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Yesterday, I see a "neighbor" come home from work and park on the street.
They open their vehicle door, and dump all their fast food garbage into the street gutter, and proceed to their apartment.
(Mind you, we just had the street sweeper come through last Friday, so the block was clean.)

My ex's younger brother, if he saw people littering, would pick up the trash they dropped & go over to them & say 'You dropped this'. People were usually so shocked, they'd take it from his hand & throw it out properly.

You could gather it all up & put it underneath his windshield wipers with a nice note :)
Honestly - nothing. I might have said something if I was outside and saw it happening but other than that, nope.
Let's see, you could put the garbage in a bag and then you could find some dog **** and was left behind by some disrespectful dog owner, shake it up and then tie it to the driver's side handle of the car. But make sure that you only tie one side of the bag so they definately can see that their garbage is in there along with the smeary ****.
I probably would have said at the time, "Did you seriously just throw your trash on our street?!!" I could see the kid who lives by us doing that.

I'd probably pick it up & put it on their porch or lawn.

You mentioned before that you cut most of your neighbors lawns- I hope this guy isn't one of them!
Did they see you see them? Makes a difference becuase whatever action you take they will know it's you and do you really want to start **** with a "neighbor"?
Before clicking into the thread, I thought for sure the answer would be SWALLOW.

After reading, I agree with simply hanging it in a Jewel bag on their doorknob. I'm boring like that.
Before clicking into the thread, I thought for sure the answer would be SWALLOW.

If that's your philosophy...then how'd you get pregnant?
So this is what I did.

I picked up the wet nasty fast food garbage...(there was a lot!) NOT in a bag :giggles:, and shoved it all in to his mailbox...(no room for mail today!).....with a note that read...

Saw you throw this garbage out of your truck into the gutter yesterday when you got home from work.

So this is what I did.

I picked up the wet nasty fast food garbage...(there was a lot!) NOT in a bag :giggles:, and shoved it all in to his mailbox...(no room for mail today!).....with a note that read...

Saw you throw this garbage out of your truck into the gutter yesterday when you got home from work.


You might want to PM some people here the guy's name, address, car make and model, etc........in case you wind up missing.......
Not sure it was a good idea to put it in their mailbox. Isn't that illegal. (not that littering is ok)
I don't like when people litter either, but policing others especially my neighbors is like ****ting where you eat. I'm not interested in having an enemy next door. He might start calling you out on every little thing you do that he doesn't like. Unless, of course, you two are already on bad terms then it doesn't really matter. You can just carry on with the status quo.
I would lose all hope in humanity if I saw that. Absolutely.
Yup its illegal - can't put anything in the mailbox unless you're the postal carrier with the mail.
So this is what I did.

I picked up the wet nasty fast food garbage...(there was a lot!) NOT in a bag :giggles:, and shoved it all in to his mailbox...(no room for mail today!).....with a note that read...

Saw you throw this garbage out of your truck into the gutter yesterday when you got home from work.

I like it, but hope no one saw you do it. Screwing around with a mailbox is a federal crime IIRC.