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(UPDATE)Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

I took my DS for his 6th grade physical to Walgreens ..
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

So you lied? (not that I have a problem with that lol) You don't strike me as a religious man.

"General philosophical or moral reluctance to allow physical examinations, eye examinations, immunizations, vision and hearing screening, or dental examinations will not provide a sufficient basis for an exception to statutory requirements."
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

a_s_b what are you gonna do if/when you have kids of your own and the schools are telling you to get these shots?

You can take a religious waiver. Tetanus they will not let you skip on. Where you run into trouble is if there is a case of measles, hepatitis or other childhood disease they will send your child home from school until such time as they can determine the public health would not be adversely affected.

That said we did not give any of our kids varicella and they all eventually had the disease with little problem. Tetanus I would not go without under any circumstances. I am fine with the dTap vaccines if given in single doses apart from each other. I am fine with MMR if given in single doses apart from each other, that said as a child I had both measles and rubella and I lived through it without much trouble. I would not have a child go without polio vaccine. I am troubled they no longer vaccinate for smallpox.

I think many, many vaccinations are recommended based upon parental convenience, insuring the least interruption to the public school year (think attendance = funding if you have chicken pox you are home for at least a week x hundreds of potentially unvaccinated kids that puts a damper on their attendance $$), and selling vaccinations.

Doctors are HEAVILY COMPENSATED for pushing Gardasil, flu shots (that no one has any idea whether they will work), pneumonia, meningitis, pertussis, etc.

Resurgence of "eradicated" childhood diseases like scarlet fever & pertussis leads me to believe that in general these diseases have simply mutated and that the US vaccination programme needs some serious retooling.

Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

Since my kids go to our church school, I can't use the religious thing (cause it's not against our religion) so I lied (which is against our religion lol) and said they had had the pox. :quiet:
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

Resurgence of "eradicated" childhood diseases like scarlet fever & pertussis leads me to believe that in general these diseases have simply mutated and that the US vaccination programme needs some serious retooling.

Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

I'm seeing signs all over about school physicals for $30. Am I confused with sports physicals?

I saw them at a CVS Minute Clinic and Central DuPage Convenient CAre.

Convenient Care - That’s why Central DuPage Hospital (CDH) wants to let you know that our six Convenient Care Centers are currently offering early school and sports physicals – for just $25.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

I said that my Tom had the chicken pox and they questioned me about it! I actually had taken a photo and asked if they needed evidence! That shut them up.

My two oldest had the chicken pox. They just don't know what to do with me when I don't list the vaccine on the form!
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

I'm seeing signs all over about school physicals for $30. Am I confused with sports physicals?

I saw them at a CVS Minute Clinic and Central DuPage Convenient CAre.

Convenient Care - That’s why Central DuPage Hospital (CDH) wants to let you know that our six Convenient Care Centers are currently offering early school and sports physicals – for just $25.

Sports physicals cost less - they basically just have them run in place, check for athsma, and do a nut-check for boys. 6th grade / freshman physical is more detailed, they have to sign off & certify immunization records, etc.

The CDH thing sounds promising though - I would call & ask if you bring immunizations records will they do the school physical & certify the current immunizations!
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

Sometimes you do not have a choice. I don't agree with a lot of the shots they are given, but you gotta do what you gotta do. :surrender:
I understand - we are all made to feel as though there are no options, that's the power of BigPharma, but options do exist, though they almost always come with adversities of their own.

My personal view is, yeah, I gotta do what I gotta do, but that doesn't include allowing outside forces to compel me to do things that harm me.

People believe in vaccines, and that's their deal, so for them there is no issues with "compliance". Many of these folks blindly obey (alleged) "authority", and come crashing down on those who do not blindly obey.

I am far more interested in toxicology, rather than virology, so for me, I do not believe in vaccines, at all (not to mention, most of Western Medicine).

As the saying goes, to each their own.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

Where you run into trouble is if there is a case of measles, hepatitis or other childhood disease they will send your child home from school until such time as they can determine the public health would not be adversely affected.
... but options do exist, though they almost always come with adversities of their own.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

As an adult who never had chicken pox as a child, nor had the vaccination (since they didn't exist at the time) I live in fear of being exposed to the chicken pox. I can only pray that I never get it from an non-vaccinated child cause there will be hell to pay.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

So you lied? (not that I have a problem with that lol) You don't strike me as a religious man.
I have a system of faith, of worship. I maintain a belief in a superior power that governs all things. I am sure this system is nothing that fits the common perception of that which constitutes "religion" to many people, but the system exists nonetheless.

So no, I did not lie.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

As an adult who never had chicken pox as a child, nor had the vaccination (since they didn't exist at the time) I live in fear of being exposed to the chicken pox. I can only pray that I never get it from an non-vaccinated child cause there will be hell to pay.

More likely you had a non-presenting or ultra-mild case and are therefore immune. Not common, but not unusual either.

Lab test of your blood can confirm or deny immunity. If you are not immune, you can have the vaccine as an adult.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

As an adult who never had chicken pox as a child, nor had the vaccination (since they didn't exist at the time) I live in fear of being exposed to the chicken pox. I can only pray that I never get it from an non-vaccinated child cause there will be hell to pay.
It would be immensely more likely that you would contract it from a vaccinated child, and the same likelihood exists for the intact (non-vaccinated) child.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

Resurgence of "eradicated" childhood diseases like scarlet fever & pertussis leads me to believe that in general these diseases have simply mutated and that the US vaccination programme needs some serious retooling.

It's hard to say though, they are millions of new illegal immigrants coming in (legal immigrants have to show all immunization records) who might not have immunized and could be potentially carriers of some of this diseases.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

I have a system of faith, of worship. I maintain a belief in a superior power that governs all things. I am sure this system is nothing that fits the common perception of that which constitutes "religion" to many people, but the system exists nonetheless.

So no, I did not lie.

The policy on religious objection very specifically states that one must not conform to a standardized religious ideal to carry a religious objection so you are in the clear.

I would caution everyone who wants to be sure their child does not receive vaccines they would prefer they not to not ever leave your child of any age alone with a doctor, nurse, practitioner or PA because I have many, many times caught medical staff attempting to give my kids the varicella vaccine even though they had the disease and I have photographic proof.

My oldest needed a hepatitis booster prior to entering HS which I was OK with, however when the nurse showed up with 4 needles for that single vaccination I had to open up my whoop **** and re-educate them about freedom of choice.
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

Because my son attends a Catholic school, I truly have no choice. It might be different if it was public, but the archodiese will not let you attend a catholic school without your shots.

a_s_b~ I totally agree with you, some of these shots are just redick. Wish I didn't have to bother BUT life sucks!!! LOL
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

As an adult who never had chicken pox as a child, nor had the vaccination (since they didn't exist at the time) I live in fear of being exposed to the chicken pox. I can only pray that I never get it from an non-vaccinated child cause there will be hell to pay.

Me too.
My cousin had it three years ago at age of 46, it was very bad.
My SIL had it in her late 20s, not too bad, but was worried sick because she was pregnant with my nephew!
Re: Questions regarding immunization for 6th grade....

My oldest needed a hepatitis booster prior to entering HS which I was OK with, however when the nurse showed up with 4 needles for that single vaccination I had to open up my whoop **** and re-educate them about freedom of choice.

Same thing has happened to us at least once. Then they couldn't remember which shot had what so they had to scrap them and get new ones.............holy **** were the nurses PO'd at me. OH ****ING WELL!!! I told you ****es several times that I do not want that one!!!:ranting: