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Will Nintendo Fall?

Super Tongue said:
Over the past 5 years Nintendo has been in a terrible downfall. After the release of the GameCube, of course after PS2 and X-Box had been released, Nintendo had basically no sales. 100,00 units may seem a lot to you but it's nothing to Nintendo. They lost millions with the GameCube. If Nintendo fails again with the Nintendo DS and "Revolution" it may be lights out for Nintendo like Sega. :(

Sega is reentering the hardware business slowly. They have re-released the Saturn controller for the PlayStation 1/2. It's better for non-dual shock and fighting games because it has a great D-Pad.

Nintendo is, however, dying a preventable death - Sega's was not. While Nintendo continues to market to preteens, an ever-shrinking market in North America and Europe, Japan licks it all up. Nintendo could "XTreme" their image - that's how Sega stole their marketshare back in the 90's.

However, unlike Nintendo, Sega's fall was due to extreme unknown corporate mistrust, semi-espionage, conspiring and trade secrets.

When Sega of America recieved a Sega CD prototype in 1991, not only did they never know about it's development, but they were perposely sent a crippled "Dummy Unit." that had all the parts, but no ROM, so it couldn't boot. SoJ was afraid SoA would spill the beans. Somehow, the two engineers testing it procured a ROM image and booted it up with awe...until they starting coding on it that night. It was by no means worth what is was going to sell for.

The 32X was a concept by Americans - the Japanese wanted to sell a Genesis 2 console that had double the colors and an extra 32-Bit CPU. The Americans rejected it because "It was not a legitimate new console with legitmate new software," and Sega of Japan's (SoJ's) CEO Nakayama allowed them to create a Genesis upgrade. They couldn't get the design down, so the Japanese team helped them out and installed a processing structure identical to the Saturn (Which once again SoA had no clue about) but with a MUCH weaker video chip. Scarier still was the fact that team members worked on both consoles on the same floor, and the Saturn was purposely hidden from SoA.

When SoA CEO Tom Kalinske, who led SoA to thriving success, demonstrated the console at the 1994 Consumer Electronics Show, people were amazed. Of course, when the 32X launched in America SoJ launched the Saturn with great fanfare in Japan.

By 1995, Nakayama forcibly launched the Saturn in the states and refused to let Kalinske support the 32X, Sega CD, or Genesis lines, and pretty much relinquished Kalinske of every right he had in the company, right down to advertising. Kalinske knew how to save Saturn, but he was not allowed. The ads became somewhat sweet and kiddy, the Sega scream vanished, and the Saturn was no longer a "cool" console to own.

Kalinske resigned in 1996, and Nakayama signed his company's death warrant with arrogance.

Nintendo will live - they just have to change their image fast, because they seem pretty screwed right now.
~Z~ said:
do the casual gamers know that? nope. they just think it looks kiddy on the box and screens.and it does.
Once again your saying more opipion then fact kiddy is what you make of it (probably because you never played old school games)but to some one a serious gamer who has been around for some time would look at yoshi and say "Hey thats yoshi one of the originals"not "Oh man that games is kiddy".And besides Yoshi has an image he's a colorful guy so don't call him or any other of the nintendo games kiddy just because you can't blow someones brains out or because you don't see any dark colors.

true, but the problem is that there are many more casual gamers than serious ones, who would think 'man he's kiddy' because its got bright colours :eek: and nostalgia, i'm pretty sure sega are dead for good and are not coming back anytime soon...
A lot (he must not know that the only sega remains are in nintendo and playstation)

and even in games sega haven't had much success...i mean, shadow the hedgehog?
Well, I enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for a whole year, so i think they had an early succes for Nintendo.
Actally I like Shadow next to Zelda,Prince of Persia3,and Metriod Prime Hunters shadow is the game I can't wait to get.
All of them are great! But i first want to get something like DK Jungle Beat. Or Star Fox Assault. There are so much good games released now...
~Z~ said:
and even in games sega haven't had much success...i mean, shadow the hedgehog?

Modern day wise, yes. I hate the new 3D Sonic games with a passion, but I still play them for nostalgia every once and a while.
Actally morden days are much better then in the past. Sonic in the past pales in comparsion to the future Sonic
Light said:
Actally morden days are much better then in the past. Sonic in the past pales in comparsion to the future Sonic

Quite possibly...If Sega doesn't rush their work they will be awesome. The issue with Sonic Zeroes was that the U.S. Sonic Team developed it - therefore it was pretty nasty. I was going to buy it for PC until I realized there was no option to "DISABLE TAILS' VOICE" in the options menu. I'd rather not buy it at all then listen to that.

The first two Sonic Adventure games were designed by Yuji Naka, the creator of the series, but Sega forced him to rush. He's known to be an extreme perfectionist, so that's most likely why even though they were both rushed, they came out much better than most people could ever hope.

Actually, he pulled that one off better than any other rushed game to date I think. They were relatively bug-free and fun to play but did lack certain elements. The overworld in Sonic Adventure 2 never made it, and it was supposed to be SPRAWLING!
So how do you think Shadow the Hedgehog will be being the fact that shadow is way stronger then sonic
Light said:
So how do you think Shadow the Hedgehog will be being the fact that shadow is way stronger then sonic

As of now I haven't a clue - considering that Yuji Naka is capable of putting out a decent rushed product, and that his non-rushed products are amazing (Sonic 1-3, S&K, NiGHTS), it has potential. I doubt there will be any rush - it's not like they have to get it out for the Dreamcast launch and the Dreamcast death now.
Oh wait a second... What??? you lost me after As of now I haven't a clue.
Super Tongue said:
Over the past 5 years Nintendo has been in a terrible downfall. After the release of the GameCube, of course after PS2 and X-Box had been released, Nintendo had basically no sales. 100,00 units may seem a lot to you but it's nothing to Nintendo. They lost millions with the GameCube. If Nintendo fails again with the Nintendo DS and "Revolution" it may be lights out for Nintendo like Sega. :(
I'd just like to point out that the only reason gamecube fell through was because it came last and everyone else had a ps2 or an xbox. The DS has more sales than the psp because they came out earlier and if you go to any website the polls will say there are ten percent more ds owners. I dont know how things are going to roll over with the revolution, but its coming out the same year as xbox360 and ps3. Get your facts straight.
HAVER_101 said:
I'd just like to point out that the only reason gamecube fell through was because it came last and everyone else had a ps2 or an xbox. The DS has more sales than the psp because they came out earlier and if you go to any website the polls will say there are ten percent more ds owners. I dont know how things are going to roll over with the revolution, but its coming out the same year as xbox360 and ps3. Get your facts straight.

Dreamcast came out first and had a lot more GPU power than the PS2 minus polygonal calculations...As well as a fully upgradable console due the the MiniPCI expansion slot.

But I was one of the few guys who bought it very early on. I wouldn't have it any other way. Best console purchase I ever made.

It really made me see how recycled stuff became, the Dreamcast has an amazing indie library.