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Um guys, I went to the Doctor................

SERIOUSLY? Have you lost your freaking mind? I'm sorry I love you but I'm going to be harsh and blunt.

I didn't say anything when peeps were posting that it wasn't serious because they didn't find the clot. Why? Because I'm more worried since they didn't find the clot and I didn't want to scare you. I've never in my whole life of coming from a family with SEVERE cardiac issues ever, ever heard of a "false positive" from the test indicating a clot.

Clots can move around and be carried through your bloodstream, often with catastrophic results. It is entirely possible (and likely) that you do in fact have a clot which is "mobile" (as opposed to being in your leg etc.). What's the big deal if you can breathe? I'll tell you....in graphic detail.

My father's blod clot (in his leg) traveled up through his blood stream and into his head...it killed him....he died alone on the couch after going to bed because he "didn't feel right". Oh and then the funeral home had to embalm his head separately from his body (why? The blood clot cut off the "blood flow" to his head so the embalming fluid couldn't go there the "traditional way").

Know what? He KNEW he had probably had a clot, he knew the RISKS but he CHOSE to bury his head in the sand and pretend everything was okie dokie because he didn't want to go to the doctor. And it was, except for that whole dying thing. Know what else? He wasn't a little old man when a clot killed him. He was 18 years older than you are right now.

Get your **** on the phone and call them and reschedule the **** appointment. When they give you the all clear you can come back and tell us all I told you so.

What in the ****ing hell is wrong with you, Rebecca?

Do you know how **** dangerous an unfound/lost clot can be? How quickly you can die from a pulmonary embolism? Or maybe you'll be lucky, and instead of a PE you'll just have a stroke or MI?

Call back the ****ing doctor & keep on their backs to find the **** clot!

Time is of the essence...

...unless you don't mind if your boys grow up without their one and only mom. They could eventually learn to like/love a stepmom, but why should they have to?

To save you from googling:
Pulmonary embolism is a common and potentially lethal condition. Most patients who succumb to pulmonary embolism do so within the first few hours of the event. Despite diagnostic advances, delays in pulmonary embolism diagnosis are common and represent an important issue. As a cause of sudden death, massive pulmonary embolism is second only to sudden cardiac death.
update please? :bee:

You call the ****ing DR ...tell them you're almost agoraphobic & have them put you on something stronger for your anxiety!!! (I take Klonopin) So you can get out of that house to take care of yourself. I'll not let you off of the hook for this! Just do It!!

P.S. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

What in the ****ing hell is wrong with you, Rebecca?

Do you know how **** dangerous an unfound/lost clot can be? How quickly you can die from a pulmonary embolism? Or maybe you'll be lucky, and instead of a PE you'll just have a stroke or MI?

Call back the ****ing doctor & keep on their backs to find the **** clot!

Time is of the essence...

...unless you don't mind if your boys grow up without their one and only mom. They could eventually learn to like/love a stepmom, but why should they have to?

To save you from googling:
Pulmonary embolism is a common and potentially lethal condition. Most patients who succumb to pulmonary embolism do so within the first few hours of the event. Despite diagnostic advances, delays in pulmonary embolism diagnosis are common and represent an important issue. As a cause of sudden death, massive pulmonary embolism is second only to sudden cardiac death.
i am certain she is aware of all the worries and risks and cannot appreciate all your concern more fully and i express the same sentiments, but do think it would be nicer not trying to scare the bejeezus out of her. i for one would be beside myself with worry if people kept lovingly harrassing me. i am sure it will all unfold in due time. she is a well educated and informed adult. sending hugs and well wishes to her in the meantime. i guess everyone would feel a bit better if you went again to the doctor rebecca. have a stellar thursday and know that you have a great deal of friends looking after you.
i am certain she is aware of all the worries and risks and cannot appreciate all your concern more fully and i express the same sentiments, but do think it would be nicer not trying to scare the bejeezus out of her. i for one would be beside myself with worry if people kept lovingly harrassing me. i am sure it will all unfold in due time. she is a well educated and informed adult. sending hugs and well wishes to her in the meantime. i guess everyone would feel a bit better if you went again to the doctor rebecca. have a stellar thursday and know that you have a great deal of friends looking after you.

Very nicely put.

You know we luv you Rebecca!
So since it looks llike I managed to kill this thread, it's only fitting I bump it up again.

Any updates to report Rebecca? Have you spoken with your doc yet?

Enquiring pugs (& CW hos) wanna know!

And apparently I'm talking to myself.

Update? Sorry but just this summer, a friends daughter had a pulmonary embolism in her leg. By the time she got to the ER, it blew out one of her heart valves and poof, she was dead. Two little boys without thier mother because she wanted to wait a few hours to see if it got better.
I'm sorry for your friends loss :huggy:

It happens way more often than people realize :pout:

Update? Sorry but just this summer, a friends daughter had a pulmonary embolism in her leg. By the time she got to the ER, it blew out one of her heart valves and poof, she was dead. Two little boys without thier mother because she wanted to wait a few hours to see if it got better.
Update? Sorry but just this summer, a friends daughter had a pulmonary embolism in her leg. By the time she got to the ER, it blew out one of her heart valves and poof, she was dead. Two little boys without thier mother because she wanted to wait a few hours to see if it got better.

Geeeeeze! (No, I'm not stalking you) How awful! (and this is my first time in this thread...obviously haven't read much so I hope everything is okay, Mrsmom).
Geeeeeze! (No, I'm not stalking you) How awful! (and this is my first time in this thread...obviously haven't read much so I hope everything is okay, Mrsmom).

Apparently she's ignoring this thread.

Apparently she's ignoring this thread.


Well, she cant any longer b/c The Infractionator is here! (typed with a cat on my chest, totally blocking my view, lol).

Okay, cat gone. Phew! Anyway, my powers are stronger than ever!!! :dunce:
Well, she cant any longer b/c The Infractionator is here! (typed with a cat on my chest, totally blocking my view, lol).

Okay, cat gone. Phew! Anyway, my powers are stronger than ever!!! :dunce:

Thank goodness you're back. Rebecca's about to be infractionated.

Well, I know she is alive cause she PMed me.....

I had nothing else to add. :pout:

Lemme guess, she ****ed that people were picking on her and she wanted them flushed? :giggles: