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Who are you? Care to share?


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I know there are some ppl that enjoy hiding behind a fake Internet persona but I'm not one of them. I like to know who ppl are in their real life. So share if you care to.

I'm a 35 yo SAHM with 6 kids (ages 14-4 months). DH and I have been married for 10 years. I was educated as an RN but after DD7 was born I quit working so I could do the job that I'm passionate about.

I'm more organized than some, but not neurotic. I enjoy crafting, camping, the Cubs, chocoriffic chocolate drink, Oreos, Snickers, Captain n coke, Coors Light, hiking, rock climbing, riding my bike, baking, cooking, trying new things, introducing my kids to things I never was as a child.

I'm not really a couponer but I do use coupons. I come to CW for adult conversation, laughter and when I don't want to fold that load of laundry that is beeping in the dryer.
Nice Valerie!

My name is Ann and I'm a 36yo SAHM. I've been with my husband for 15 years and married for 12 this May. We have 2 kids, ds who is 7 and dd who is 4. Wish we had another one but things in that department just aren't happening.

I LOVE to cook and am pretty good at it if I do say so myself. :lol: My favorite to cook are Italian dishes. I bake, although usually just around the holidays. I enjoy drinking - shocker to some, I know! Love me some Blue Moon or a glass of wine. I am a very funny person and fun to hang with....dh may disagree on that one. :lol: Dang, it's hard to come up with things about yourself!
Great topic!

I come here for the deals. My first year or so here I never went into off topic covos but have started. That is one way to get to know people around here.

DH and I have 3 kids- 2 little boys and a newborn little girl. We LOVE our family and each other.

My DH and I met in Undergrad and began courting 2 years after we met so together for 13 years and married for 6 and a half years. We got married months after I finished Graduate school. I taught Spanish and and now a SAHM.

CW is great...I have learned that you just have to ignore some things that go on around here just like in real life. By no means and I going anywhere...I have really met some REALLY nice people here. Talked on CW then met up and had a blast!

I met Mrs. Melton when she put a picture up of her little girl. I was happy to meet another black couponer!!! I didn't know we existed...LOL!!! I have also met up with Reporter, who is SO nice, and a few other women on here who are quite nice like Brooke, Jennie, Ernie, and more. I know Sunshinemama from my church and she is a JOY!

I have to stop name dropping now cuz I am clearly going to miss some names. I Love so many of the women on here that it is like a family. That's a good thing because I am SUPER CLOSE with my family.

Cookie, Mrs. Mom, Georgie, Mrs. Piggy and more have all been nice too. I can't wait to get to know MORE of you. I KNOW I left some ppl. out...brain fart. But the point is that I hope to meet MORE of CW'ers:) Hopefully, Tazzy too!

God bless everyone!
I'm a 35yo SAHM, too. :) DH & I have been married for 5 years & have four teenage daughters between us- DD17, DD13, SD17, SD16.

We are softball fanatics. All of my time (and money) goes towards DD13's softball career & my town's baseball/softball program. I spend at least 50 hours a week from March- July on baseball related stuff, which is why I try to stockpile like mad in the 'off season.' I think I was able to look at CW maybe 10 times last season. I'm starting to panic about this year because the deals are not as good as last year.

I'm a new 'crafter' with a serious Pinterest addiction. :giggles:

I get very stressed when my house is messy. I don't like to see "stuff." In fact, one time after coming home from a 10 days stay at our cottage, I thought our house had been robbed because I was so used to looking at Gramma's clutter at the cottage. :lol:

I hate the cold, yet my favorite states are Montana & Maine. Florida is a close 3rd, but we go there the most- because I hate cold. :p

DH & I are seriously considering becoming foster parents. Waiting for a call back today, actually. :)
Nice Valerie!

My name is Ann and I'm a 36yo SAHM. I've been with my husband for 15 years and married for 12 this May. We have 2 kids, ds who is 7 and dd who is 4. Wish we had another one but things in that department just aren't happening.

I LOVE to cook and am pretty good at it if I do say so myself. :lol: My favorite to cook are Italian dishes. I bake, although usually just around the holidays. I enjoy drinking - shocker to some, I know! Love me some Blue Moon or a glass of wine. I am a very funny person and fun to hang with....dh may disagree on that one. :lol: Dang, it's hard to come up with things about yourself!

I LOVE to cook too. We should do a cooking meetup!!
I am a 32 year old WAHM, I am a MSW social worker and do contract therapy for adolescents through the probation department in our county, and a few DCS cases. I also homeschool DS15, who is in the 10th grade and do some informal tot school with DD2 and DD1. I have been married for 3 years and this was the first year of our marriage, I was NOT pregnant!!!

My house use to be clean, really it was...but now I have 2 toddlers, I am home all day. All 3 kids home all day and it is what it is. We are able to allow me to be at home by couponing so it is a very important part of our lives now.

Typing from the iPad so might add more later, but felt bad reading about others and not saying something.
Oh great! Start this when I don't really have time to follow it! Pfft

I work.. As part time as I can... Married @ 18, 1st DD @ 19, 2nd DD @ 20, DS @ 34.
We have been married for 22 years in March and have been together for 25 years. I still adore him and cant stand being apart for long. I am the blow job advocate for married folk.. I think I may have mentioned it once or twice.

Just an average gal trying to make her way thru this crazy world. I have a strong faith, but am not a stuffy holier than thou person. I strongly believe that God has a sense of humor. He did make me after all.

I might be trying to get healthy and have poop issues. :giggles:
Oh great! Start this when I don't really have time to follow it! Pfft

I work.. As part time as I can... Married @ 18, 1st DD @ 19, 2nd DD @ 20, DS @ 34.
We have been married for 22 years in March and have been together for 25 years. I still adore him and cant stand being apart for long. I am the blow job advocate for married folk.. I think I may have mentioned it once or twice.

Just an average gal trying to make her way thru this crazy world. I have a strong faith, but am not a stuffy holier than thou person. I strongly believe that God has a sense of humor. He did make me after all.

I might be trying to get healthy and have poop issues. :giggles:

yes we know Georgie......the whole corn thing :lol:
I'm south- I never know where to say because no one has ever heard of our little town but we don't have any 'big' towns down here. :lol: So, I'm near Tinely Park? Chicago Heights? Those are the larger towns.

However, I also don't mind driving. So Waukegan/Gurnee is doable. :)
I'm Rebecca............38yo SAHM of Matthew 9 and Nate 12. DH and I have been married for 15 years.

Most say I share too much so i'm not sure what I can say that y'all don't already know. Did you know I don't like to wear a bra and like to drink Captain and coke? Thought so. :lol:

Lemme know if you have a question and I'ld be happy to answer.:cartwheel:
hmmmm what can I add?? :)

I am Lisa wife to Doug--together for 26 years -married for 23 in March, working mother of 4 kids-- oldest is 35 days (5 weeks) shy of 21 ( yes there is a countdown going) 19DS ,17 dd, and 14.5 DS

we are a soccer family--2 oldest play in College-"just" Division 3--but their team in nationally ranked--youngest DS plays club.-it was so strange this Fall with only HS team play after years of club and HS games running us ragged--I will miss it when it is all done- DH refs HS, club and some mens league soccer games as well.

I work FT at a HS in the Media center/Computer Labs and then make some cookies on the side for extra cash. I need a job much closer to home.

I found CW after doing cvs deals for over a year then lost my ummm "privilage" to work at our family business due to a bad economy and business slipping--so after years of reading others posting grocery deals I was determined to find a Chicago source and through SD and reporter20 PMing me --Here I am . I need to try and find time to do even the tiniest of deals since my stockpile is dwindling quick

edited to add I LOVE to cook as well--love to cook for a crowd

oh edited again to add that I am almost gasp 46
I'm Rebecca............38yo SAHM of Matthew 9 and Nate 12. DH and I have been married for 15 years.

Most say I share too much so i'm not sure what I can say that y'all don't already know. Did you know I don't like to wear a bra and like to drink Captain and coke? Thought so. :lol:

Lemme know if you have a question and I'ld be happy to answer.:cartwheel:

Yes girl, we know you like to get your drink on and let those tig ol bitties hang loose! :lol:
well... she put it out there that if we have a question, she'll answer... and unless i've been missing threads, she's been dodging this one, sooo...
