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I think the enviroment on this forum has become to toxic.
Kinda funny in way, KJs can't seem to find something to talk about unless it's a heated SC topic.:confusedpill:
I think the enviroment on this forum has become to toxic.

Not at this moment it isn't. The offenders are currently "detoxing" with a time out. Discussion without flaming or baiting is worth the effort.

The Mods should be commended for their efforts. It's a real shame they have to use that discretion and enforcement. All of us should know better and act accordingly.

I think "One More Minute" by Weird Al about sums up the 'toxic' feeling... (the original video is really funny as he does it in 50's do-wop style) if you haven't heard it before it's worth a listen :rolleyespill:
Kinda funny in way, KJs can't seem to find something to talk about unless it's a heated SC topic.:confusedpill:

I can't speak for others but for me I can discuss any subject and will admit when I don't have the facts and will try refer the discussion toward the source. Currently there seems to be a huge divide since a group of kjs spent two days in the company of a couple of heaver hitters in the karaoke manufacturing industry. Those companies have spent $$$$$$s trying to keep their businesses alive (their reasons are their reasons and not for me to judge) all the while there are people stealing from them (the manus) unknowing or knowingly (or just plain intentionally) and citing all kinds of laws that probably do/do not apply to justify their intentonial actions. Some here have a REAL vested intrested ($$$$$$ buying their through legal sources) in their business and some do not (downloading from non legal sources) and it is a slap in the face when those that steal are getting away with it and then brag. Emotions run hight on the subject and as some have said in the past, you cannot ignore the elephant in the room. I do not know how long you have been in this industry to see it ups and downs but it has become a race to the botton with regards to integrigity and morals and nobody is winning.
I can't speak for others but for me I can discuss any subject and will admit when I don't have the facts and will try refer the discussion toward the source. Currently there seems to be a huge divide since a group of kjs spent two days in the company of a couple of heaver hitters in the karaoke manufacturing industry. Those companies have spent $$$$$$s trying to keep their businesses alive (their reasons are their reasons and not for me to judge) all the while there are people stealing from them (the manus) unknowing or knowingly (or just plain intentionally) and citing all kinds of laws that probably do/do not apply to justify their intentonial actions. Some here have a REAL vested intrested ($$$$$$ buying their through legal sources) in their business and some do not (downloading from non legal sources) and it is a slap in the face when those that steal are getting away with it and then brag. Emotions run hight on the subject and as some have said in the past, you cannot ignore the elephant in the room. I do not know how long you have been in this industry to see it ups and downs but it has become a race to the botton with regards to integrigity and morals and nobody is winning.

I hear ya. I've been around since the laser disk day, still have 'em.

I don't do much karaoke here in KC. Never really went after the bars because I have a fulltime day job. That will change after the first of the year, my wife and I are moving to where she is from and there is 1 or 2 guys that do karaoke, part time. So I am going through my library now and making a list of new stuff to buy from Chartbuster. I will say, for the record, that when I have decided what I'm keeping and what I'm selling to a friend, that I will seek out the audits from SC & CB. I know they will be going through the area so why not be proactive and have the audits out of the way now.:winkpill:

Do I agree with the way SC was doing things at first? No. But I think they have learned and made changes.

But that is just my .02 YMMV
Not at this moment it isn't. The offenders are currently "detoxing" with a time out. Discussion without flaming or baiting is worth the effort.

The Mods should be commended for their efforts. It's a real shame they have to use that discretion and enforcement. All of us should know better and act accordingly.

I think "One More Minute" by Weird Al about sums up the 'toxic' feeling... (the original video is really funny as he does it in 50's do-wop style) if you haven't heard it before it's worth a listen :rolleyespill:

Gotta ask "offenders" of what? Some have been just trying to defend their position and others have pushed just the right button to elisit the proper response resulting in a ban and others have just been way over the top with their own comments. I think disguised personal attacks that some employe (My opinion) would not take place if we were face to face discussing the same subjects... On line anyone can whatever they want to be and some bully from behind a keyboard, who knows I might be a 70 year old woman sitting in a wheel chair in the basement of my house on the beach in Malibu. You have to learn to take everything here with a grain.............. I is your due diligance to verify what you read here and not take it as the gospel. But with that being said, I would consider someones personal experiences over someone that has no experiences and just repeats rumors as fact with regard to a subject.
I hear ya. I've been around since the laser disk day, still have 'em.

I don't do much karaoke here in KC. Never really went after the bars because I have a fulltime day job. That will change after the first of the year, my wife and I are moving to where she is from and there is 1 or 2 guys that do karaoke, part time. So I am going through my library now and making a list of new stuff to buy from Chartbuster. I will say, for the record, that when I have decided what I'm keeping and what I'm selling to a friend, that I will seek out the audits from SC & CB. I know they will be going through the area so why not be proactive and have the audits out of the way now.:winkpill:

Do I agree with the way SC was doing things at first? No. But I think they have learned and made changes.

But that is just my .02 YMMV

That is exactly what I did. Call it a preemptive strike if you like but I wanted to get ahead in the game.
Some here have a REAL vested intrested ($$$$$$ buying their through legal sources) in their business and some do not (downloading from non legal sources)

I just want to be clear here. I really don't agree with this comment, and unless you can prove that people here are downloading from illegal sources, I think you should readdress it.
As far as I'm concerned, and unless it can be PROVEN beyond a doubt, NO ONE HERE is downloading from illegal sources, nor are they trying to justify it by citing laws that they think support it.
The comment you made above implies that people who don't agree with SC's methodology must be stealing from them, especially when they cite laws that support their position. That, in and of itself, is inflammatory and could give the impression, especially to newcomers, that certain ones among us (myself included) are pirates. Not cool.
Any one of us on "the other side" of the "SC METHODOLOGY" argument could be insulted and feel slighted and I wouldn't blame them.
That comment alone is akin to calling us out.
Yet again.
And you wonder why fights start?
I think disguised personal attacks that some employe (My opinion) would not take place if we were face to face discussing the same subjects...
There also isn't tone of voice or facial expressions to go with what is said, which truly mean a lot in a conversation.
Proof read what you're typing. Ask yourself if it is likely to be taken the wrong way? If it is, rewrite it or don't post it it. Would save a whole lot of arguing on here if people would just stop pointing the finger and trying to bait others into inflammatory posts.
There's too many gone right now, and for what?
This is why it is highly advisable to think be for you type.
Agreed Diafel. I'd really like to get everyone together in person. I suspect lots of forum enemies would be come friends or at least be able to tolerate each other afterward. I personally hate having to ban people but it truly is the only option I have.

At least everyone will be back for the weekend.
I would take it as, if the comment wasn't directed at a person personally, then they shouldn't assume it was directed at them at all and not take it personally. If you don't download from illegal sources and try to justify it on here then the comment is not about you.

It could even have been the wording--"some here have a vested interest" is definitely referring to posters on this board but the rest could be referring to the people they deal with in their own area as an explanation as to why they get emotional when discussing the subject on here. I took it as an explanation of why emotions run high on the subject, not a definite accusation of anyone specifically on here.
I just want to be clear here. I really don't agree with this comment, and unless you can prove that people here are downloading from illegal sources, I think you should readdress it.
As far as I'm concerned, and unless it can be PROVEN beyond a doubt, NO ONE HERE is downloading from illegal sources, nor are they trying to justify it by citing laws that they think support it.
The comment you made above implies that people who don't agree with SC's methodology must be stealing from them, especially when they cite laws that support their position. That, in and of itself, is inflammatory and could give the impression, especially to newcomers, that certain ones among us (myself included) are pirates. Not cool.
Any one of us on "the other side" of the "SC METHODOLOGY" argument could be insulted and feel slighted and I wouldn't blame them.
That comment alone is akin to calling us out.
Yet again.
And you wonder why fights start?

First, My comments were intended to be generic and not specific to one manu.

Also, for you, I will claify that my reference to downloading was refering to those that file share or download from unauthorized sources, are in fact stealing from the the manus (whatever logo the product has).
Agreed Diafel. I'd really like to get everyone together in person. I suspect lots of forum enemies would be come friends or at least be able to tolerate each other afterward. I personally hate having to ban people but it truly is the only option I have.

At least everyone will be back for the weekend.
Unfortunately, that will probably never happen. I think there's been too much animosity already.
Suspicions run deep on both sides of the fence and I know that there is a general fear of retaliatory "piracy reporting" because of it.
Some of us on the "Anti-Methodology" side fear that once people actually know who we are in real life, because of what's been said here and implied here in the past, that we will get reported to SC for piracy, just for spite. I honestly don't think that fear is unwarranted.
And I know that there were some who might have gone to the SC meet up, but for fear of exactly that. They definitely felt they wouldn't have been welcome, and to be honest, I felt the same, given many of the comments regarding certain members attending. Even if I had been inclined to go and had the money, I wouldn't have gone because of the unwelcoming atmosphere. So, no, I don't see a full on get together happening anytime soon.
There also isn't tone of voice or facial expressions to go with what is said, which truly mean a lot in a conversation.
Proof read what you're typing. Ask yourself if it is likely to be taken the wrong way? If it is, rewrite it or don't post it it. Would save a whole lot of arguing on here if people would just stop pointing the finger and trying to bait others into inflammatory posts.
There's too many gone right now, and for what?
This is why it is highly advisable to think be for you type.

I stand by what I typed with one regret, shoud use spell check.

Sometime people read what they want into a post and never consider that the post wasn't a personal attack. My opinion is just that so please take what you want from it and respect my opinion as just that. I agree to disagree.
If you don't download from illegal sources and try to justify it on here then the comment is not about you.
And who here does? That's my point.
It could even have been the wording--"some here have a vested interest" is definitely referring to posters on this board but the rest could be referring to the people they deal with in their own area as an explanation as to why they get emotional when discussing the subject on here.
Which is EXACTLY why I urge everyone to proof read what they are typing. Your comment makes my argument very nicely.

Also, for you, I will claify that my reference to downloading was refering to those that file share or download from unauthorized sources, are in fact stealing from the the manus (whatever logo the product has).
ANd who here had advocated such a thing? No one. My point is that the way it was written, it could definitely be taken as a slam, given the fact that we are all supposed to be innocent of piracy until proven otherwise. Please see possum's comment about ambiguous statements. That's my point. thing can be taken any number of ways. It's our obligation when we post to try and think of those ways it can be taken and correct them, BEFORE we post and so avoid such arguments!
I would take it as, if the comment wasn't directed at a person personally, then they shouldn't assume it was directed at them at all and not take it personally. If you don't download from illegal sources and try to justify it on here then the comment is not about you.

It could even have been the wording--"some here have a vested interest" is definitely referring to posters on this board but the rest could be referring to the people they deal with in their own area as an explanation as to why they get emotional when discussing the subject on here. I took it as an explanation of why emotions run high on the subject, not a definite accusation of anyone specifically on here.

My "vested interest" comment was refering to a percentage in our industry beyond a percentage us on this forum. There are only a hand full of KJs that are active on this forum and so many more that are not and it was a generic comment.
My "vested interest" comment was refering to a percentage in our industry beyond a percentage us on this forum. There are only a hand full of KJs that are active on this forum and so many more that are not and it was a generic comment.
Again, another great example of why it's important to think and be clear when we're writing something. Until now, there was no way for us to know that until you took it out of your head and put it down here.
Diafel I specifically said that I did not see the post as being "a definite accusation of anyone specifically on here." I think along with watching how we post, being careful to read and try to understand what was posted is also helpful. I often read something and think the person said one thing and then later when I go to find the post it turns out they didn't say what I thought at all.

I have no illusions of being able to control how anyone else posts. I can't control how my own boyfriend posts from just across the room. Something can sound right in your head at the time and not come out as you intended and as everyone is human, it will happen, no matter how careful people try to be. Even just writing our flyers I have to let them sit overnight and come back and re-read them with fresh perspective to make sure what I wrote is clear.

The only thing I can do is try to control how I respond to a post. If the board continues to be a useful source of sharing information then I can choose to stay and if the board ceases to be useful then I can choose to not participate. All other control belongs to Dan.

And I don't think people wanted to lure those who disagreed to the SC meeting so they could bust them for piracy or attack them. I think they wanted people to get a chance to see another side of the story and I'm betting they would have been friendly. I really wanted Joe to go as I knew he would be immune to the alledged magical hyptnotizing powers of Kurt and if he came back with any opinions changed then that would be significant information. Either way, actually. What would they bust Joe for? Discs? Sounds like people missed an opportunity to be let in on alot of info as far as the direction manufacturers want to take things. I like info as even if I disagree at least I know what I will be up against. Wish some others on "the other side" had gone and given their perspective.

Oh well. We will entertain oursleves here awaiting the return of the Fighting Five, or however many there are on hiatus now.
Diafel I specifically said that I did not see the post as being "a definite accusation of anyone specifically on here."
Again, THAT was my point! You saw it differently than I did. I happen to think it was a great example of how two different people can see things differently.

Wish some others on "the other side" had gone and given their perspective.
Again, after some of the comments directed at others in direct relation to their possible attendance at the event (think Mexican party favour), I don't blame them for not feeling welcome. I sure didn't. Too bad, really. Might have been interesting to go and put faces to everyone. That, and getting away from piles of snow at anytime is ALWAYS a good thing!