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Why Paris Is Burning

smo1704 said:
However, I was not attempting to justify the rioters behavior. My criticism was directed toward the French method of problem solving, which seems to consist of retreating from every problem they encounter, internal or external (often while simultaneously declaring their moral superiority for doing so).

I understand that, and that was covered under the "Agreed" part of my response. The rest was really "I agree with your assessment, let me add this..."

GoingNova said:

I understand that, and that was covered under the "Agreed" part of my response. The rest was really "I agree with your assessment, let me add this..."

Ahhh, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
spunkey monkey said:
but that is because you are a rational "normal" person and not a polatition, people who are in politics are just making the rich richer and the poor poorer, republican democrats they are all the same although the democrats seem to have more fun

Well if you are reffering to Ted Kennedy yes, he does look like he has had alot of "Fun" in his time. But really for the most part, democrats lately have come off as bitter and antagonistic and not the least bit "Fun"

Really, I just hate ****ing in politics, and lately they have gotten very good at that.
The French opened this can of worms so let them deal with it. They are so arrogant that they refused to acknowledge that trouble was brewing way back when and now they are suffering the consequences. I say let the French Fry!
I agree let the French burn. They had it comming.
It could also be argued that the Americans had the New Orleans disaster coming. Should we have denied them Aid? Hell, there was an Urban SAR team from Vancouver B.C. in N.O. days before any concerted rescue effort.

There is no chance in hell they would take our aid if we offered it. We offer it because it would insult them deeply. Its like rubbing thier noses in the crap they have been throwing for years now.
Cuba and Venezuela offered aid to the U.S. during the Katrina crisis. Did they do it to spite the U.S., I doubt it. You offer aid because you want to help, not because you have a political agenda. God knows that the U.S. has been flinging plenty of crap the way of those two countries for years now, yet they offered help. Why? Becuase they wanted to save people's lives. It should be that simple. The U.S. government never even responded to those offers.
That may be the case but their were many times where they didn't treat us properly. Also the French (not French Canadians) haven't helped us since the Revolutionary War. Which was about 230 years ago. Since then at least in the past 100 years we have helped them far more then they have helped us. I might be wrong about the French only helping us once but I am fairly certain that we helped them far more than we have helped them. Simply we have done more for them then they have done for us so in a way they owe us.
I would say they gave you your identity manifest. They gave you the Statue of Liberty. And as for them owing you or whatever nonsense, how does that figure in to whether or not you should help them? That's just playing a tally game.
We also gave them gift's. Four gift's to be exact; the gift of freedom to rule themselves twice and we gave them a ton of money to rebuild their pitifully small country twice. Not to mention we gave them a steak in Berlin after WWII and I think that after WWI some of Germany's colonies went to the French. Also I'm not 100% sure by what "Identity Manifest" but if it is what I think it means all I got to say is that we all have that gift. We have the option to use it or not. Also the Statue of Liberty was given to us at a different time when the French liked us.
If your neighbor deliberately burned your house to the ground, would you be the first in line with the bucket brigade to put out the flames if his home was afire? I don't think I would be. But that's me! Harm my family and friends - never expect me to come to your aid because it will never happen.
We also gave them gift's. Four gift's to be exact; the gift of freedom to rule themselves twice and we gave them a ton of money to rebuild their pitifully small country twice. Not to mention we gave them a steak in Berlin after WWII and I think that after WWI some of Germany's colonies went to the French. Also I'm not 100% sure by what "Identity Manifest" but if it is what I think it means all I got to say is that we all have that gift. We have the option to use it or not. Also the Statue of Liberty was given to us at a different time when the French liked us.
I should have written identity made manifest. The Statue of Liberty is that identity made manifest. So, just because the French may or may not like you anymore, that makes their very generous gift null and void?

You (as a nation) did not do that alone, and quite frankly, you were late to both wars. Whatever glory can come of such a dark period does not belong to you solely. The community of nations gave those gifts, you just put your name on the card with everyone else, perhaps you got top billing on that card, but still a joint effort nonetheless. The redrawing of those colonies you mention were part of the reason for WW2.

If your neighbor deliberately burned your house to the ground, would you be the first in line with the bucket brigade to put out the flames if his home was afire? I don't think I would be. But that's me! Harm my family and friends - never expect me to come to your aid because it will never happen.
Forgive me if I missed anything, but how is this relevant to the U.S. offering aid to France? As I understand the analogy, the French must have done something horrible to you. What would that be?
The French are arrogant; the French are socialists; the French are anti-American; the French created this problem; the French can deal with the problem and if the French want I am sure we can arrange to tow the Statue of Liberty back to them only well wrap a big towel around her crown and have the words removed. In their place we can put a passage from the Koran, how'd that be? Would that settle the score? I would hate to think we should be forever in debt to the French because we have the Statue of Liberty in our harbor.
Black Mage said:
Forgive me if I missed anything, but how is this relevant to the U.S. offering aid to France? As I understand the analogy, the French must have done something horrible to you. What would that be?

We dont offer aid to France for two reasons. We NEED that money for ourselves. We need to use it to close our borders up so the same thing doesnt happen to use. Secondly, I say we don't give it to them because they would not give it to use.

Also the Statue of liberty has been paid for 100,000 times over by now. It is not a viable bargaining chip. Also, why should we be obligated to help anyone? Why is it our resposablilty. They all get mad with us being the "Police of the World" but still want us to be the Nurse Maids of the world.
So you are trying to say them the gifts we gave the French are null/void also? But it's funny though you and countries like you complained in the old days that we didn't help enough but now we are doing too much. They and you always find a problem with us. Also we were one of more than one nation's that helped France but we helped them far more than the other's. Just like in Iraq, we are putting more money and manpower in their than any other country. If your precious Europe didn't screw up so many times we wouldn't have to take control the way we have. Also don't reply on how many things they did right because I can find thousands of years of screw ups that the countries in Europe have committed. Even a few that your precious France have committed. Also why don't you and people like you criticize your country for once. Last time I checked every country has problems and have committed wrongful acts in the past and present. Also when the day comes where China becomes power hungry I bet you and the other countries well come on their hands and knee's begging us to defend themselves. By the way which country are you from since you don't post it?
spunkey monkey said:
acctually i was refering to bill clinton

Yah, but I dont really count him as a Democract anymore. He has kind of abandoned politics. Hillary is enough of a libral for both of them, and she is having absolutly NO fun. I have a theory that the temperature of a room actully drops 2-5 degrees when she enters.