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What supplements do you take?

Yes, I just drink them raw.

Not sure if it is safe, I have been doing it for over 5 years though!

My old school bodybuilding Uncle got me into it.

I only use free range organic eggs though, what ever difference that makes! haha :)
Yes, I just drink them raw.

Not sure if it is safe, I have been doing it for over 5 years though!

My old school bodybuilding Uncle got me into it.

I only use free range organic eggs though, what ever difference that makes! haha :)

Good luck with your salmonella goals in 2013.

Currently I've only been taking a multi, but I usually take protein and BCAA's. But that's only because I'm cutting right now.

Whey contains BCAAs..
I currently take fish oil, a pre-workout energy supplement, protein powder, and creatine. While I will probably never know what is actually working, I have seen great results since incorporating all these things into my daily regimine and for me, it is worth the extra cash to know that I am getting the absolute most out of my workouts and doing everything I can to keep my body at its best.
I currently take fish oil, a pre-workout energy supplement, protein powder, and creatine. While I will probably never know what is actually working, I have seen great results since incorporating all these things into my daily regimine and for me, it is worth the extra cash to know that I am getting the absolute most out of my workouts and doing everything I can to keep my body at its best.

Same here, along with a multivitamin. I'm not sure how anyone would know what helps, accept for preworkout, unless they're an experienced bodybuilder. I think I take it for the mental edge and the fact that it could be helping me get stronger and grow muscles without me knowing.
Good luck with your salmonella goals in 2013.

Whey contains BCAAs..

Most people think that if you eat a raw egg, youre gonna get salmonella. This is simply not true.
Actually, I think the chances of contracting slmonella from eating raw eggs is something like 1 in 30,000. And thats with normal cheapo diseased eggs. If you buy organic free range eggs, like that poster said he does, the chances are even smaller.

Heres an article discussing it:


"A 2002 study by U.S. Department of Agriculture found that the risk of egg-borne salmonella was less than previously thought. The USDA study found that of the 69 billion eggs produced each year in the U.S., only 2.3 million are contaminated with salmonella. That’s 1 in every 30,000 eggs. Even then, the salmonella may have not even penetrated the shell, so smart handling and additional washing of the egg can decrease that risk."

So, if you wash the shells, and buy organic, there is a seriously minuscule chance that you will contract salmonella.

I have been eating raw eggs for years and never had a problem.
Usually just multivitamins and other natural sources of vitamins too :)
I don't really believe in taking supplements, they have the word "supplement" for a reason. With that said, I only take a Centrum multi-vitamin and whey protein. I don't see the point in taking Creatine, fish oil, and all the other people decide to crazy on.
I would never in my life take supplements. I prefer eating naturally available foods in good proportions. A balanced diet with good amount of exercise will do wonders
Whey, multi, fish oil and creatine. Basically anything else is a waste of money.
I have a tub of Myofusion and a jar of Orange Triad multis that I haven't touched in a while. Myofusion tastes good man
I take supplements that have been scientifically proven to work. They include beta alanine, whey protein, creatine, and citrulline malate. The beta alanine and citrulline malate aid in muscle recovery, and the whey protein for the essential daily protein needs. Creatine is also great in putting on muscle and strength. I made my best gains stacking those supplements together with my tough training.