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What would you do?

So this is what I did.

I picked up the wet nasty fast food garbage...(there was a lot!) NOT in a bag :giggles:, and shoved it all in to his mailbox...(no room for mail today!).....with a note that read...

Saw you throw this garbage out of your truck into the gutter yesterday when you got home from work.


I hope you wore gloves...otherwise your DNA will be detectable on the garbage and this dude will now contact the authorities and say that you are a stalker which will result in the Feds breaking down your door and confiscating your computer, which then you will have to explain why you "cavort" with a bunch of dirty minded old ladies who coupon and worship some cat named Jill....oh and you will have to explain not only the picture of the unicorn costume that was posted last week but why you have an EXACT replica of it hanging in your closet...

was it really worth it?
I like it, but hope no one saw you do it. Screwing around with a mailbox is a federal crime IIRC.

Ooops...better get your dog officer on that one! :giggles: (sorry...well, kinda...).
:lol: Putting it in the mailbox wouldn't occur to me.
This is the BIG BLACK TRUCK-little **** guy that everyone on the block hates already. I'm not too concerned, since we have owned for 25 yrs, and he is a 1 yr. rental tenant.

I wonder if your note will end up at www.passiveaggressivenotes.com

This is a fun site. :lol:
This one could come in handy in a few threads.

Wow I need a sign like that at work.

Oh Steve it's that guy? The one you guys all already hate? :lol:
I hate to say it but I have become a tad more passive agressive lately and probably would have smeared eary single window of his car with the condiments left in the bag or from the food. If I had stewed about it a little longer, I would have gone in, gotten a bottle of expired ketchup and doused each and every door handle on the car with nice tasty ketchup. Ahh maybe I would have used dog ****. Maybe molasses. You probably do not want to piss me off right about now.
I hate to say it but I have become a tad more passive agressive lately and probably would have smeared eary single window of his car with the condiments left in the bag or from the food. If I had stewed about it a little longer, I would have gone in, gotten a bottle of expired ketchup and doused each and every door handle on the car with nice tasty ketchup. Ahh maybe I would have used dog ****. Maybe molasses. You probably do not want to piss me off right about now.

Um............don't look now kaeg, but that's not "passive" agressive, that's just agressive! :lol: :secret:

So it's ok to **** in the Dockers? :giggles:

exactly what I was thinking.. you might need to paint with a broader brush, red. "please deposit your **** ONLY in the toilet. Not on the bench. Not in the Levis. Not in the socks." Actually maybe leave the last 3 sentences out; you don't want to give people ideas.
I hate to say it but I have become a tad more passive agressive lately and probably would have smeared eary single window of his car with the condiments left in the bag or from the food. If I had stewed about it a little longer, I would have gone in, gotten a bottle of expired ketchup and doused each and every door handle on the car with nice tasty ketchup. Ahh maybe I would have used dog ****. Maybe molasses. You probably do not want to piss me off right about now.

I am amazed at how much I love the idea of covering someone's car in ketchup. :girl:
Freshman year in college I dumped a guy after about 8 months of dating. Every morning after that I would find my car covered in something different. One morning it was brownies smeared all over, another was laundry detergent all over, eggs, etc. I guess he doesn't handle rejection well. :9: Funny thing is he's a lawyer now...........I wonder if I could still sue?
Um............don't look now kaeg, but that's not "passive" agressive, that's just agressive! :lol: :secret:

Nah, it's still passive aggressive. Confronting the person would be aggressive. Doing something for them to discover later is still passive aggressive no matter how over the top it is.