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What am I getting myself into??

I really don't get it, all I said is that labs are wonderful dogs once they get past the chewing stage.

Dense much? Ok I'll spell it out for you......the fact that you kept your first dog through a difficult stage is hard for some of us to swallow since you didn't keep your last dog for more than 24 hours....or was it 48? Clear enough? :surrender:
I know my bro's lab was a big time chewer. Totally destroyed a sectional couch that was thousands of bucks. He lived until he was 15. Great dog, horrible chewer. This is even with treats, toys, chews, ice etc.
Dense much? Ok I'll spell it out for you......the fact that you kept your first dog through a difficult stage is hard for some of us to swallow since you didn't keep your last dog for more than 24 hours....or was it 48? Clear enough? :surrender:

Um, I was 14 when we got Tika. It wasn't even partly my choice. And puppies grow out of things like that, adult dogs don't. And I was smart enough not to leave my stuff on the floor, unlike my brother. My mom kept buying him new pairs of shoes when his got chewed up. Now can we turn this thread back to Joan and her new puppy?
Now can we turn this thread back to Joan and her new puppy?

Sure......what other stellar dog advice do you have for her? :bee:
Let's just lop ll dogs into the pool. I can't remember a dog I ever had that didn't chew. My rotty was the WORST!!! That is a behavior you learn to deal with and train the dog appropriate chew/play toys (bones, pig ears, tennis ball, football, even the sprinkler!) and inappropriate chew items (couches, chairs, work boots, vacuum cleaner cords, cable tv wiring, and the most undesirable 12 pack of toiletpaper SHREDDED!) It's all about training!
Not to worry Rebecca I'm getting one of those nasty **** pitbulls. :giggles:


(I had to) :hides:
Let's just lop ll dogs into the pool. I can't remember a dog I ever had that didn't chew. My rotty was the WORST!!! That is a behavior you learn to deal with and train the dog appropriate chew/play toys (bones, pig ears, tennis ball, football, even the sprinkler!) and inappropriate chew items (couches, chairs, work boots, vacuum cleaner cords, cable tv wiring, and the most undesirable 12 pack of toiletpaper SHREDDED!) It's all about training!

Chloe used to love to chew when we first got her (approx 5mos old). Funny thing was, she didn't really chew on objects but on us. She liked to kind of chew on your hand without breaking skin but it was annoying as hell. :surrender:
Um, I was 14 when we got Tika. It wasn't even partly my choice. And puppies grow out of things like that, adult dogs don't. And I was smart enough not to leave my stuff on the floor, unlike my brother. My mom kept buying him new pairs of shoes when his got chewed up. Now can we turn this thread back to Joan and her new puppy?

Of course, they do..... it's called love, patience and training
Kong are ton of fun (never tried one myself, but prepped many times for our dogs). :hiphip:

You can pack them with pretty much anything (we usually fill with mostly dry dog food, mixing in odds and ends from the fridge like diced carrots, diced apples, lowfat cheese, lowfat cottage cheese, leftover meat, rice, and/or a tiny smoosh of peanut butter). While I personally think it's A-okay to give "people food" to dogs, I'm always careful to choose healthy foods that are low fat ('cause a high fat intake can be very dangerous to dogs).

My goal is a very snug pack that allows a balance of work and reward that keeps them busy for a while.

We have bought many Kongs through the years, and the hardest part for me is matching the dog to the Kong - they come in different sizes and different strengths. Our pit bull needs a large extra-sturdy one, but our similarly-sized rottweiler does best with a medium regular-strength one. Too bad I didn't invest in the Kong company BEFORE I bought a dozen!

Oh, and speaking of Kong investment, one of the few toys that has ever lasted at our house for more than a day is the Kong Cuz. Ooooohhhh, they squeak like a SUNNAFABITCH (the canine equivalent of a drum set on Sunday morning), but are sturdy as can be. There's the good Cuz (no horns) and the bad Cuz (with horns).


I just made a quasi Kong type toy out of one of DD's old shark squeezy bath toys (It looks like the purple one above except it's shark shaped). It's pretty think plastic and similiar to what I think a Kong is...so I put a hole in the top and put some peanut butter inside. She's outside right now lovin' it.

I think she's really going to like the real thing. Thanks for posting about this. I've seen the Kong toys, but never really paid much attention to them as I'm alway focusing on bones to chew on.

I hope it works cause she's got some real shark's teeth on her and I would LOVE to find a toy that lasts longer than one day.
I hope it works cause she's got some real shark's teeth on her and I would LOVE to find a toy that lasts longer than one day.

Yeah, we don't buy a lot of non-Kong strength toys for the girls anymore. Katie can shred a tennis ball in about an hour. She doesn't even want to fetch, her sole mission in life is to kill the ball! Silly doggie.
She doesn't even want to fetch, her sole mission in life is to kill the ball! Silly doggie.

Sounds familiar. I'm hoping I can find some type of doggie jerky I can put inside because I don't know that I want to use peanut butter all the time.
and she doesn't really like dog treats.
I have a golden RETREIVER.. as in her name says, she is supposed to want to retreive... wrong!!! She isn't retreive anything. Let a squirrel cross onto my property line, it is so on!!! She'll chase something off, but forget the toys to retreive for mine, not happening. She just wants love and petting!