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What do I do?


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Tucson, Arizona
I'm not usually one who seeks advice on this sorta thing, but I honestly don't know what to do anymore. Hopefully I can get some help?

I'm in a relationship at the given time, however I haven't talked to her in about a week. I'm almost positive she's cheating, too. It doesn't feel like a relationship at all, and I am planning on breaking up with her. However, I'm unsure how to go about the conversation.

Then the main reason I made this. I like this guy at my school, Conor. So much it hurts. I asked my friend Zoya to see if he likes me for me, because it seems like he does to me. He makes perverted comments and makes weird faces at me often, is always poking me and sometimes we just walk side by side in a comfortable silence. He also suggests music I haven't listened to that he likes a lot, and lets me listen to the music on his phone whenever we're allowed to in school. It's adorable, honestly. But I'm not sure if I'm seeing the signs correctly? We've been friends for a while, and the school year is almost over and I'm supposed to be moving back to Arizona this summer... So basically my question is, am I guessing correctly and if so, what should I do? How do I break it off with my girlfriend and go along that conversation? Three questions in all...

Um, I don't really expect an answer or solution to this, but if you could help with anything listed here that'd be fantastic<3 Thanks [:
I really think the best thing to do is to try and break up as soon as you can as gently as you can. It's the most responsible thing to do to.
Just tell her you need to talk and explain first how you've been feeling and then move onto the fact that you're not confident in the relationship and that you'd like to break up because you feel it's what's best.
It sounds like your currently relationship is on rocky ground; you haven't spoken in a week and you believe she's cheating, not exactly indication of the relationship moving forward in any meaningful manner. Personally, I say break it off as soon as possible. You seem more concerned with *how* to break it off though, and to be fair I think it's fairly simple; just be honest and say it doesn't feel like a real relationship.

As for Conor, it's hard to tell whether or not he likes you because for all I know being playful is in his nature. Come to think of it, in High School I did similar things with women and I never had any desire to date them. I think the best way to go about this is to break it off with your current partner, then give it a while and see if Conor approaches you about starting a relationship. If not, approach him yourself. Actually, at this point I should ask if your sexuality is known to him; for all he knows you may only like women, in which case you'd probably have to approach him.
Well, if I was you, i'd tell her about how you havent been hiting off, tell her your suspicious, and even if she tells you she's not cheating, talk about your feelings for the guy and how you're just trying to do the right thing.

In regards of the guy, well... You're going away to arizona which is very far. The guy might just want to be your friend, nothing else. I am not there so i can't really tell,but i don't see any signs of interest more than a friend. But then again, i don't know him. That might be his way of saying he likes you. Maybe not. So, are you ready to get yourself into another relationship when you're a few months left from being "shipped" to the other side of the country (almost)? If you are, then go for it. If you are not, break up with your gf but not for him.

You need to be sure if you are not just pasionate about him. You might screw your friendship so you need to be in love with him, not passionate. (idk if passionate is used on people.. sorry)
I think before you break up with your GF you have a talk, maybe there's a certain reason you 2 aren't spending time together, maybe it's something you can work out/or not and that could lead to an easier break up, but you must communicate its what relationships are founded on, maybe you need to tell her your feelings and she needs to tell you hers.
You should talk to your girlfriend about why you haven't been talking lately and bring up your suspicions of her cheating. You may as well talk it out before you just end it, but it depends on if you want to find out the truth or would rather just not know. It does seem pretty odd that you haven't spoken in a week though.

As for the guy - as Kirk said he may be like that by nature, but it is also possible that he likes you. However, with you moving to Arizona you have to ask yourself; is it worth it? Say the two of you get together and it's goes great, you're going to have to suddenly move across the country to another state and then have to decide whether or not you guys want to continue with a LDR or break it off which may bring a lot of pain. Of course it may be worth that pain to have those few months with him, or you may like the idea of keeping it going, but it's your decision.
Oops. Let's see if I can click the right button this time. :[

Anyway, I talked to Macey about the situation and she understood completely, and we broke it off. She took it very maturely, and we're continuing to be great friends regardless<3 Thank you for all the wonderful replies, I honestly didn't expect so many. You all are wonderful people and I appreciate it a great deal.

Now about Conor, I have good news on that as well! Today he asked me out on a date, to see Evil Dead. We haven't planned when yet, however. I'm really excited, and I even told Macey about it. She was such a sweetie and urged me to say yes. My friend asked if he liked me, and because he's difficult he asked if I liked him and she said yes... so there you have that. lol. Today was just a great day full of understanding awesome people.

Thanks again for all the wonderful advice, It means a lot<333

Oh right, and if I do end up moving to Arizona [which is likely], I'll have a discussion with him about that and see what we can do. Knowing my luck, that won't be a problem because it probably won't go far anyway. Just thought I'd comment about that as well.
Aw you're welcome! :)

Everything sounds smooth with Conor as well so if I were you I'd just keep going exactly as you are and deal with it maturely as you can. Don't get your hopes up too much about Conor until you have your first date :)
Just one small detail..
Don't tell your ex-gf about Conor because she might be a sweetheart but on the inside , she might be suffering.

I know I would if my ex broke up with me and started telling me about someone else.
Things are going smooth with Conor, Lauren :D It's really great, almost got a hug today.

I told my ex about Conor already because I wanted to explain the full reason as to why we were breaking up. I like someone else, and I was insecure about our relationship in general. I won't tell her every little detail, but if she asks further I'll be honest. Thanks for the tip though, Riven. ^^ I wouldn't want to rub it in anyway, I know how much it hurts. ;;