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Who Owns a Website Here?


Hanging Out!
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Who own and runs a website here? Doesn't matter what you have on it. Could be a forum or a blog or whatever else.
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I own a few websites and there are two of them that I have been working hard to develop in recent times - BusinessAdviceForum.com and my newest one ForumCoin.com.
Does free domain + free hosting + free sofware to run the site with a free theme from somewhere counts as owning a site? Just asking :)
Does free domain + free hosting + free sofware to run the site with a free theme from somewhere counts as owning a site? Just asking :)
Yes, I would say it does, there are actually some very successful sites running like that. For an example, have a look at Seth Godin's very famous and successful blog at http://sethgodin.typepad.com/
You guessed right: just add a dot com after my user name. :)
I have a blog on blogger and that's it. I used to admin some forums but it's too much work for a lazy person like me.
I used to own a few forums, sold a couple and merged two. Now left with one Xbox related forum, but I will be setting up a few new projects over the coming months.
I don't really own any but I've made loads at work.
I own a few blogs hosted by Tumblr/Blogger, but I've never paid for hosting, etc. I feel that I'm too inexperienced in that respect and for that it would be a waste.
Does free domain + free hosting + free sofware to run the site with a free theme from somewhere counts as owning a site? Just asking :)

HI if you are going to build a professional website then dont prefer free service at any time because they usually provide limited service at free of cost in future they may charge you...I own a business website which i created with the help of providers like TheWebPole.com first i choose domain name for my website and got it registered with them for affordable cost ...They are offering free hosting ,web site builder service using which i have build my website and also hosted it online .The website builder process is as follows choose templates based on the type of your website ,add your details ,finally your dream website comes to live .They also provide good customer service and support .
Well, I have some but they're more practical Jokes, or just Forums sites I use to connect with my friends for announcements and stuff