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I don't care how long she breastfeeds, it's putting the picture out there that IMO is wrong, that kid will be teased once he gets in school with that picture out there, especially once he is in high school. Kids can be very cruel to each other and I can just imagine all the nicknames kids will come up with for him. I hope this kid has very thick skin. IMO this mother was not thinking about what was best for her child when she did this.
I breastfed my son to age 3.5. I believe in child-led weaning. It was a quite normal and natural thing in our family. My mother and mother-in-law each breastfed their children until the child was ready to wean. For both of them the last child breastfed till age 4. Some children much less but each was different.

If you step out of the American social bias regarding breastfeeding and read a bit more broadly (including the WHO recommendations) you would realize that breastfeeding till age 2 is a minimum for best health practices. You might also note that extended breastfeeding correlates with a higher IQ.

Would I have posed that way with my child? No. However we were never ashamed of breastfeeding and did so in public as needed.

In my case I thank God that we could breastfeed that long as my son had a dairy allergy and desperately needed that nutrition.
I also want to ask: Who do you think should be able to decide when a child should be weaned from Breastfeeding?

I read the comments suggesting timelines for weaning

When a child can speak... My son first spoke at 4 months and could ask for "muk" when he was 7 months. He spoke in sentences at 10 months ....so did he have less need for breastmilk because he spoke early?

When a child can use the potty.... My son was potty-trained at 18 mo. We have a friend who was potty-trained at 14 months. Neither of us stopped nursing because our children could use the bathroom.

You get the idea. Children do things at different ages and it is ridiculous for anyone other than the child and mother in the nursing relationship to feel they have a right to determine when that relationship should end.

I agree the cover is attempting to be inflammatory but I am glad that there is a discussion happening (probably many) because of it. It's a conversation we need to have in the USA.
could be worse:

When there is teeth its time to stop / come on this is not a baby this is a kid that can walk and talk and feed himself and other food is available unlike third world country's
When there is teeth its time to stop / come on this is not a baby this is a kid that can walk and talk and feed himself and other food is available unlike third world country's
Um, okay. Most babies get their first tooth at 6 months. ???:9:
I personally think that what she did hurts most breastfeeding moms... especially extended breastfeeding moms. I do believe that she has the right to BF as long as she feels necessary, but she must understand that there will be consequences considering where she lives. Just like I would expect consequences if I moved to a country where BF until 3 was the norm... and I gave my baby formula from the get go. People are going to get snarky, think she's wierd, and give her the stink eye. Thank goodness we all get to raise our own children. Funny, I can only imagine the other countries around the world laughing about what a big deal we are making of all this... and then look at all the "gross" stuff we let our kids eat when they DO wean. DOH!
This is my thought: There are many things that I think are wierd that people do or don't do but I feel it is wrong to put it on a magazine cover.
This may make me insensitive but I don't care for public breastfeeding. BF proponents very staunchly insist how intimate the BF experience is yet OTOH want to be free to whip out the boob just wherever, the mall, 6 flags, church, what have you.

This really is just a reflection of everybody going everywhere all the time. You didn't walk down the street back in the 1880s or 1920s (before formula when BF was basically the only option) and see moms BF. It wasn't seen as distasteful, just private. My gma BF all her kids (well into old toddlerhood, I asked her, for contraceptive purposes she said, and she still had 5 kids) and she would no more have BF in public than lifted up her dress or let her kids play outside naked. She said anyway back in the 50s when she had her kids, babies were routinely kept home until they were quite old (over a year) because of the risk of childhood diseases, etc.

Public BF is just a reflection of our times that I don't love. But that cover woman certainly is alienating people who are already uncomfortable with, yet tolerant of, the process.
And I'm not sure what this means, if anything, but public BF proponents-

Why do I see plenty of public BF, yet no public breast pumping? Same difference?
Same, just that public BF doesn't need an electrical outlet.
Also pumping does leave the nipple exposed. BF does not. I never covered up to pump, but I pumped in a private office for my first and our break room for the second.
This may make me insensitive but I don't care for public breastfeeding. BF proponents very staunchly insist how intimate the BF experience is yet OTOH want to be free to whip out the boob just wherever, the mall, 6 flags, church, what have you.

This really is just a reflection of everybody going everywhere all the time. You didn't walk down the street back in the 1880s or 1920s (before formula when BF was basically the only option) and see moms BF. It wasn't seen as distasteful, just private. My gma BF all her kids (well into old toddlerhood, I asked her, for contraceptive purposes she said, and she still had 5 kids) and she would no more have BF in public than lifted up her dress or let her kids play outside naked. She said anyway back in the 50s when she had her kids, babies were routinely kept home until they were quite old (over a year) because of the risk of childhood diseases, etc.

Public BF is just a reflection of our times that I don't love. But that cover woman certainly is alienating people who are already uncomfortable with, yet tolerant of, the process.
" to whip out the boob just wherever, the mall, 6 flags, church, what have you"- I know many woman that don't whip out a boob and can breast feed without exposing themselfs in church etc.
I BF both of mine (not to a year though) and dont' remember a time nursing in public. I just took them out between feedings or didn't go. I certainly wouldn't take a baby to Six Flags or places like that all day...............that's just too much for a baby. I did nurse at my MIL's house, but i always went into a bedroom and did it in private. :9:
I have many friends who carry a nursing cover/apron in their diaper bags, never have to expose their boobs. :)
I am a very modest person. BF in public is not flashing your breasts around. This is where those slings come in handy and so do well designed nursing outfits (or loose tops). Baby covers the areola, you take care of the rest. Never had a concern or complaint and had a very quiet and contented baby everywhere I needed to go.
When there is teeth its time to stop / come on this is not a baby this is a kid that can walk and talk and feed himself and other food is available unlike third world country's

So...when do you think babies get teeth?

I bf most everywhere....in restaurants etc...but modestly.

We would pick the corner back table etc..

At home or at family's homes I just bf in the livingroom or whatever with the people. People that bottle feed don't do it in shame in the backroom. Again, modestly...that is what a blanket or fresh clean cloth diaper etc is for. Many times people didn't realize I was feeding him unless they approached to "look at the baby"

I refused to feed my baby in the bathroom stall for the same reason I would not eat in the bathroom stall.