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Virtual DJ for Karaoke?

you said "Like all other DJ programs that play karaoke files that's all it does. No rotation handling or any other karaoke centric features"

Sorry to say but you are misinformed about Virtual DJ. Seems like you have a personal vandetta against it and anyone who questions you.

Here's how the latest version works.

Search for the song the person has picked.
Click and drag the song onto the rotation window.
Up pops a screen asking you to enter the singers name.
Enter the singers name.
The songname and the singers name automatically gets entered into the rotation list.

You can also set up some parameters so that the name of the song and the persons' name singing it appears on the screen as they are singing.

You can also set up a parameter so that at so many seconds before the end of the current song playing, the next song name and the name of the next singer in the rotation list will appear on the screen.

You can also have your company name or any other message displayed anywhere on the screen in addition to the above.

Jokerswild, You said "What does the number of karaoke gigs done have to do with software knowledge?" I agree BUT please know what you're talking about before you put out bad information. Many people could make a bad decision based on the wrong info.

Additionally, $300 isn't that much for professional software.
Your new so I'll let the acid in this post slide but I can't let it go without rebute...

you said "Like all other DJ programs that play karaoke files that's all it does. No rotation handling or any other karaoke centric features"

Sorry to say but you are misinformed about Virtual DJ. Seems like you have a personal vandetta against it and anyone who questions you.

Here's how the latest version works.

Search for the song the person has picked.
Click and drag the song onto the rotation window.
Up pops a screen asking you to enter the singers name.
Enter the singers name.
The songname and the singers name automatically gets entered into the rotation list.

You can also set up some parameters so that the name of the song and the persons' name singing it appears on the screen as they are singing.

You can also set up a parameter so that at so many seconds before the end of the current song playing, the next song name and the name of the next singer in the rotation list will appear on the screen.

You can also have your company name or any other message displayed anywhere on the screen in addition to the above.

If that's the case I've never seen it... is it a plug-in?

It has to be cause it doesn't come with such an ability out of the box... also it must be a big secret too. Trust me almost nothing karaoke escapes me.

Thanks for the info and I will look into it.

Jokerswild, You said "What does the number of karaoke gigs done have to do with software knowledge?" I agree BUT please know what you're talking about before you put out bad information. Many people could make a bad decision based on the wrong info.

Additionally, $300 isn't that much for professional software.

I never gave out bad information I gave information from my extensive research into possible software solutions for karaoke hosting...

I have tested and used the top softwares designed for karaoke you name it I've tried it, with the exception of what you mentioned above...

In my "Professional" opinion you don't need to spend $300 for software that while good at DJ'n and well worth the money... for karaoke it lacks many of the features I feel are important to a true PC base karaoke show.

I have bought: Ots Boombox, OtsAV, VDJ, PCDJFX-KJ, KJPro and numerous other programs and none of these ultra expensive programs have done the job I need..... and that's what it boils down to, does it do what I need.

I do not and never have had a vendeta against VDJ or anyone who says different to me.... I only offer opinon based on experience take it or leave it... I don't care...

However, next time you post know who you are talking about first.
Sorry to say that in your very first post here instead of sharing some information with us and maybe clearing up a misconception, you chose to be rude and condescending.

Sorry to say that instead of promoting VDJ you alienated me and offended me and someone who I admire, respect and consider my friend when you could have done it in a friendly and adult manner rather than the childish way that you you chose to do it.

Rob, I was the one who said it was a lot of money and that the price would likely keep me from using it.
Can we please refrain from the name calling and stick to the topic before a mod has to step in?

That's the main reason i frequent this place. Everyone usually respects everyone's OPINION and there's very little bs posturing.

just a thought

I'm going to have to side with Spam here, maybe it's because I love spam,,, spam and eggs, or my fave, Spam Fried Rice...

I didn't read his post as threading as you both did, he also gave his thoughts on something.

He pointed out what I hope is the truth about VDJ, now I do not know about that part of the program, but if it is so, then Yes, Joker is wrong when saying it doesn't do that.

If you are going to share info please be sure of the facts, that goes for everyone. If you say something you must be prepared to take whatever comes from that post whether it be agreement or disagreement.

If someone is going to offer their opinion, they better be ready to have others give theirs. If it goes against what theirs is, be man or woman enough to understand that people may again agree or disagree with you.

Wiz, like you I have no idea who or where "Spam" came from, but for you to slam him or her like that is wrong and a TOS violation. Respect the members here. Opinions are just that, opinions.. I came THIS close to giving you an "Infraction", I know that may not mean much to you and you may think that I should have PM'd you with this...

The reason I'm not is because the tone here HAS to be understood by everyone, keep it civil. If anyone can not do that they are welcome to leave or start their own board somewhere.
I was not throwing acid. Just want you and everyone to understand that what you said about Virtual DJ was not correct. It does everything you stated that it could not and then some. No question about it.

Now, for me, it was there right out of the box when I purchased my legal copy directly from the VDJ site. Didn't have to do anything special to make it work. This would be the Professional Edition.

You can read about it on page 54 of the manual
http://www.virtualdj.com/images/pdf/VirtualDJ 5.1 - User Guide.pdf

so no, it's not an "also it must be a big secret too" It's right there in the manual. If fact, you said in your post "I have tested and used the top softwares designed for karaoke you name it I've tried it, with the exception of what you mentioned above..."
If this is the case and you have not tried it then what did you base your statements on?

You now say "for karaoke it lacks many of the features I feel are important to a true PC base karaoke show". What other features do you feel it lacks or are important to you?

I will be glad to help you in anyway I can.
Plenty of times I've seen people make their point by being a smart a$$ or by trying to make someone else look bad and it irks me. I admit that I overreacted.

So what, you don't agree with what someone else said, make your point or give your information without being condescending. Someone else is misinformed, or you know more about it than they do? Why not just politely and courteously explain what you know?
Yes Steve it has and it doesn't really need to happen again as long as we all understand that when you read a post, read it with a smile :) on your face and in a positive light.

As we all know that is the main problem with boards, you really can't read what the poster is "feeling", so go into it with a :) and maybe that will help, or maybe I feel that way because I drink to much :chuckthedj: (I don't really ;) )
Okay... y'all I stand corrected... VDJ does have a rudementary system for hosting karaoke... while it doesn't have the features I've come accustom to... it does have some redeeming value... still not the software for my hosting needs.
You said...
it doesn't have the features I've come accustom to

such as?

"for karaoke it lacks many of the features I feel are important to a true PC base karaoke show".
What other features do you feel it lacks or are important to you? Please tell us the "many features it lacks".

For you to say VDJ is
a rudementary system
it does have some redeeming value
is laughable. These are negative comments you made about a product you do not know about.

Again, I'm not bashing you. That is not my goal here. My goal is to stop the misinformation. Some people make decisions to purchase a product based on what they read on this board and others. If that info is incorrect then it should be pointed out as part of the replies to an incorrect post.

I will be glad to help you in anyway I can.

Oh yeah.....you have to admit......Everybody loves spam LOL
Okay I've been fiddling with the karaoke plug in... it is missing one very important thing, forget all the other things it doesn't do, automated rotations.

The plug in is nothing more than a list it does not place singers in the order in which they should sing, that is up to the host if using VDJ.

With many other programs if I input a singer and song it will automatically add them to the rotation playlist in the position they belong automatically based on basic rotation rules.

Not VDJ, sure I can drag a song to the playlist and then add a singers name to it but that's it.... if I need to order the singers I have to do that manually.

Now, I am not saying that VDJ isn't a good program... for DJ'n, it's awesome! For karaoke so-so. If your only goal is to maintain a list of singers, manually, and play karaoke then it works.

However, if you want a program that will automate the rotation there by taking the human error factor away and also alowing the host to spend less time keeping track of the order of singers and which round they are in then VDJ is not the program for you.

Next thing that is missing..... What Frigging Round Are We In.... VDJ does not keep track of the rotation or the round that we are in.

Next thing that is missing... No indication as to how many more singers can be queued before closing time...

Next thing missing... no indication of how many times a singer has sung or will sing...

Next thing missing... no singer history retention.

and the list goes on... no, for me at least VDJ is great as a DJ program and I will continue to use it as such, but IMHO while it can do karaoke it wont work as a complete hoster.
I have uploaded a short video demo of how AutOKdj handles rotations....

Watch closely as I add three singers to the first rotation... then randomly add a second song for each singer for the next round... note how they automatically get organized on the playlist in the order in which they should sing... in between adding I also show what the current playlist view looks like and then the Rotation view...

Then I add a couple of new singers note where this new singer is put and what happens in the Playlist view and Rotation view respectively....

There are many more advanced features of AutOKdj but this is the most basic example of what it does....

mahalo for doing that,,,,I never would have thought even to want to do all that.

But I am a basic guy who if there are too many things something does, I just get lost.

It is a fault of mine, kinda like not getting into DMX or some of the more complicated things out there.

Each program does what it does and many will find one that is right for them.
mahalo for doing that,,,,I never would have thought even to want to do all that.

But I am a basic guy who if there are too many things something does, I just get lost.

It is a fault of mine, kinda like not getting into DMX or some of the more complicated things out there.

Each program does what it does and many will find one that is right for them.

I hope that it helps folks that are looking as I was for a program that is easy to use... and despite what some say... AutOKdj is just that very easy to use in the most basic of ways....

Of course there are some advanced features hiden in mouse right click menus.... but I just wanted to show what I meant by automated rotation control by the software.... maybe even clear up questions folks have had but were affraid to ask....

Now maybe that video belongs in it's own topic.... I can do more demos like that and even add audio to them if folks would like to see that sort of thing just PM your questions and I'll show the answer in a video... how's that?
My hosting system is free, never crashes, and does EVERYTHING...:sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh:

But on a serious but way to the side note, has anyone but me tried the combination of CDG Grip and Fasttracks? Just started diddling with it- not bad!
My hosting system is free, never crashes, and does EVERYTHING...:sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh:

But on a serious but way to the side note, has anyone but me tried the combination of CDG Grip and Fasttracks? Just started diddling with it- not bad!

Have a link?