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What was the best thing that happened in your day?

My baby chickens hatched!!!!!!!!! :D Now I have 3 likkle chicks running around chirping - they're sooo cute!! :D
PIT: Thats good to hear about yoru friend, you must have been **** worried!

Prox: Cool, I haven't seen, or heard from my dad for nearly 3 months now, but thats because he is a loser that couldn't give a crap about anyone, especially not my mom who has brought up 3 boys for the last 6 years on her own ..

Nat: Kick ****!! They must be adorable!! A question, do they have any hair/fur? And can they see yet? I must say though, constant chirping would get annoying after a while ..
Yes!! They can see now, and they've got little feathers and they're walking around today. I love the constant chirping!! It reminds me that I've got little mates nearby. They're the most adorable little fellas!
I can walk today!! :D (I couldn't yesterday, thus I am welcoming the return of this skill, even if I am somewhat dizzy.)
(This one's from yesterday, but since I can't post on the weekends due to my retarded computer at home, I'll share it today ;) )

I found the PERFECT pair of jeans. They were a little bit more expensive than I would've liked, but (girls, I'm sure you know what I mean here) they were literally the pair I've been searching for forever. They're lowcut, actually button around my hips without going up a size or two, and my undies don't hang out in the back. I'm in looooove :D
Originally posted by Bob
A question, do they have any hair/fur?

hair?... fur?? they're *birds*, bob. birds have feathers. :rolleyes: :lol:
Thank you!!

Thank you monsieurjohn, that had been annoying me for the last few hours, I was like, 'Bob you idiot, birds dont have har or fur, they have ..' and I just could not htink of that **** word!!

Feathers! Feathers I tells ya!!
:lol: @ Bob

Mth: I totally understand!! I have such a small bum that I find it really hard to find anything that fits - so when I found them I was totally in love!! :inlove: Sure, they cost me the most I've ever payed for one peice of clothing, but they are sooo cool! (Dave - I'm talking about the black jeans I wore to the seminar.) They're Skunk Jeans! (Bought from SkunkWear of course.) They've got the male and female symbols embroidered onto the back pockets too! Gosh, I could talk about them all day!! :D

Okay, the best thing that's happened so far today was having a shower. It was one of those memorable showers. It was just soo nice! All that warm water flooding over my skin... :inlove:
We had a cold front come through. Right now, it's in the low to mid 60s. I actually got to drive to work with my windows down - without having to put the AC on, too. Of course, my hands are numb now, but that's okay :)
hubby came home unexpectedly for lunch and we had a nice sandwich :D

i found a tiny sample of clinique conditioner in the shower this a.m. now my hair smells nice and is really soft.

did i mention that i have a bagel waiting downstairs for me? i'll eat that for dinner at work tonite.

ah, what else - okay, i know you will all *KICK* me, but - i'll admit - i'm kind of liking this cooler weather today - no more skin problems :D
Today was a kick **** day, I think I might just be beggining to realise that your school days are the best days of your life .. my life is perfect right now!!!

I love life! And Coke! And Chocolate! And AlienSoup! And now I am gonna stop looking foolish!
Sarah called me back this morning.
I have a whole afternoon of Duke Nukeming to look forward to. :)
I've just got off the phone, after spending one and a half hours talking to Nat. :)
Trying to decide between:

  • The spa with my girlfriend, or
  • The shower afterwards.
  • The dinner to wrap it all up.

It was overall a pretty damned good day for me.
hmm...nothing really happened today...but the best thing would be the repair of the door handle in my car. It was mysteriously broken on Saturday night...:uhoh:
Talking on the phone to Dave for 95 minutes and 35 seconds exactly!! :D (I looked at the phone after I hung up!:D)

um, I got my two people to move in together in The Sims...
:lol:mad:Dave ;)

Well I had a great day! Lara (my tutor) brought her kids over this morning to show them my 3 baby chickens and they were delighted. Then Ebony (the only friend that still talks to me) called and she came over this arvo, so that was nice too.