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Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

This or That? (Part Deux)

Heat vision or Frost breath
This or That? (Part Deux)

Heat vision

Hot dogs or hambergers
This or That? (Part Deux)


polka dots or stripes?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Fullmetal Alchemist even if Kigome is a real hotty
Nike or Jordan
This or That? (Part Deux)

Nike ... really I prefer saucony

long or short (hair)
This or That? (Part Deux)

Long (on me, I dont like my hair short)

cats or dogs? (im sure its already been done before, but what the hell)
This or That? (Part Deux)

mac (I use both but Mac is more bearable than Microsoft, no crashes/hangups.....)

Lunar or Solar?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Few light snacks

surfing or snorkling
This or That? (Part Deux)

surfin' ... really, I can't swim and I affraid big water :nod:

(roasted with garlic) Elephant or Hippopotamus?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Elephat They have way more meat
Screamo or Indie
This or That? (Part Deux)

never heard of either. But I would pick Screamo because it sounds cooler. :yikes:

When wearing a button shirt do you usually have the top button
closed or open?
that's a tough one, I guess MS because it's what I'm using ATM, but I'm interested in opensource as well.

Would you rather live in town, or out in the country?