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Who are you? Care to share?

Unfortunately, I did. I didn't know for the first 3-4 years. She drug the board through divorces, remarriages, CANCER, suicide threats, allllll kinds of crazy.

Someone went to her hometown....and found her out.

I had NO idea people were that sick before that.

Oooh - more details please! What happened when she was outed? Any idea what was behind the charade? I am equal parts freaked out by/fascinated by behavior like this! :bee:
I am a Rebecca too but you can call me Becky...in fact close friends and family do! I am a wife, sister, mother, aunt, daughter, and friend. What haven't I shared on here that you don't already know? I have so many OT threads.:lol: I NEVER tell my age...only friends and family know but most can figure it out from my references to music and popular culture. I work part time in the social services field as a case manager and LOVE what I do! My DD is almost 7 and I desperately want another one as I LOVE being a mom. We shall see what hand fate plays. Only time will tell. I LOVE meeting new people and find people fascinating in general. This is probably why I went into social work. I love hearing other people's points of view...I also believe that people are so much more complex than we give them credit for. I don't believe we can categorize people as much as we like to! There are so many sides to people. I am a spiritual person and have grown up in the church but have my own opinions on actual physical churches. I can be serious when I want to but mostly LOVE TO LAUGH and try not to take things too seriously any more. I used to be quite serious, shy and much more sensitive than I am now. I have learned to care less about what others think but at the same time I am still human and certain things still bug me! I could go on forever but I'll shut up now! Check out my threads and posts that will tell you even more than you want to know! And I actually am quite potty mouthed in real life but have learned to be better and try to come across as less so the older I get. I LOVE to learn and truly enjoy people...if you want to friend me on FB, PM me and I will add you! I LOVE making new friends!
I forgot to add that in addition to three boys, I also have two cats who I adore. I can't believe I forgot to include them in my first post! There seem to be lots of cat & dog lovers on here :meow:
Hello... I'm Susan. I alternate between wanting to make CW friends and fearful of posting too much information online. I feel like I "know" some of the regular posters but I doubt many would say the same about me. I will be 35 in 2 weeks. I have a DS3 and DD1. I admire all of you SAHMs because I could never do it. I have tons of mommy guilt! Despite living in the northwest suburbs, I work downtown as an accountant. My commute is my CW time. I coupon, but with a 3 hour commute, a full-time job and little ones I don't have too much time to adequately hit the deals! I love garbage TV, most anything made from potatoes and I have too many pets.
Have been a SAHH for awhile now.

SAHH = Stay At Home Homo :lol:

Steve docorating store windows sounds like fun! Do you have pics of your displays? :bee:
SAHH = Stay At Home Homo :lol:

Steve docorating store windows sounds like fun! Do you have pics of your displays? :bee:

Very good mrsmom!!! I was wondering if peeps would figure that one out!!

No digital pics, and no I'm not going to start scanning all that stuff in!!:lol:
Very good mrsmom!!! I was wondering if peeps would figure that one out!!

No digital pics, and no I'm not going to start scanning all that stuff in!!:lol:

Party pooper :nopompom:
Love this idea Valarie, great idea. I'm a 39 yo SAHM with four kids: DD14, DS13, DS10 and DS 7. I would love another one too, but after 4 11+lb babies and 4 c-sections I may be pushing it to far with that. I've been with DH since high school and we've been married for 18 years (I think?). Love him a lot and he's my BFF. I used to be a Dental Hygienist until the first two kids were here and now I stay home.

I love this board for the great stories and deals and to keep me motivated on a bunch of different levels. Love the adult conversation and diversion from things I should be doing like Valarie said and love the truly caring, sweet people on here! I started couponing about 3 years ago when a friend told me about Jill but coming here really changed everything for me. I'm hoping even though some people can be real D-bags when they're behind a keyboard that the majority still will feel free to share and be cool with each other. It's a very unique place and I'd hate to loose it.

Oooh, forgot to say I'm Patti, I grew up in the South Suburbs Calumet City and moved to what I thought was the other side of the earth NW Indiana when our neighborhood kind of got dangerous but now I love it. We spend a lot of our free time with the kids' sports and activities.
Kewponaddict...I feel like we're sisters!

I'm autumnsky ( :lol: ) Been married to my HS sweetheart since 1997...we dated all through HS, never once broke up. We're fantastic together! We have 3 DDs-as can be seen in the photo, 3 dogs, a cat we recently took in from a neighbor who was forced to move, and a tortoise who is a class pet during the school year and comes home on breaks and summers. Which makes me a third grade teacher for 14 years. LOVE IT.

Another teacher on here got me hooked on CW right around the "your bucks" at Jewel. Now I don't put as much effort into the deals, but I try to save money as much as I can. I just don't have the time. Teaching for me is a 7 day a week job until 11PM each day...except for the summer...I then cut it back from home, but still work on projects. Over winter break I got tons of ideas off Pinterest and have done 4 of them just this week! :)

I'm vocal and have a potty mouth as soon as I leave the school doors. Potty mouth does not stop at home either. My girls know better. I could talk to ANYONE anywhere and get made fun of often by my family for this. If I say I'll be gone for 10 minutes, DH knows it'll triple in time because I always find someone to talk to. I am not shy. I love my opinions and I'm always right. :) Take teaching extremely to heart...it's my passion and I want all to succeed...not get passed on...succeed. Love my girls! We laugh lots, read, play games on Wii and board/card games. LOVE to be outside...when it's warm. Hate snow...just like to look at it. Love to listen to music. Ipod attached at hip.

See? I love to talk....I could keep going, but have forced myself to stop...
Oh, I grew up in Midlothian! Lots of you are from around there...or still live around there.
Well, I guess I will play.

My name is Laura and I am 45. I am a single mom of 1 AWESOME 18 yr old son.

Went to Northern where I got a double major--
Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising. Could not decide, so what the heck, went for both !! Always joked with my dad that I could design clothes with my textiles degree and convince people they looked good in them with my psychology degree. :lol: Not sure he saw the humor !!

Lived in Schaumburg for a while--was manager of a small store and was responsible for their window displays. Got pregnant, so I moved back home to be near my family. Got a job as a office manager at a small company. Was laid off last fall after 15 years.

Have not had much luck finding another job YET. So I have been doing cookies, cakes and cupcakes which has kept me EXTREMELY busy and helps me keep up with my bills.

My son started college in the fall-Purdue and I am SO very proud of him. Eventually, I would love to go back to school and get my Master's in psychology. I would love to become a child psychologist when I grow up. But for right now, my focus is getting my son through school.

Life has thrown me some curve balls, but I would not want it any other way. My life "stuff" is what has made me who I am.
OMG that is crazy. Who even has time to produce lavish storylines like that?! She obviously missed her calling as a soap opera writer. I agree - would also be totally pissed if it had carried over to IM. So...I have to ask - is she still on here? Username please? (or PM me???) Inquiring minds want to know!!!
My name is Brittney, obviously from my screen name. I am a 25 yo special education teacher in Plainfield. I have been married to DH for 2.5 years and we are trying to start a family. When that happens I will be a SAHM.

I majored in Criminal Justice but did not want to move to Utah in order to be a profiler, that was the only thing open when I applied so I went back to get my Masters in Education. I always wanted to be a teacher or a profiler so I was content with teacher. And my background with juveniles helps in the general education population.

I love making homemade cards, scrapbooking, cooking, and travelling. I started couponing to save money while student teaching and it has become a fun thing for me to do now. I love saving money and getting good deals.
wow I have been here since 2006 and dont remember any of that. oops

That's some serious craziness! Although she may have, in fact, been truthful. I myself have previously died, was frozen, thawed out, cured, and am now a happy suburbanite. I have terrible circulation in my hand and feet now - ugh.
It was at Bargainshare.com

She came over from FW to BS with us.

Toger, Kaeg1, and Ennui probably remember too.

I remember. I was sucked in too. I even called her when she was suicidal one of those times. I learned A LOT from that experience and my postings anywhere on the net went wayyyy down. She really was a LOON.
My name is Kyra and I am a 35 yo working mom. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 14 years. He's a stay at home dad that takes care of our two great kids (DD7 and DS5). I love couponing but don't get to spend nearly as much time on it as I'd like. Just like Clippintosave, our family loves to camp and ride our ATVs (also don't get to do that as much as I'd like).

I am extremely grateful for all of the great people on CW. I've learned so much by reading the posts here. I wish I was better at "finding" the deals so that I could actually contribute. I'm working on improving that!

Thanks for starting this thread. I've really enjoyed reading about everyone!!
The Tina one on RS I remember. Kinda hard to forget someone who says her son is frozen. :lol:
I'm an over-sharer too, but here goes anyway.

I'm Joy, I'm 38 and a working mom to DD19, DS17 (their father was my "first" and is my ex-dh) and I have a "bonus" DS9 who is the son of my SO. I met my SO on December 5, 2007 and knew he was the one the moment I saw him - first date December 12, 2007, we've lived together since Feb 1, 2008. Sounds insane I know, but when you know - you know.

I grew up the youngest (along with my twin sister) of 11 kids. 2 "full sisters", 7 living "half" brothers and sisters and 1 sister who passed away of encephillitis before I was born. My grandfather, and great grandfather on my mom's side were Pentecostal ministers. My great grandfather was also a coal miner in WV.

Most of my adult life I've been an Executive Assistant mostly for IT and dot com companies (before the bubble burst not long after Y2K). Then I was a WAHM, I started my own freelance web design co / virtual assistant business in March of 2001. Also worked second job waitressing and bartending. In 2006 I went back to work outside of the home when I became a Legal Assistant. Had a ridiculous commute and changed jobs after almost 2 years. Got "downsized" out of my new job 6 weeks later when a new General Counsel was hired. Was unemployed for 2 years like most of the rest of the world. In addition to job hunting, I spent those 2 years studying special education law.

Started my new job a year ago this coming Tuesday. I am now an Office Administrator/Marketing Administrator/Web Designer for a business brokerage firm. Helped launch a new division devoted to the buying/selling of pharmacies across the country and designed the new website for that division.

My DS17 is a special education student, and fighting for his education is my other full time job. He is diagnosed with ADHD, ODD and OCD. He should be a senior, but is reclassified as a freshman for the 4th year. He reads at the 8th grade level, and his school still insist that he has no academic deficiencies. I will go to my grave fighting for my boy and his future.

When I grow up I want to get my paralegal certificate and work as a Special Education Advocate. Although there is no education/certification requirement to work as an Advocate, that is how I intend to go about it. Although I dabble in trying to help others with their kid's IEP's as much as I can.

I have Marfan Syndrome and a Westie named Brody.
Whoa, how messed up is that. You'd have to be deeply deeply twisted to mess with so many different people at such an imtimate level......... can't imagine them being able to live normal lives with spouses and families? Bizzare.