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Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

Terrified of both, but only slightly less of jumping from a plane.

Muggy or just hot?
Just hot

Would you rather Speak French or Spanish
Spanish of course, its very beautiful and Fernando Alonso speak Spanish)

Would you rather go to the theatre or to the cinema?
Probably the theater- I don't do this often, so it's something different to see.

Would you rather:
Live in a small apartment, or a huge mansion that you cannot fill all the rooms of?
huge mansion

would you rather have a cat or a dog

Would you rather own your own business or work for someone else?

Would you rather see a mystery or a horror movie
i would rather see a horror movie even though they scare me.

Would you rather do white water rafting or extreme mountain climbing??
Probably white water rafting, even though both would scare the crap out of me. I would rather deal with rafting than possibly falling down a mountain!

Would you rather:

take a job counting money and make 35 dollars per hour?


take a job putting up train tracks in the burning sun, with a mean and screaming foreman for 50 dollars per hour?
I'd rather make the 35 in comfort because I know I can also freelance for more..lol

would you rather have a small car/truck or would you rather have a motorcycle?
I would rather have a car/truck. Weather and shopping reasons. Even though I would love to have a motorcycle.

Would you rather die falling to your death or die the death of a thousand cuts??
Falling. At least that's just one fast stop at the bottom.

Would you rather live in a perpetually overcast area or one in near perpetual drought?
overcast area

Would you rather live where you are now or someplace else.
Someplace else. Colorado comes to mind...

Would you rather drive a Corvette or a Humvee?
Corvette. They are much cooler than the gas guzzlers.

Would you rather be a chicken or a donkey?
I would rather be a donkey.

Would you rather clean out toilets for a living or clean out animals cages for living??
Definitely clean the animal cages. I have to clean a bird cage all the times with craps in it anyway, so that doesn't bother me at all.

Would you rather:

get one bite on the hand from a huge bear?


get hundreds of bites on your hand from lots of bees?