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Who are you? Care to share?

My name is Julie I am 43 ~ I am a SAHM for DS15 and DS 12 ~ I have been married 20 yrs this year (Sept) and known my DH since I was 7 since he was my brothers best friend growing up ~ although we have only been together for 22 years ~ I started couponing almost 2 years ago but didn't really get settled into CW until a little over a year ago ~ I saw Queen4 at the store and she helped me with a few transactions and I have been here ever since ~
Both of my boys are both in sports football and wrestling ~ I live in New Lenox but often go to all over for my younger sons wrestling most recently Dekalb, Buffalo Grove, Schaumburg areas my older son wrestles and plays football in High School for Lincoln Way West ~ with 2 boys plus friends over all the time I really need to stock up on everything (they eat me out of house and home)
This year I am taking time for me ~ I have started walking since I have had 3 knee surgeries ~ last one being April 2011 ~ and it still doesn't always feel right ~ but soon I will be getting there with the support from New Year New You post ~
My name is Aubrey and I am a sahm to young boys 6 & 7. I love couponing and have been doing it as long as I can remember. Several years ago, I found out about jill cataldo and I jumped on board over there and through her boards, I found CW. My couponiing skills have definitely been sharpened.

I love the boards here and all the info that is provided but sometimes I feel overwhelmed. By the the time I organize my coupons, make my shopping lists, go out and get my deals, and then follow Dee's cleaning and try a few things that I have pinned on Pinterest, I run out time to actually chat and post a whole lot on here. I have no idea how working moms get it all done!
In my free time, I like to play sports with the kids and play Just Dance. I love working out and baking...kind of contradictory but I love it! No complaints here.
I should also mention that I would love to be a chef but I could never handle the stress and the hours. That is why I love Depaul. I can cook/bake for people in large batches like dozens and dozens and only eat one dozen myself :giggles::dunce:

For almost 15 years, before kids, I was a pastry chef and you are absolutely correct. Plus, the pay stinks. However, I enjoyed it very much and there are some aspects that are extremely rewarding.
Great topic!

I come here for the deals. My first year or so here I never went into off topic covos but have started. That is one way to get to know people around here.

DH and I have 3 kids- 2 little boys and a newborn little girl. We LOVE our family and each other.

My DH and I met in Undergrad and began courting 2 years after we met so together for 13 years and married for 6 and a half years. We got married months after I finished Graduate school. I taught Spanish and and now a SAHM.

CW is great...I have learned that you just have to ignore some things that go on around here just like in real life. By no means and I going anywhere...I have really met some REALLY nice people here. Talked on CW then met up and had a blast!

I met Mrs. Melton when she put a picture up of her little girl. I was happy to meet another black couponer!!! I didn't know we existed...LOL!!! I have also met up with Reporter, who is SO nice, and a few other women on here who are quite nice like Brooke, Jennie, Ernie, and more. I know Sunshinemama from my church and she is a JOY!

I have to stop name dropping now cuz I am clearly going to miss some names. I Love so many of the women on here that it is like a family. That's a good thing because I am SUPER CLOSE with my family.

Cookie, Mrs. Mom, Georgie, Mrs. Piggy and more have all been nice too. I can't wait to get to know MORE of you. I KNOW I left some ppl. out...brain fart. But the point is that I hope to meet MORE of CW'ers:) Hopefully, Tazzy too!

God bless everyone!

I forgot to add that if you want encouragement in the eating healthy/weight loss category...visit the New Year, New You, forum. The ladies there know what's up. AKI is SUCH an ENCOURAGEMENT!!:cartwheel:

Oh, and like I always say, Peggy (Andystowing...introduced me to CW!!) :)
My name is Nikki and I am 36. I work full time as an HR asst. I have been married for 4.5 years. We have one DS, almost 3, together and I have a DS who is 13 from a previous relationship, whom DH treats and loves as his own. Originally from WI, my older son and I moved to Hoffman Estates from the Madison area after I was engaged. Ironically, DH is originally from WI too, but we didn't meet (through a mutual friend) until he had already moved here for a new job.

I started couponing almost 3 years ago after the youngest was born to make ends meet as I was only working part time then. I found CW through Mashup Mom. I am so grateful to all of you who have taught me so much more about couponing.
You are older than my dirt??? I graduated HS in 1965, and even remember Madigan's fondly...Used to take the Westtown bus up to Winston Plaza...

Toger, you are NOT old...my mom is a few yrs. older than you and my dad a few years older than that....I don't consider people in their 60's old! Of course I also worked w/the 60 and older crowd in Case management as well and some of those people were sprightlier than I was! They could run circles around me!
Is it bad that I can't remember how I found CW anymore? Probably following a link that thanked CW on another blog.

Joined back in 2009, after I lost my job of nearly a decade in educational publishing. Now I'm a part-time WOHM. I was blessed to find a job doing copyright work for textbooks and I love the people I work with. I'm 33, and DH and I have been married for 10 years. We live in Mundelein, and have a 4 year old son and a 15 month old daughter. DH is a 2L at Northwestern Law, and will be doing a (paid) internship next summer in Phoenix. I'm hoping to con my 15 year old sister into coming out here to be a live-in mother's helper.

I don't coupon nearly as hardcore as some folks here, but I do stockpile food like mad. Currently doing a pantry challenge to use up some stuff.

ETA: I also bake! The only store-bought cookies I like are Oreos. Everything else I prefer to make myself.
Originally Posted by debate
I should also mention that I would love to be a chef but I could never handle the stress and the hours. That is why I love Depaul. I can cook/bake for people in large batches like dozens and dozens and only eat one dozen myself :giggles::dunce:

For almost 15 years, before kids, I was a pastry chef and you are absolutely correct. Plus, the pay stinks. However, I enjoyed it very much and there are some aspects that are extremely rewarding.

Addition...I worked at George Jewel Catering for awhile, helping a friend out thru the holidays.......fun, but no thanks!
Also worked at Aunt Diana's Candy at Watertower Mall....now that was fun!!! Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate everyday!!!:cartwheel:
Hi, I'm Steve--sometimes known as the other gay Steve. I'm 40 and grew up Mormon. My degrees are in religious studies with emphases on epic Hindu myth and Christian origins; I spent my twenties as a club kid/party boy and now I'm going through a stodgy private banker phase. If my life continues to pendulum this wildly I shall likely spend my late forties as a ninja assassin...

My partner and I have been together for 14 years and neither of us is sure how a one night stand turned into 14 years--still takes my breath away when he walks into the room. I enjoy cooking (when I have the time), am obsessively interested in/knowledgeable about musical theater (yeah, smashing all sorts of stereotypes now), love religious art, architecture, ceremonies of all sorts, love sad movies (sometimes you just have to pop in The Way We Were and have a good cry), and adore crushingly depressing novels, oh and sparkly things.:lol:

I have loved CW both for all the couponing tips and for the opportunity to get to know all sorts of people that I can't imagine getting to know any other way.
no, funny, now that i think of it. i actually know not one person named roy. no thinking again. i knew a roy robinson from mchenry many moons ago.

Thanks. Was going to rave about him, if he was your husband. Was thinking you are very lucky as this guy worked well and had a nice personality.
I'm Melissa, and I'm also a little leary about posting too much info online...I'm in my early 30's and am a SAHM. Before becoming a SAHM, I worked in market research and higher education. I have yet to hold a job that I actually went to school for. DH and I have been married for 9 years, together for 10. We met in college in 1998 but didn't start dating until 3 years later (December 2001). Then we got engaged the following March and married that August. Nine days later, we moved from IL/IN to Atlanta, where we both went to seminary (I have an MDiv).

I grew up in farm country in southern IL, about 5 hrs. south of Chicago, but we moved around a lot after we got married, so I've also lived in southern Indiana; Atlanta, GA; Waukegan; and Bourbonnais. Now we live in a small town in western OH, where DH pastors a church. We have 2 kids, DD4 and DS, who is 6 1/2 wks. Besides being at home with them, I also help DH with church stuff, although I sort of cringe when people introduce me as the "pastor's wife."

When we lived in Bourbonnais, I was a pretty hardcore couponer, but I've slacked off quite a bit. With my current lack of energy (I'm 6 wks postpartum), the pathetic number of deals, coupon rule changes at Rite Aid and Kroger, living further away from the stores, and the fact that our budget isn't quite as tight as it used to be, it's hard to get motivated to coupon shop. I still do a little bit, but nothing like I used to. Can't even remember the last time I bought a paper.
My name is Mary. DH and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this year ♥ We met in an alley ...... a bowling alley, that is :giggles: We have an amazingly artistic, 20yo, college student daughter and an awesome talented hockey playing, 14yo, high school freshman son. I retired from my job as executive compensation administrator at Sara Lee Corporation when my daughter was born. DH head coached and I did the manager-mom thing for DS' hockey teams for years.

I have loved baking fancy forever and people were always telling me I should sell my cookies. I kept saying no, because I was afraid I wouldn't have time to bake all the cookies I wanted to GIVE away. This past year was crazy busy with cookie orders, but I still offer to bake cookies for church, school, charity, social events every chance I get. I LOVE to send people surprise cookie packages and try to make them very personalized. I wish I could send some to everyone here (ok, maybe not EVERYone :giggles: ), but there's just so many of you :lol:

My faith is very, very important to me.... I don't know how I would have gotten through this past year without it. My BFF and I have been friends since kindergarten and she is the strongest, bravest person in the world ♥ I rarely watch movies (which is really funny, cause my BFF is a movie fanatic), except for classics like Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz, LOVE to read, HATE reality shows and worry about the many bad influences forced on our children. I firmly believe the world be a happier, safer, gentler place if everyone said "please" and "thank you", smiled at the people they encounter and didn't hold grudges. I yearn to live in Mayberry (hence the frequent Aunt Bea references, though at 53, I'm not quite as old) where people genuinely cared about each other and kids were held accountable for their actions. I can cry in a split second upon hearing certain Christmas songs, most patriotic songs, stories about heroes and fallen soldiers, sad stories in general, stories about abused/rescued animals (chipmunks excluded).

I hadn't cut out a coupon in years, but through the wonder of the internet realized that there were people willing to tell me what stores had what deals and what coupons went with them. One site lead to another and one day, Focadima pointed me to CW, for which I will be forever grateful :foryou: I got into couponing and stockpiling heavy, but just can't get myself back in the mood after a difficult year.... haven't even done a Walgreens or CVS deal in MONTHS :surrender: Since many of the awesome deals are kaput now anyway, i guess it doesn't matter as much anymore.

I'm very grateful to the many people here who take the time to post helpful information. I've made so many friends here ..... I wish I could meet many more of you in real life :huggy:

Thank You for the thread, Valerie!
Thanks. Was going to rave about him, if he was your husband. Was thinking you are very lucky as this guy worked well and had a nice personality.
that is definitely my hubbys description tho!!!! everyone loves him, he is so easy going (not like me) he can talk to anyone and can smooth over any problem for his company. he is in charge of the customer service calls for his area, as well as his crew. he never ever says what he thinks. once again not like his wife. but he does come home and unload all of his problems from the days work to me. i am glad i can be there for him. he is one very special guy. he is running out for donuts and coffee and looking at jcpenneys right now as a favor for me. we had a very late night out in chicago last night and got to bed way in the am. he is amazing.
Nice to read good stories about our husbands. Feeling very lucky!!
that is definitely my hubbys description tho!!!! everyone loves him, he is so easy going (not like me) he can talk to anyone and can smooth over any problem for his company. he is in charge of the customer service calls for his area, as well as his crew. he never ever says what he thinks. once again not like his wife. but he does come home and unload all of his problems from the days work to me. i am glad i can be there for him. he is one very special guy. he is running out for donuts and coffee and looking at jcpenneys right now as a favor for me. we had a very late night out in chicago last night and got to bed way in the am. he is amazing.

linkin sounds just like my DH too. He's even the head of the customer support group at his company (as well as other stuff).
My Name is Priscilla Grew up in Chicago Live in Yorkville will be my 20th anvir this aug to Mark we have 3 boys 15,14,10
My name is Raegan. I'm a bit lazy and need new hobbies but get bored very quickly and have never followed through on a single thing. Except for family, which is especially important to me. I have 4 sisters, and love to spend time with them, my parents, my DH and my 2 kids (3 kids next summer).
I really enjoy watching movies, especially a good one for the first time. I love summer and swimming.
I have crazy in-laws (not record breaking crazy by any means, but crazy nonetheless).
I met DH when I was 19 and we've been together ever since. We had kids young, and are blue-collar workers. We hope to work our way up with time, much like my parents did. Our dream is to retire at a fair age with fair amount of money saved and that's when we'll travel the world.
Hi all...my name is Janelle and I'm 44 (soon to be 45). I've been married for 15 years this March to the man of my dreams. We have three boys...13, 11 and 7 1/2 and I've been blessed with being able to stay home to take care of them. I homeschool all 3 and have slowly started misplacing my mind. :) My in-laws live with us over our garage and I take care of them also. Along with all of that craziness, I do a lot for our church's food pantry, sell children's books on eBay, clean commercial buildings (and my parents house), and take care of rent checks for locations all over the Western suburbs for an owner that lives in Seattle.

I have a degree as a Paralegal and always wanted to be a lawyer but knew that once I became a mother I would never want to leave the kids so I decided not to go to law school. I worked as a paralegal for Waste Management for quite a few years before staying home to take care of the family.

My husband owns his own business as a contractor and that takes up quite a bit of time doing his paperwork. We never seem to have 'enough' money to ever get ahead in this game but always seem to have enough to get by, thankfully. We still live paycheck to paycheck and I hate that feeling.

Couponing has taken our lives to a whole other level and I love it. With the stockpile we have, we are able to help out so many other people (family, friends and strangers) that God leads into our lives. It is a huge blessing to have found CW and I thank you all for guiding me through the deals. I look forward to the part of the day when I can get on here and check in with what's going.
My name is Mary. DH and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this year ♥ We met in an alley ...... a bowling alley, that is :giggles: We have an amazingly artistic, 20yo, college student daughter and an awesome talented hockey playing, 14yo, high school freshman son. I retired from my job as executive compensation administrator at Sara Lee Corporation when my daughter was born. DH head coached and I did the manager-mom thing for DS' hockey teams for years.

I have loved baking fancy forever and people were always telling me I should sell my cookies. I kept saying no, because I was afraid I wouldn't have time to bake all the cookies I wanted to GIVE away. This past year was crazy busy with cookie orders, but I still offer to bake cookies for church, school, charity, social events every chance I get. I LOVE to send people surprise cookie packages and try to make them very personalized. I wish I could send some to everyone here (ok, maybe not EVERYone :giggles: ), but there's just so many of you :lol:

My faith is very, very important to me.... I don't know how I would have gotten through this past year without it. My BFF and I have been friends since kindergarten and she is the strongest, bravest person in the world ♥ I rarely watch movies (which is really funny, cause my BFF is a movie fanatic), except for classics like Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz, LOVE to read, HATE reality shows and worry about the many bad influences forced on our children. I firmly believe the world be a happier, safer, gentler place if everyone said "please" and "thank you", smiled at the people they encounter and didn't hold grudges. I yearn to live in Mayberry (hence the frequent Aunt Bea references, though at 53, I'm not quite as old) where people genuinely cared about each other and kids were held accountable for their actions. I can cry in a split second upon hearing certain Christmas songs, most patriotic songs, stories about heroes and fallen soldiers, sad stories in general, stories about abused/rescued animals (chipmunks excluded).

I hadn't cut out a coupon in years, but through the wonder of the internet realized that there were people willing to tell me what stores had what deals and what coupons went with them. One site lead to another and one day, Focadima pointed me to CW, for which I will be forever grateful :foryou: I got into couponing and stockpiling heavy, but just can't get myself back in the mood after a difficult year.... haven't even done a Walgreens or CVS deal in MONTHS :surrender: Since many of the awesome deals are kaput now anyway, i guess it doesn't matter as much anymore.

I'm very grateful to the many people here who take the time to post helpful information. I've made so many friends here ..... I wish I could meet many more of you in real life :huggy:

Thank You for the thread, Valerie!

Yes, yes, thanks for this thread Valerie!

After reading Mary's post this is what I am going to post.

My name is Patty, I am 46 years old. I have been married for 25 years to a man that is my complete opposite and it works out for us. I can be really out there and my DH is more grounded so we balance out each other nicely. We have two children 17yo DS and 16yo DD and for the most part they are good kids. I probably shield them too much from the outside world...which in hindsight causes it's own problems...but I am grateful that they come to me when something is bothering them and they will listen to what I have to say. Sometimes they don't take my advise but at least they know I am here for them. They also know that I will not judge them by their mistakes but I do expect them to make better choices after the fact. They pretty much get one strike from me. If they repeat the mistake they are going to have to take their lumps.

I too have the same thought process as Mary. I wish I grew up in the 50's...I own a 1956 Chevy Belair which makes me smile whenever I go into my garage because I bought it with my own money.

I think Mary and I were made from the same mold when it comes to things that can make us cry. Please and thank you are so important to me...that is why I did not get along with the bad man on here...I know, I know other peeps on here do not say thank you because of the way they feel about it...but this person does not contribute much here at all. I also feel very protective of many peeps on here and I don't even know you.... I plan on meeting more of you in the future. I love CW so much...you have all made me a better, happier person.

I also feel other peoples emotions very deeply...which makes me want "fix it"....good and bad comes from that. I know that I can't "fix" everything but I can work with the little things that I know I can change.

I live by these words....

Don't tell me that you are going to do better...show me with your actions........words to me are empty.
My name is Raegan. I'm a bit lazy and need new hobbies but get bored very quickly and have never followed through on a single thing. Except for family, which is especially important to me. I have 4 sisters, and love to spend time with them, my parents, my DH and my 2 kids (3 kids next summer).
I really enjoy watching movies, especially a good one for the first time. I love summer and swimming.
I have crazy in-laws (not record breaking crazy by any means, but crazy nonetheless).
I met DH when I was 19 and we've been together ever since. We had kids young, and are blue-collar workers. We hope to work our way up with time, much like my parents did. Our dream is to retire at a fair age with fair amount of money saved and that's when we'll travel the world.

Mee Toooo! I may be slightly Bi-polar...my own diagnosis...LOL...but that is okay....I recognize it and keep it in check....LOL