processing unit.

Also known as the thing that's driving me crazy as I'm trying to put Mr. Dragon's new computer (a Christmas present) together. *growl, grumble*

It is a little esoteric, I suppose. Fine. Let's change it over to 5 computer manufacturers.
Ooops! Forgot my question....

Name 5 top cereal manufacturers
Post, General Mills, Quaker, Kelloggs, Nabisco

Name 5 fasion don'ts....(this would be better if you or someone you know has comitted them.)
I don't know if these stand true or not anymore, but I wouldn't do these things!

No brown shoes with a black bag!!!!!
No wool after St. Pat's Day!
DON'T wear orange and pink together!!! (BARF...)
Don't use an "orange-based" blush with pink lipstick!!!!!!
Always zip up your trouser fly.

Name 5 traffic violations
speeding, running red light, not stopping at a stop sign, DUI, going too slow

It's sad that I'm most guilty of the last one, at my age.

Name 5 things you plan to spend you next paycheck on....
hhmmm i'll jsut preetdn what i'd spend it on.

ps2 games, food, topping up my balanace on my phone, lucozade!!! (i love this stuff!!! only orange though) and art stuff.

name 5 insecst that you really hate.
1. Termites
2. Wasps
3. Fleas
4. `Skeetos
5. Fruit flies

Name 5 of your least favorite household tasks.
snow white
sleeping beauty
lady and the tramp

5 bad habits
Drinking in excess (leaves room for me!)
Scratching in public
Picking your nose while driving (can't TELL you how many times I've been grossed out!!
Eating with your mouth open

Name 5 Russian cities
Missed one?

Pyxidragon said:
1. Termites
2. Wasps
3. Fleas
4. `Skeetos
5. Fruit flies

Name 5 of your least favorite household tasks.

Cleaning the toilet
Vacuuming (scares the cats and hurts my ears!)
Laundry (usually have someone do it for me)
Changing the bed(8 pillows to match and those **** fitted sheets always seem to shrink regardless of how much you paid for them)
Dusting knick knacks ( a real pain!)

Name 5 reasons why Pyxi dragon's "5" question was lost in the crowd! LOL
"I didn't see it"
Too many people posting in the same thread at once.
Too many people with good answers!
"I didn't see it"
The scrolly thing on my mouse moves really, REALLY fast!

Name 5 reasons people call their friends and talk FOREVER!!!!!
1. Miss them (long distance)
2. Kill time
3. Friendly voice on the commute home
4. Catching up
5. Need advice

Name 5 fruits that are good dipped in chocolate. (Yes, there are some that aren't....chocolate-dipped kiwi for one. Blecccch!)
strawberries, Bananas, cherries, honeydew (yum!), and grapes

name 5 words that sound good....
Pink (love the sound)
Irish ( proud of that sound)
Love ( warm fuzzy sound)
Hug ( comforting sound)
Cuddles( relaxing sound)

Name 5 fools who won't stop smoking (not allowed to use the same name 5 times! LOL)