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They come in "5's"

Vicki (my sister)
Scott (my first boyfriend)
My aunty shirley!!!

Irish Irish Irish Irish!!!!!

name 5 things you'd like to do before you die
LMAO Too funny Night! Nice to see you have a keen sense of humor!
Buy a home on the beach
Have my teeth capped
Complete a best seller
Quit smoking

Name 5 Angels (since we are talking death I want to get familiar with the names of some of my new flat mates!)
1. Michael
2. Gabriel
3. Uriel
4. Sariel
5. Lucifer

Name 5 things that set you into a panicked state....
feeling trapped sets me into a panicky attack;
When blankets get wrapped around me and I can't get my foot out so it can dangle uncovered over the side of the bed.
Machines like IVs or heart monitors. The sides of gurneys are raised and I can't get out!
Stalkers - people that insist on calling you and come to your door after you made it plain that you really don't want them to return.
The thought of dying - I couldn't lie still that long LOL gotta be moving!
If someone grabs my sides between hips and ribs. I lose my breath and not in a nice way!
People trying to get too close to me and taking me captive emotionally.
People be it male or female becoming angry and I am in the way of a possible fist.
People demanding more than I can give financially, emotionally and physically.

Name 5 friends - true friends!
Lil bit

and many more!!!!! love you all :)

name 5 things you'd do for the one you love
I don't love anyone so I do nothing for nobody! LOL
However in the past 5 things I did for the one I loved:
Never lied
Never cheated
Always gave the chance to allow her to vent about her day before I spoke of mine
Loved her mother and remained silent in their company! (That was a given since I would never have won an argument any how)
Let her pick the motel (just kidding! LOL I picked the hotel! Kidding again!!)
Name 5 reasons why anyone would want a girlfriend/boyfriend
knowing someone would love you
Having someone to care for
Having a friend
Someone you can be intamite with
To have sex

Name 5 reasons why you'd buy chocolate
to bake
to eat
to give as a gift
because I want to
to put in milk

Name five reasons to break up with someone
they or you cheated
you just don't lvoe them anymore
you've fallen for someone else

name the last 5 times you cried and why
when the baby died - 2 nights ago ( accidentally killed, 5 months old)
when I discovered I was being lied to by someone ( anger makes me cry)
when my sister came to visit ( my two sisters know how to push my buttons)
when I was happy about something (short lived but "could have danced all night")
when my Mother died (July 19/1996)
last Christmas ( I spend the entire Christmas season crying when I am happy; same when I am sad.
Last time someone saw me cry - when my sister visited. I don't cry in public! It is a no-no around here!

List 5 reasons a man should not show his emotions (have fun with it!)
because other guys might be around

(this one i am saying as nothing but a joke!) because he might be called gay
men are supposed to be strong characters not sissys!
they aren't very good with emotions
men are stupid throw rocks at them!!!

name 5 cars you would love to have
5 Cars I would love to own:

Rolls-Royce Phantom
Ferrari Enzo
Porsche Carrera GT
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren

Name 5 reasons you come to BA
because kath said she was on it
It looked cool
I need somewhere to vent
To talk to new people!
I was bored

Name 5 times you did something disgusting in public...
1. When I was thirsty, homeless, & found 3 bucks (Drank out of the 1/2 gallon milk carton)
2. 2 months pregnant and went into a business that smelled like cigarettes (Lost my breakfast)
3. When the little dragon had a messy face (spit in a napkin & wiped it clean)
4. Picking a friend up from a party (see #2...that apartment reeked!)
5. When I was having emotional issues (Not sure if it counts as disgusting since we didn't get caught, but....)

Name 5 of your favorite types of tea
normal tea

name 5 things you like about the opposite sexes body :p

Name 5 of Santa's Reindeer
the voice of someone you love
classical music
the sounds of the sea
the purring of a cat

5 sounds you dislike
someone crying
the screech of a car
the boiling of water
when you unwrap presents

name the 5 best thing someone could give you
5 best things someone could give me"
and if I had a sixth one - a couple of million! No "Indecent Proposal" would hold me back from that kind of cash! LOL especially if the person possessed the 5 traits listed above!