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What is your child learning in 2nd grade?

kewpon addict

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I REALLY do want to know. Just had a nice chat w/DD's teacher on the phone and these kids are lumped into groups for spelling and reading. Based on some lame **** test from the FIRST day of school. My child is in the THREE letter word group. This is an insult as she is in 2nd grade and READS AND UNDERSTANDS the Diary of a Wimpy kid books. She has also read other books, this is merely an example. So what is your child learning? This wk. we start two digit math...oh boy!(sarcasm intended).
At our conference DS's teacher said he was impressive with his comprehension and with his math... Last year he was put in the highest math group. She said he is a very "deep" thinker....

But she said that results in him being a slower reader. She said we need to work on his fluency/speed. She pretty much told us to dumb down his books. She said to have him read books at home that he could read with ease and have him read them over and over and over. All to improve his speed.

I am not interested in dumbing things down. Our country is filled with people who's asses are on fire and don't stop to think about things. Not inteterested in creating another one.

So...they can work with him in speed and I will continue to work with him on content.

I do have him do some "easy" reading. Have done a little bit of repetitive reading and timed him to get excited about his speed and fluency. So, I am trying to improve that to some extent...but again. I am more interested in producing a young man that can think logically through something. He is always asking the meaning behind things. He will hear a song and ask what the song lyrics mean. He is in Awana and has to learn his verses each week. We work hard on the meaning in his verses.

Fluency is important to a certain degree. I have told him the more fluent he is, the more expressive he can be in his reading and have shown him how to read with a lot of inflection.

Fluency is for the district scores. That is in their best interest...not necessarily my son's.

She said he can take a math problem and tell her 6 different ways to solve the problem. Problem is...with the timed tests...he is a mile down the road thinking instead of just doing.

IdK. There needs to be a balance.
I have been reading a lot about the different ways kids learn and how best to help them.
It's interesting you bring up spelling because this is a concern for my DD. She reads at least one 100+ page chapter book each day and understands them very well. But her spelling is atrocious. The whole class gets the same words though. This weeks are: imagine, excited, decide, pencil, etc..... Plus every month there is a review test where the teacher picks 10 out of 40 possible words. I looked at the words this week and about fell over. It will be a looooonnnnngggg week. She really dislikes studying for spelling too. The other subjects she does very well at.
I think kids sometimes test poorly at school, because they are either distracted or rushing through it, then they get categorized from that test result. When I test my son at home from his spelling list, he always gets them all right. Then when he takes the test at school, he gets some wrong. I don't get it. I'll be asking about that at his conference.
I have been reading a lot about the different ways kids learn and how best to help them.
It's interesting you bring up spelling because this is a concern for my DD. She reads at least one 100+ page chapter book each day and understands them very well. But her spelling is atrocious. The whole class gets the same words though. This weeks are: imagine, excited, decide, pencil, etc..... Plus every month there is a review test where the teacher picks 10 out of 40 possible words. I looked at the words this week and about fell over. It will be a looooonnnnngggg week. She really dislikes studying for spelling too. The other subjects she does very well at.

WOW! your child is in 2nd grade? Would you mind sharing your general area where you are located? Even your county...you can always PM me. TIA.
I have seen the test and personally I feel that the test are set up for the children to fail. Some of the questions are so confusing that the teacher have to look it up to make sure they are guiding the children in the right direction to get the right answer. Furthermore, I have found in the upper grade levels 5th-8th not only are the questions confusing, but there is more then one possible answer and the students are told to pick the best answer. But their best answer (which could also be the other possible answer) may not be the right answer. Confusing right?
My ds is in 2nd grade. We have spelling words that go with books they read out loud to the entire class. We also have bonus words. Some are very easy, some are harder. It is hard to tell because my son always scores 100% but his reading level is 7th or 8th grade,
His math skills are also over the top---I have been disappointed with the math-because he was doing this stuff in kindergarten. Right now they are doing a lot of review--but he can do so much more. They did put him on a computer--and on a separate program to challenge him--same with reading--they have him on the computer and on higher levels of stuff
At our conference-they told me that the problem is he knows everything--and is very bright. They decided they should give him enriched materials etc.
Last year--they grouped the kids into different ability levels--but this year--because one of the grades is piloting the new math program--they can't do that.
They did tell me about the new math program--which instead of memorization (which my son in K taught himself multiplication) they don't do that--they want the kids to be able to rationalize and explain in detail why three times three is 9--instead of just being able to say 9---
It helps those that are not advanced- (which would have been one of my kids) my question was how is this helping those that are advanced--that need the memorization that is their learning style.
They told me all the new statistics show that the children need to know more of WHY verses just the straight answer.
So maybe--that is why they are giving them easier stuff.
I know I was upset at first--because mine was coming home with what I called baby food--since he could do all the stuff---and was given the explanation--just wait and see.

For reading--make sure they are giving your child challenge words--and not just 2nd grade focus words.

I could give you our words for this week--but this weeks are easy, it is all with abbreviations etc--such as Mrs. Ms. Miss---teaching them when to capitalize letters and periods etc.
They just did a planet thing in science--so all the planets and words like atmosphere were on their spelling tests.
I know appreciate was one from last week--(not a bonus--just regular)
I can go and try and find some old words if you want.
I say--keep your child reading for enjoyment. I was just told to have mine read more factual stuff-since factual stuff is on the gifted test. I just got him off of factual--so not sure I will switch him back. I am not sure he needs the gifted program--I just want mine to enjoy reading.
To me--at least in my district--it seems like they are teaching to the test---that and using computers a lot in the classrooms!!
I have seen the test and personally I feel that the test are set up for the children to fail. Some of the questions are so confusing that the teacher have to look it up to make sure they are guiding the children in the right direction to get the right answer. Furthermore, I have found in the upper grade levels 5th-8th not only are the questions confusing, but there is more then one possible answer and the students are told to pick the best answer. But their best answer (which could also be the other possible answer) may not be the right answer. Confusing right?

One of the computer programs the school gave us to do at home with our son--is exactly what you are describing. I was sitting next to him while he was doing it- we laughed and said--where is all of the above. I had to tell him to guess which one he thinks was best--we both agreed--to find out it is what the writer thinks is the best answer. SO SILLY-
then--they had questions that the answer was not there--though it was in context
I am very tired of teaching to the test---I think it is sad that we are now doing that.
I agree I think Georgie is doing the right thing by knowing her child--and working with him.
In the long run--he will be better off!!
I REALLY do want to know. Just had a nice chat w/DD's teacher on the phone and these kids are lumped into groups for spelling and reading. Based on some lame **** test from the FIRST day of school. My child is in the THREE letter word group. This is an insult as she is in 2nd grade and READS AND UNDERSTANDS the Diary of a Wimpy kid books. She has also read other books, this is merely an example. So what is your child learning? This wk. we start two digit math...oh boy!(sarcasm intended).
What district are you in?
Is this for the district--or is this just your teacher?
This year, our teacher has 15 spelling words and 5 bonus words. If you spell all your spelling words correct-then you get the bonus words.
My ds loves this--however--my oldest figured out to miss words on purpose---I found out it was just his teacher that did things that way.
I had a fit--and she changed it for him.

In our district I had not heard of in 2nd grade a 3 letter word group---that seems odd. Though his friends in other classrooms have different words than our classroom. Most though are of equal context--not just 3 letters.
I know when I volunteer in the classroom--I have worked with kids on syllables, synonyms, antonyms--and comprehension.
One of the books the kids were reading--I thought was TOO EASY--for all of them--but it was in the 2nd grade curriculum (so not sure if it was district or state wide) I thought my oldest did the book in K--but I must have been wrong--since all the grades were doing it.
Did you research to see what are the state standards? I know I should know since my ds in 2nd--but since he has been off the charts for so long-I guess I just don't pay attention.
If it were up to them... He would be reading See Spot Run, Dr Suess, etc for 20 min.

He gets bored silly. Instead I am having him read his beginners bible stories so that he is at least interested in the context...and try to make it fun by timing him...and have him read to Rosie and see what a challenge it is when someone is playing games during reading.......ahhhhh like you do at times son. :lol: Moral of the story, sit still and pay attention.

What he LOVES is the Skylanders chapter books... that need to be read with a dictionary in hand. His vocabulary is getting a good workout and he is so engaged in the stories.
km thank you for offering...perhaps you can give me your son's spelling words...I am in a ONE school district...we are LITERALLY the only school in our district...it is pathetic...they say they are teaching by state standards but I think they are teaching well below this. This is not challenging. The problem is that I live in a very poor working class community w/folks who have so many issues, alcoholism, drug use, etc. We AREN"T all this way but so many are that children really do not spend any time at home LEARNING. They all watch too much tv and play too much instead of spending time reading. My DD is one of the few that does the Book it program through pizza hut. It is really sad. And then they have grouped her by abiltiy which like I said I told the teacher to retest her. There is no way she should be in the group she's in. I think they are discriminating since she receives speech therapy for enunciation only. Her comprehension and spelling are great. We are continuing to work w/her at home but school is so boring to her! sad really.
There are end of the year review books that are pretty big that my son always did over the summer..if you want to make sure she continues to learn on target, you might want to look into those and then just let her progress to the next grades book as she learns more. If your school district is not the best and they have some underperforming testers, they are simply focused on making the required annual progress probably. I still remember vivdly when my son told me he was coloring each day 3 weeks into 2nd grade, I confronted the teacher and she basically said testing was next month and he can already make it to pass+ so she had to focus on the other students....he then left that school, thankfully we had a choice. Sadly, everyone doesnt and it is not fair that they dont.
Can you remember any of the names of the review books? I'd love to take a look at them...when I google homeschooling 2nd grade so many links come up that I'm not sure what is decent and what isn't. TIA.
I will try and find some of his words for you.
If you want to check out some web sights--a few teachers in our districts have computer sights you can to too (not the ones I mentioned as I think those have to be subscription)
You can go to www.cusd200.org
Look up Sandburg School
Then go to 2nd grade--Deinart---you will see web links
Maybe that will give you some extra ideas.
Some of these are very easy, but you can go to other teachers, and see if they have any grade appropriate sights.
km thank you for offering...perhaps you can give me your son's spelling words...I am in a ONE school district...we are LITERALLY the only school in our district...it is pathetic...they say they are teaching by state standards but I think they are teaching well below this. This is not challenging. The problem is that I live in a very poor working class community w/folks who have so many issues, alcoholism, drug use, etc. We AREN"T all this way but so many are that children really do not spend any time at home LEARNING. They all watch too much tv and play too much instead of spending time reading. My DD is one of the few that does the Book it program through pizza hut. It is really sad. And then they have grouped her by abiltiy which like I said I told the teacher to retest her. There is no way she should be in the group she's in. I think they are discriminating since she receives speech therapy for enunciation only. Her comprehension and spelling are great. We are continuing to work w/her at home but school is so boring to her! sad really.

Did you check with her speech teacher to see if she can up the spelling words. With one of my children they couldn't diagnose the ld--so they put her in speech and language until they could---my dd was very smart--so the speech teacher increased the amount of work for her. The teacher was following guidelines for someone that gets help---I then was able to go to her resource person and have them give her more words and more difficult assignments.
(Hope that will work for you!)
Good luck
These are the books our district recommends....


It's been almost a decade, but it think this is it that we used too

Unfortunately you are going to have a bunch of info just looking up homeschooling resources, there are so many things out there. I think this kind of book is a great resource and if you find a section she is struggling with you can probably find free worksheets somewhere on line to supplement further. Also lots of spelling games and methods on Pinterest.

Despite the teacher not doing what she should, she will be fine because you are stepping up to fill in th gap!
My DD who is in 2nd grade doesn't do spelling at all. They start next year. Math is simple,..6+4 is an average example. The math is way to easy for her, its based on the Mad Minute test, if she gets the whole page done she moves on to the next number(5). She reads chapter books like crazy, I do think a lot of the homework is super easy.
Bottom line... We all know our children and it is in our hands to fill the gap.

I know it can be extremely difficult with all of life's demands... But...we have to prioritize and find a good balance.

EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy oh boy do I know!!!!!!

Y'all are wonderful. Raise a child in the way he should go... God bless you all and your families!
My daughter is in 3rd Grade and I feel she's not being challenged in some areas. I've discussed this with her teacher who does not agree with me...frustrating!

I've decided to home school in the evenings. We're picking fun topics to learn about so it does not seem like "work". She really enjoys learning so it's working out well!