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When would you like a child?

Never. I'm not interested in having children. While my bodily clock might go "BEEP BEEP BEEP GO HAVE SOME BABIES" later in life, the presence or absence of such an urge isn't the only thing that factors into the decision.

I agree. I am never going to have children. I had a large hand in raising my three younger siblings, and that has traumatized me for life, I think. Don't get me wrong, I liked helping my mother out at first because the father of those children was a complete idiot and no help at all. I didn't want my mother to feel overwhelmed or like she was on her own with these three children to take care of, and so I was basically their second parent.

I felt the pressure and I can honestly say that after that experience, I am NEVER having children of my own. I am much too selfish for children, and I am too accustomed to my freedom for kids. I like children, just as long as I can give them back.
I'm 27 already, never wanted kids. ;o
I'm on a really broody kick right now. Like, I'm fully ready to have kids. I just can't afford it lol
Most likely when I am in my 30's, if I really wanted one. I know I won't really want anyone in my life but my boyfriend. Plus he doesn't care for children, and neither do I. We'll see though, things change. :)
I love kids and I want a few some day, I have the names picked out and everything. I guess I'd want them in my 20's but I don't really care. When the time is right I guess.
I'd say mid-twenties - but it would all depend on the situation. That gives me about five years to settle and get my life sorted out. It'd also depend on the partner I'm with at that time - how much I've messed my fertility up and such.