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What anti-virus do you use?

A couple of very good FREE ones are Malwarebytes and Threatfire. They seem to work very well, especially for free ones.

Some of the paid AV's do offer more features but as a start these are very good.
One of the dangers is that some unethical hacker may place a keylogger on your PC.

There are generally two types, one a hardware one that is physically placed on your PC and a software one that can easily be downloaded.

Some AV programs may not detect them or may not be able to remove them.

Fortunately there is an excellent FREE solution It is called SOPHOS. Look for and download their free "anti-root kit" You may have to look for it, but the free version is there.

This excellent program can detect and REMOVE the keylogger. So is well worth the time to download.
Another member kindly posted about a clean up program called Ccleaner. A truly great product. It stands for CRAP cleaner. I have used it for many years and never had any problems with it.

It can be very useful if you purchased a PC or laptop with an OS already installed, as many times there are many little add ons put in there without your knowledge or consent. That are only to the OS suppliers benefit.
Ccleaner is good at removing these and other left over rubbish and can speed up your PC considerably.

A word of Caution ONLY download from the official "piriform" site, as there is a fake link on the web that will download malware onto your PC.

The Piriform link is below.
I use norton, it does the job and is a reasonable price. :)
Lets not forget our friends who use Mac's. While it is true that macs usually do not get the same virus as Windows systems. No OS is invulnerable.

Virus programs that attack Macs are now being seen, so it makes sense to run AV's on Macs now.

Fortunately we have some good free AV programs for macs as well.

We can again turn to our clever friends at Sophos, who do a very good FREE AV program for Macs.

We have another good choice and can use another FREE AV program from http://www.iantivirus.com/

While it has a quite narrow focus and concentrates on the small amount of Mac malware, it is not resource intensive and it scans quickly.
I use BitDefender, but I only have 1 issue with it, everytime I turn on the PC the Auto-Scan is always turned off so I have to keep fixing it, it's not time consuming, just annoying.
AVG Free. I've tried a few others over the years, but AVG is the only one that isn't intrusive and irritating. Norton is awful, Avast is...ok, Bullguard should never be touched with a 50 foot pole (assuming that even still exists; it was the mid-2000s when I used that).