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Toughest Professional Sport


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What do you think is the toughest professional sport out there. Why?
Hard question, some sports are more or less difficult for different people. Tennis was pretty hard for me to get down
I think it would be the MMA. you have to be tough as nails to compete in that, and you have to be willing to take a lot of punishment!
Probably MMA honestly. You have to be physically fit, strong, have endurance, and be tough. The training is insane and you have a weight limit you must stay in.
I would have to say MMA for the same reason. Originally I was going to say soccer because you have to run around for 90 minutes so I think those are the top two.
I agree with everyone else on here saying MMA.

That stuff is seriously crazy. You see more pools of blood on there than in rugby.

I feel bad for those guys a lot.
Mixed Martial Arts. The conditioning work those guys go through is INTENSE. Not to mention the beatings they take in the ring.

Definitely the most punishing sport.
Nascar. A lot of people don't realize that these guys sit in the car for 3+ hours in 100+ degree heat. Drivers have reported losing 10 or more pounds in 1 race. This and the power of the car they need to control and the force coming down on their chest and shoulders (3Gs of resistance on every turn). They need to be able to move cars within inches of the wall without crashing. Very heart pounding stuff.
Nascar. A lot of people don't realize that these guys sit in the car for 3+ hours in 100+ degree heat. Drivers have reported losing 10 or more pounds in 1 race. This and the power of the car they need to control and the force coming down on their chest and shoulders (3Gs of resistance on every turn). They need to be able to move cars within inches of the wall without crashing. Very heart pounding stuff.

Yes, while racing has a tough effect on your body and mind it isn't the hardest to train I wouldn't think. It takes almost no athletic ability to drive a car around a track. Look at "athletes" like tony stewart, I don't think he could make it up a flight of stairs.
Have you experienced a 200 MPH vehicle at 3Gs? It takes balls, brains, and muscle endurance to keep that under control for 500 laps. Tony Stewart may not look like he is in good shape, but neither do any NFL lineman. Training is only part of being a tough sport. They don't just show up on race day and get at it. They run laps all day and put their bodies their a **** storm for 10 months at a time.
Golf. A lot of people don't realize that these guys stand and swing a club for 5+ hours in 100+ degree heat. It is much more of a technical sport, but it is freakin difficult.
I would have to say soccer. The fact that you use your feet is tough, but to control a ball like they do, is very impressive.
Have you experienced a 200 MPH vehicle at 3Gs? It takes balls, brains, and muscle endurance to keep that under control for 500 laps. Tony Stewart may not look like he is in good shape, but neither do any NFL lineman. Training is only part of being a tough sport. They don't just show up on race day and get at it. They run laps all day and put their bodies their a **** storm for 10 months at a time.

I would much rather experience a 200 mph vehicle then a 350 lbs 6'5 offense lineman who runs a 4'9 running at me full speed. NFL linemen are fast and strong they just have a lot of weight because of their builds and requirement for position.

Anyone who honestly believes Nascar requires more training and athleticism then the NFL are insane.
All sports take a lot of skills so it really is hard..
I'd say the NFL is the toughest sport. Takes a lot of guts to go through tackles every week possibly causing an injury.
I would say it would be between rugby or MMA, both are very physically challenging. MMA is very physical and very painful as their getting punched, kicked, choked, squeezed, thrown around, the players are almost fighting for their lives. However MMA only lasts a maximum of 5 rounds with non title fights only lasting 3 rounds of 5 minutes.
Rugby on the other hand lasts 80 minutes with one break in between and the players are constantly tackling each other with no padding, not to mention all the poking and grabbing that goes on when they pile up.
Golf. A lot of people don't realize that these guys stand and swing a club for 5+ hours in 100+ degree heat. It is much more of a technical sport, but it is freakin difficult.

Particularly in thunder storms, I do not envy them.

Golfers are certainly the bravest of the brave. Out in all weather's in very cramped conditions!
I would much rather experience a 200 mph vehicle then a 350 lbs 6'5 offense lineman who runs a 4'9 running at me full speed. NFL linemen are fast and strong they just have a lot of weight because of their builds and requirement for position.

Anyone who honestly believes Nascar requires more training and athleticism then the NFL are insane.

Never said Nascar requires more training and athleticism but you need to be tough as nails to drive a car. I would rather get hit by Ray Lewis than slam into a wall at 200 MPH. If Nascar (racing in general) isn't tough, then why do so many major injuries and deaths occur? Name the last dead NFL player who was laid out on the field?

This is about the toughest sport; not the most athletic. I would say bull riding is up there as one of the toughest sports also.
I have to agree, MMA takes a bunch of strength and determination to get down. You gotta be the toughest guy around in order to be GOOD. It takes a long time to get wrestling down.
MMA or Boxing most definitely. It takes a lot of guts to go get your **** whooped and actually now that I am typing this I would say its a tie between those two and football because football you take a good beating every week whereas boxing you don't have boxing matches every week
Each sport requires different skills.

I.e. car racing you need to have brains and endurance
MMA you need cardio, strength, and technique

I still think the most difficult is probably MMA>