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What is your child learning in 2nd grade?

****, this thread is giving me the warm & fuzzies for the election threads. :snicker:
No worries georgie, I'm not pissed by anything anyone is saying on here...I LOVE people's opinions and I love everyone. Not too much of what anyone says brings me down in general...I hope you haven't taken it that way as that is not what I'm trying to say...the internet in general is different because you are not sitting with people face to face...I try always to be cognizant of that!

Um a great big HELLZ YES! on this kiddo!

It is so hard to "read" people, when you are reading people. :lol:

If people want to assume anything... Take it from the bible...

Assume the BEST of people. If you are wrong...screw it..they are the :asshat: then and it is between them and God anyways. :bowing:
Yay! Annie's here :dance:

Annie, you are a special ed teacher. What do YOU think?

Don't feel put on the spot, I just want an insider's view :giggles:
The school system is flawed. We are now told to group according to test scores. If your child is not a tester, too bad. They will be lumped in with those without the knowledge.

This is what we are told to do.

However, currently grades are based on work completion and smaller unit test scores.

So the kids can get better grades than their tests show they are capable of.

As a teacher, I see both ends of the spectrum being neglected. The highs and lows. I've been in all they types of SPED programs (as a teacher). Where they seclude the IEP kids in the room next to the heater, and full inclusion, where ALL kids are in the classrooms together without regard to ability.

In extreme cases, I've seen kids who could not speak, had feeding tubes, and wore diapers in 6th grade classrooms.

I am sorry. as a parent and a teacher I do not feel this is 'right'.

Right now I have a student who has very little memeory. She's in 8th grade. Cannot remember her address, birthday, how to spell her middle name, the coins names or values.

She is in a regular eduation 8th grade class where we are teaching pre-algrbra. Problems with multiple variables.

She's lost.

My job is to 'adapt' the curriculum.

When the kids are 'cross multiplying and dividing'. I write out the problems and her job is to punch it into the calculator and write the output. (she can't even do this consistently) but this is what she'll have to do on the ISAT.

She does not work without me right next to her. So she sits. and daydreams a lot. Because I have 9 other children with IEPs that need to be serviced. I cannot balance it all.

In the spring, she with all my other IEP kids, will be taking the 8th grade ISAT. She can only read at the 1st grade level and her comprehension is lower.

Its frustrating.

I question myself, "As a parent, would I want this for my child?"
no. because my child does not have a disability. BUT if they did, would I want them to feel 'NORMAL'?

As a parent, I make my boys read. I play board games with them. I ask them questions, and listen to the answers. I take them places. I talk with them. I teach them manners.

The system is flawed.

It takes a village, but it starts at home.

For those who have greater disabilities, the question always pops in my mind, how can she graduate? She's in 8th grade? She can't identify a quarter?
But really, she probably never will.

Should she sit in a first grade class forever, until she passes the requirements?

I don't know.
Joy, I KNOW you are right about a lot of this...it still doesn't make it right that these kids are being discriminated against. Again it just makes me sad. And that really is why I left education before I ever really got started..seeing it firsthand as an aide left me disgusted with the whole system and sometimes you can't fight city hall!
No child left behind?... Instead...every child left behind?...

Bottom line people.... Our government is fauxed. Our schools are fauxed. Our morals are fauxed. Our country is fauxed. We are going to hell in a hand basket.

My niece is slow. She has some learning disabilites... In middle school the teachers used these kids to.... wait for it...empty their garbage cans to contribute to the class. YEP! And they got tormented relentelssly by their peers. It is disgraceful!

Billy is being taught to have less depth in his thinking at just go for speed....

Bottom line... The whole thing is flawed. Everyone's rights have been stripped away. Pretty soon you will not be able to wipe your a$$ without permission.

I am expected to "keep my teenagers" under control...but they have stripped my rights from me and these ****y a$$ teens know it! THEY are impowered and we are neutered.

Plainly, things is fauxed up people.

Having said that... You women are amazing! We need to value our diversity!
The school system is flawed. We are now told to group according to test scores. If your child is not a tester, too bad. They will be lumped in with those without the knowledge.

This is what we are told to do.

However, currently grades are based on work completion and smaller unit test scores.

So the kids can get better grades than their tests show they are capable of.

As a teacher, I see both ends of the spectrum being neglected. The highs and lows. I've been in all they types of SPED programs (as a teacher). Where they seclude the IEP kids in the room next to the heater, and full inclusion, where ALL kids are in the classrooms together without regard to ability.

In extreme cases, I've seen kids who could not speak, had feeding tubes, and wore diapers in 6th grade classrooms.

I am sorry. as a parent and a teacher I do not feel this is 'right'.

Right now I have a student who has very little memeory. She's in 8th grade. Cannot remember her address, birthday, how to spell her middle name, the coins names or values.

She is in a regular eduation 8th grade class where we are teaching pre-algrbra. Problems with multiple variables.

She's lost.

My job is to 'adapt' the curriculum.

When the kids are 'cross multiplying and dividing'. I write out the problems and her job is to punch it into the calculator and write the output. (she can't even do this consistently) but this is what she'll have to do on the ISAT.

She does not work without me right next to her. So she sits. and daydreams a lot. Because I have 9 other children with IEPs that need to be serviced. I cannot balance it all.

In the spring, she with all my other IEP kids, will be taking the 8th grade ISAT. She can only read at the 1st grade level and her comprehension is lower.

This is also why I left education...I would NOT want my child in mainstream ed if she were that severe...my thought is what would she actually be learning? I would rather she learn things that are more at her level. I worked with children like this as an aide and I often thought why are they in mainstream classes? I'm NOT trying to offend anyone...I know it is an incredibly difficult decision to make..but I do understand Annie's point. Again there is no easy answer. My child is of average intelligence and again has issues with enunciation only for speech therapy. I have a friend whose son is Autistic and she has him in Sp. ed. classes...for her it was the right decision and I would agree with that since he really couldn't focus in a regular ed. classroom.
Joy, I KNOW you are right about a lot of this...it still doesn't make it right that these kids are being discriminated against. Again it just makes me sad. And that really is why I left education before I ever really got started..seeing it firsthand as an aide left me disgusted with the whole system and sometimes you can't fight city hall!

This is the one thing I really hate being right about. I try to zip it and have :nocomment: but I can't. I really just can't. There is wrong all the way around...districts take it too far in both directions. I'm thinking about Annie's student now...she clearly is not properly placed, or at least is not getting all of the support and services she obviously needs. I'm sure Annie that you are a wonderful teacher, but that girl needs her own aide. The IDEA isn't set up to put all of that on you alone even in a SPED classroom setting. She should have a 1 to 1.
I'm sure Annie that you are a wonderful teacher, but that girl needs her own aide. The IDEA isn't set up to put all of that on you alone even in a SPED classroom setting. She should have a 1 to 1.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!she needs her own aide!
I cannot get anyone to listen.

"The state is going this way now" is the answer I get.

We do not offer self contained classrooms, nor one-on-ones anymore.

Just like that.

no. Talk about neutered, I have no say in what happens to her. I hate it.
For those who have greater disabilities, the question always pops in my mind, how can she graduate? She's in 8th grade? She can't identify a quarter?
But really, she probably never will.

Should she sit in a first grade class forever, until she passes the requirements?

I don't know.

Hopefully her parents know about Brittany's law. Brittany's law (in IL, a few other states have similar legislation) allows students with disabilities who have completed 4 years of high school to participate and walk with their graduating class and earn a "certificate of completion". It is not a diploma, it simply acknowledges their 4 years of high school,and allows them to partake in all of the "graduation" festivities/ceremonies with their peers. For some students, perhaps like your student, it is the closest they will ever get to "graduating" from high school.
The system is f'ed up. My DD I have been told by teachers are super bright, but they do bad (math) when it comes to standardized test hence why they couldn't be put into the "gifted" program. So there they sat too smart for one class never being challenged enough and constantly complaining to the teachers that the work was way too easy for them.

Now in HS they are taking AP classes and passing with A's and B's. How can they take such high level classes and then they are given test and don't score high? Is it the question that is flawed or my kid just can't be tested? I've struggled for years to understand it.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!she needs her own aide!
I cannot get anyone to listen.

"The state is going this way now" is the answer I get.

We do not offer self contained classrooms, nor one-on-ones anymore.

Just like that.

no. Talk about neutered, I have no say in what happens to her. I hate it.


The state my ****...the state isn't going that way because federal law (the IDEA) supersedes any state law, and a state law can't provide less than a child is entitled to under the IDEA. THIS is the kind of crap that I can't stand. You have no say (and you are correct about what she needs) but you will get the blame if she doesn't meet her goals and benchmarks.

It is so sad, I hate it when districts pull that crap!
Joy, I don't know why reading "the IDEA" is like the sound of fingernails scraping on a chalkboard to me. I know it is correct, but I've always used "IDEA."

Also, the notes that come home from DS's school drive me insane too. The do not use people first language. The notes say things like, "If you have a special needs child that requires adaptive equipment or a personal assistant please contact our office in advance." It should be, "If you have a child with special needs..." OR even better in my opinion would be, "If you have a child that requires adaptive equipment..."
Joy, I don't know why reading "the IDEA" is like the sound of fingernails scraping on a chalkboard to me. I know it is correct, but I've always used "IDEA."

Also, the notes that come home from DS's school drive me insane too. The do not use people first language. The notes say things like, "If you have a special needs child that requires adaptive equipment or a personal assistant please contact our office in advance." It should be, "If you have a child with special needs..." OR even better in my opinion would be, "If you have a child that requires adaptive equipment..."

To be honest, it drives me crazy too, but having once been corrected by the district's attorney I do it their way. Which is technically correct but doesn't flow IMO.

For example....

If I said "It is not permissible under Individuals with Disabilities Act to..." that would be bad grammar. It should read "It is not permissible under the Individuals with Disabilities Act to.." so the logic goes that just because you are using the acronym for it (IDEA) that doesn't negate the need for the word "the" in the sentence.

I feel the same way about "myriad". While both "myriad of correspondence" and "myriad correspondence" are acceptable, the second is actually correct. It kills me to leave out the "of" when writing it. :)
To be honest, it drives me crazy too, but having once been corrected by the district's attorney I do it their way. Which is technically correct but doesn't flow IMO.

For example....

If I said "It is not permissible under Individuals with Disabilities Act to..." that would be bad grammar. It should read "It is not permissible under the Individuals with Disabilities Act to.." so the logic goes that just because you are using the acronym for it (IDEA) that doesn't negate the need for the word "the" in the sentence.

I feel the same way about "myriad". While both "myriad of correspondence" and "myriad correspondence" are acceptable, the second is actually correct. It kills me to leave out the "of" when writing it. :)

If I was going to write out IDEA, I would use "the" in front of it, however, we learned that IDEA or the IDEA was correct in our special ed. classes. I say that the district's lawyer is suck back in the past. Most of what I've read refers to it as IDEA.
We are studying for the Constitution test. I have been quizzing the kids. This came from my class today. I KNOW it is unbelievable, but walk a mile in my shoes and you will believe the unbelievable!

How am I not to laugh?

Quiz Question:
What is one of the duties of the President?

SPED teacher: "Duty means job, or something they need to do."

Student: "Pick up his socks?"
Good news everyone! The teacher retested DD and says that she now belongs in a different group...she will begin in the new group the wk. after next since next wk. there will be no spelling as we only go to school for 2 days. Here's hoping the new group has some more challenging words!:dance: