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What was the best thing that happened in your day?


Part Of The Furniture
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Hmm, let me think. Today I finally got on top of my work, and got a hell of a lot done. :)
The best thing that happened today, I think, was having my appointment with the paedatrician go so well. :)
This is going to sound ridiculous, but the best thing that happened for me today was getting my period! The PMT was killing me! So yeah :)
Hmm, today it was watching a movie with Jason. All weekend we tore up the old rugs off the floors and now we are worn out!! Finally today, we relaxed and just did nothing strenuous and even got to watch a movie we've been wanting to watch; Close Encounters of the Third Kind. We've both seen it before a few times now but it's been a while.
Going to my parents' house for dinner and then stopping by Spidey's to see everyone :)
So far today, it's been enjoying surfing the soup, when I should have been doing schoolwork. :D
Fitting back into my leather pants (after going up a size and gaining a few pounds, it's nice to be able to squeeze myself into size 1s again..even if it's only for this pair of pants) and finally having an extended converstation with Sean :)
Hmmm I got to sleep in for the first time in like forever. And Im playin with my computer instead of working.
Hrm... I would say waking up.

At first I didn't want to, but I'm glad I did. So far the entire day has been great! It's one of those perfect days.

It's a good hair day. It was a blast to drive into work, since someone else driving wanted to dance too, as we zipped in and out of traffic. Read through numerous work related emails, and all of none of them were bad. Then was talking with Jen before heading off to a benefits meeting (have to like any sort of meetings that take up work time but are not work related). After the meeting, dug into work and had some good results - cleaned up a good portion of the project by tearing out over 3000 lines of code (none of them documented), removing 4 classes, yanking out over 12 objects from the Rational Rose object model, resulting in overall removal of 25000 lines of emitted code. Theres another section that looks like I can cleanup as well in similar fashion. I managed to remain disjoint from other efforts going on that I unburdened myself from on Monday, by telling myself "It's their pain now. Let them deal with it." It's so chaotic around here, but none of that matters, since I've shut them out of my world through listening to my mp3's (today it's mostly LinkinPark and LimpBizkit) while working. Also deposited an expense reimbursement check ( >$1K ) too. Managed to confirm plans for this weekend, or at least Saturday. It looks promising. There's just a few hours (~4) remaining at work; then I can head home and proceed to workout (addicted to those adrenaline rushes). And everything else I hadn't mentioned has gone perfectly as well!

This day is mine!

I didn't do much today, I made a design for PIT, he didn't ask me but I was bored so I made one .. if ya wanna see it PIT, just ask .. :)

Another thing I did today is thank god I wasn't a woman after seeing Nats pmt post. :)
I had a cool day, we smacked an annoying teacher over the head with a tennis ball.

It was soo funny, we had to apologise and one of the lads farted and we all burst out laughing in her face.

You might think it was cruel but u gotta know that she is just AAAGH, the worst
Dermo: You didn't mention you chipped the teachers tooth ... :)
<sidenote> Bob, PIT's a boy :) </sidenote>

I gotta add that it's nice to have moonie come home and discuss his day with me. He's the only person I really *talk* to all day long. (Unless you wanna count the goofballs I work with.)
Mthr : Which is exactly what my post says!! [After the edit :)]

PIT, Dude .. I am so sorry .. I suck .. my bad, won't happen again. :)