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TSG Gun Club

I get in trouble faster with a sword for sure. It would have to be extreme for me to use a gun on someone, but a sword. **** just catch me on a bad day and I have a sword on me. I'd be in jail. I look at it like a baseball bat, I have no problem taking a bat upside someones head :p

But I would rather get shot than stabbed or sliced with a sword, I don't know why but **** getting sliced with a sword :lol:

it´s all the infight..with a sword..or whatever it gets personal..every ****er can fire a weapon from a distance :) i just don´t like guns...one of the worst inventions ever.
it´s all the infight..with a sword..or whatever it gets personal..every ****er can fire a weapon from a distance :) i just don´t like guns...one of the worst inventions ever.
I wouldn't fight someone with a sword at close range thats for sure :p

I just don't think of a sword as deadly as a gun so I know I would use one far before I would a gun. In my head I think " Sword less deadly but way more painful"

If I don't like someone or don't know them and get into a fight I don't care how much pain I cause them, I won't loose sleep over that. But If possible I wouldn't mind getting threw this life without taking someone elses life
Ever seen the aftermath of a knifefight? Two people with any knowledge of knifefighting engage with blades, one goes to the hospital, the other goes to the morgue. It's not pretty. In the American West in the frontier days the going opinion was that guns were the more civilized weapon where blades were the weapon of choice of brigands and thieves. More sneaky, more up close and personal too.

All that being said I carry knives too and know how to use them. Also empty hands. Guns are just another tool to protect yourself. I personally feel like if you're going to use a gun you need to have other less lethal options available too. A continuum of force.
New Ruger PC9 - Range Report originally posted at the Firing Line.....

OK. I picked up my PC9 on Friday. I was a bit miffed that the guy who owned it had not yet brought in the mags he was supposed to. The shop gave me the one 15 rounder they had for it (aftermarket) and I was skeptical at the start that the mag would function. Follower was at an odd angle. I wasn't too worried about mags though cuz I've owned a P89 for years and have plenty of factory and aftermarket mags.
Didn't get to go to the range on Friday, not enough time before the range closed at 7pm. Went Saturday at the range open but they had CCW class on range and I had to go back later in the day. I was salivating by the time I stepped to the firing line with it the first time. I tried the aftermarket mag I got with it first. It fired the first round and feedfailed the second. I dropped the mag and popped in a factory mag. It ran like a champ. I tried other aftermarkets I've got for my P89. None of them fed well in the blowback operated PC9. Factory mags all ran fine though.
I put a cheap Tasco Bantam shotgun scope on it (2.5x20) in a set of Ruger factory rings I bought from a THR member.

This first target is scoped 25 yd effort.
PC9 w scoped target.JPG

Took three shots at center target that hit low, one adjustment to scope and I was in business from there. Here are closeups of best groups. All shot offhand, no rest:
25 yd PC9 scoped grp1.JPG

25 yd PC9 scoped grp2.JPG

25 yd PC9 scoped grp3.JPG

Gun ran fine with factory mags. Trigger pull is indeed strange as others have mentioned. Was easy to get used to though. I ran Rem UMC 115 gr FMJ and JHP's through it with no failures not related to mags.
PC9 Range Report part two.......

Took the scope off and shot targets at 10 and 25 yds. Shots were not quite what I would call rapid fire, but I was shooting as fast as I got back on target after each shot, which considering the low recoil of this weapon was pretty quick.
Overall target:
PC9 unscoped target.JPG

10 yds:
10 yd PC9 unscoped x3.JPG

25 yds:
25 yd PC9 unscoped grp1.JPG

25 yd PC9 unscoped grp2.JPG

Overall I'm very happy with the gun and it's performance. I'm taking the aftermarket mag back to the shop this week and requesting that they replace it with a factory mag. Also they are supposed to be getting the promised 2 mags from the original owner as well.
New place to shoot!!!

A co-worker took me to a membership range near my house this morning. Outdoor, 25, 50, and 100 yard rifle berms. Separate pistol pit (up to 25 yds.) 3 trap stations. It costs $150.00 per year to join, but it's worth it for me. I shoot twice a month at the indoor pistol range and pay approx 25-30 per trip in range fees and targets. This will be much cheaper over time. Also will have the ability to shoot my rifles more often.

As to this morning's shooting efforts. I shot my .30-06 with some new 180 grain ammo I've been wanting to try out. Recoiled a little harder than my standard 150 load but the groups were pretty tight. I may hunt with that this year.

Shot my Rem 870 shotgun with slugs at 100 yds for the first time. Managed a 5 inch group with the standard rifle sights on the barrel. Not bad for a smoothbore slug barrel.

Shot my .45ACP and 9mm Rugers. Shot my .454 Casull with some 300 grain loads. Couldn't get my co-worker to try it. He saw how I took the recoil and that was enough for him :).

Shot his AR15 and 1911's. May have to expand my collection a bit now :shifty:

Overall was a good day.
I've never been a huge fan of them myself. They're neat to shoot, but I'd be uncomfortable carrying ****ed and locked.

I have to say though that the Springfield Armory Trophy Match he had was a tackdriver.
New Carry Weapon!!

I've needed a new daily carry piece for awhile. My P89 and P90 are just too **** big to do this duty especially in the summer when jackets aren't practical in the south.

I've also been aware for some time that firing my .454 Casull in hunting situations (where ear protection isn't practical) is detrimental to my hearing.

So I did the obvious thing. I traded my .454 for a new carry piece.

A Ruger P345. I got the satin stainless version with the manual safety.

I shot it at the range yesterday and posted a range report to both THR and TFL (gun forums). I'll repost that here:

I took the P345 to Handgunner's in Burlington this afternoon for a break-in session. I put 200 rounds of Magtech FMJ and 40 rounds of Hornady TAP 200gr. +P JHP's through it without a hitch. Out of the box the gun was shooting slightly left........
7 yds:

25 yds:

I drifted the sight just a bit and it was dead on:
7 yds:

25 yds:

Recoil was much lighter than you would expect from a polymer .45. It recoils less than my P90 which is much heavier. It slips nicely into my Bianchi Minimalist holster or my Don Hume IWB. I bought a Fobus paddle for it too. It's so thin that it hugs right up against the body and can't be seen under a T-shirt.
Thats a nice looking gun.

You made sure your toes where in the pics on purpose

Eison likes that kind of stuff
Well this past week I ordered my first reloading setup. With the amount I am shooting now, ammo prices are killing me. I ordered the Lee 4-Hole Turret press kit from Midwayusa.com along with a set of .45ACP Carbide dies and Richard Lee's book Modern Reloading. I've read the book and will be setting the press up in my very small workshop over the next couple of days. I should be able to save approx 40-60% over the cost of factory ammunition depending on component prices. This will be enough to pay for the equipment within the first 500 rounds loaded. (that's about two range trips for me).

I also joined the gun club near my house yesterday. Same one my co-worker took me too a few weeks ago. I scrounged up several hundred casings in 9mm and .45ACP while I was there, in addition to catching my own. Once I get set up and rolling I'll be shooting more and spending less. :) Best of both worlds.
I had my first ever squib load today. It was factory ammo, not any that I reloaded.

I was shooting Wolf Classic 9mm ammo (cheap Russki imported crap). They use steel cases and steel cored lead bullets. They will actually penetrate both panels on class II body armor. It was ammo I'd bought four or five years ago and never shot so I decided to dispose of it this afternoon.

I fired eight rounds and the ninth one went "pfft" instead of "bang". It literally sounded like my gun farted. :)

Even before I checked I knew what I would find. I stripped the gun and found the bullet lodged just past the chamber of my barrel. Since there was no powder in the casing the primer had pushed the bullet that far and wedged it in place. Had I fired another round behind it I might not be typing this right now. Can you say "Pipe Bomb"? :eek:

So I put the 9mm away and burned up some .45ACP and .17HMR ammo instead.

When I got home I put the barrel of the P89 in a vise and drove the bullet out with a brass rod and a ball peen hammer. Two whacks and done.

Mental note, no more Wolf ammo. :unsure:
yeah Wolf ammo is crap. Most the gun ranges won't allow you to shoot that stuff around here. The one indoor range has pictures up of all the wolf ammo that has exploded in guns and hurt people.
Yep. That was the only box I had and had been in the safe for 4 or 5 years. I was just trying to dispose of it yesterday. :D
I went to the range tonight and did a good bit of shooting. I have some targets I'm really proud of, but I cant take pictures and post to my usual gun forums because my wife left our camera at work. :(

Best of the night:

1.5 inch 8 shot group from my P90 .45ACP at 15 yds.

4 inch six shot group from my NAA Guardian in .32NAA at 50 ft. This gun has a 2.5 inch barrel, a 12 lb. trigger and no sights.

I'll take pics and post them later. :(
can't wait to see them