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Top 10 List

4. Try to find the original recipient of the PKG my new friend came in. :D
3. Come up with some new game that would make me famous once I got off the Island
1. somehow turn the volleyball into a signal flare. ...what are you staring at, i could do it!

next up:

10. Planet X, trying to find it is half the fun
9.Las Vegas...all the lights & bells are comforting. :)

and theres ALOT of probing goin on. LMAOOOO
8. Why not drop by a cornfield or two somewhere in rural Great Britain? That sounds like something an immensely advanced intelligence is likely to do, doesn't it?
6. Pyramids.....we're back ....we left our American Express in tut's tomb.....
4. marianas trench (their planet is covered with water, of course)
2. Ibiza, everyone is so messed up they wouldnt notice im not from around this galaxy
1. NASA ....we need rocket fuel......

Next round top 10 best pickup lines in a bar (need some to try sometime...hehe)
10. Hey do you work for UPS because I caught you checking out my package.
EEEEK!! haha

9. You dont look tired but you MUST BE- because youve been runnin thru my mind ALL NIGHT.
8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
7. Did it hurt? Did it hurt when you fell from heaven
6. Hi, my name's Dan. Remember that because you'll be yellin' it later.
5. A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-V-W-X-Y-Z

all that's missing is "U".