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Will Paris Hilton's jail time make her more famous?

it's sad how people like this always get noticed. can't we pay attention to people who are making a real contribution to the world instead?

Paris also contributes her part to the world -- everone does. For example, as an entrepreneur she was involved in the creation of her own line of beauty products and an album with music. This gives people jobs in the beauty and music industry. So, Paris does more than the average Joe or Jane: She gives people jobs! -- Our current times would not be that hard for people if there were more entrepreneurs!

she doesn't seem to have much of a personality. she's always got that blank stare going on. maybe i'm misjudging her or i shouldn't be judging her at all :lol:

I never understood why people have to judge other people. Why do that when you haven't even talked to them?

I know from my own experience that it can be quite hurtful to notice when people are talking about you behind your back, just assuming things about you instead of talking to you directly. My impression was that those people wanted to live in their own fantasy world and did not want to be confronted with reality.

So, when people are talking **** about Paris Hilton for instance, they do not want to know her personally. They just want to say something to entertain their immediate environment. But why say something bad? You might as well say something good! :nod:
gotta agree with all you've said monster, and i also agree with rosie that you would make a great dad :nod:
Thank you! :)

Newsflash: Paris is apparently definitely going to jail! Her lawyer apparently withdrew her appeal to court. Nevertheless, Paris is still scheduled for Letterman on June 6.

Anyway: I just saw a couple of clips of The Simple Life on YouTube, and I think the series is made so cute! And it's most definitely scripted. You guys are lucky! We have much worse reality shows here in Germany, and still no-one thinks the presenters are actually the persons they play in those series. If you think The Simple Life is bad for your children, you should see our reality shows... our privately-owned television channels, more or less, truly give a rat's **** about tact and taste. :nod:
If daddy doesnt get her off, she'll likely be as stupid as when she went in.
If daddy doesnt get her off, she'll likely be as stupid as when she went in.

Can you please explain that sentence to me? My English isn't that perfect yet!

Does that refer to her time in jail? As in "if daddy doesn't get her out of jail, she'll likely be as stupid as she went in?"
(so far, I know "get sbdy off" only as a sexual term, or did you mean "if daddy doesn't **** her to orgasm?")

Well, what makes you think she's stupid?
jail for her is making her own bed,,

You mean she never learnt that?! :lol:

(even if so, she's an adult and can learn it in a couple of minutes; I mean, making your bed is no rocket science, right!)

(she'd be by far not the only one; for example, you might think I was spoilt too, because my mom never let me do nor taught me any household work, because she thought that men shouldn't do any of this, but that was more inconsiderateness on her part than spoiling, right? when I had my first apartment, it was a mess, because I worked very hard and never had any energy left when I got home from work; now that I'm living with my dad, I learn to get the household chores into my daily routine. It's a very valuable time for me)

Why are women always expected to be experts in household affairs while men aren't? That's just the classic gender roles. Woman: household. Man: work. I hate that!

I could imagine for myself to be the one who stays at home (which would leave me plenty of time to work on my pet projects), and I could imagine having a woman who brings in the money. That's not just a matter of modern thinking.
This kid is a train wreck! Even Daddy can't pull the get-out-of-jail card - this is the law here! I hope she ends up ok - I really do but I have to say I dobut that. She'll be a washed up 50 year old recreating her fortune writing books trying to help young people from taking her path. Pathetic.
She more than likely has only a few days of mandatory time to serve. She'll be out in 2 weeks, if that. I've already read something that referenced the other inmates being rather pissed that so many precautions are already being set up in the prison to accommodate Paris. She'll never see the general population and will be given much higher regard. It'll seem like Hell to HER, but just a day in the park (possibly) to others. I do believe that the law is not the same for the rich and famous as it is for the rest of us slobs.
Some reliable news sources say the sentence was unusually high for that state and for that type of offense. So she got a "special treatment" from the judge, just because she's Paris Hilton. She chose to go along with it however, instead of appealing to court. I think it's a sign of character to do that. The "special treatment" in jail is just for her protection. If anything happens to her in jail, she (or her relatives) might sue the jail (or county or state) after all. She does have access to resources like lawyers and stuff. It's like the queen has to sit in jail, and if something happens to her, it might start a war. I would be very worried if I was the jail staff! :lol: Perhaps that's also the reason why they implemented all these protectional measures.

That's why better-off people have a "better time in jail." It has nothing to do with their money per se. I don't know what the situation is with liability of law enforcement, free lawyers and law insurances in the USA, but I think even the "small man" often has possibilities he doesn't realize.
Can you please explain that sentence to me? My English isn't that perfect yet!

Does that refer to her time in jail? As in "if daddy doesn't get her out of jail, she'll likely be as stupid as she went in?"
(so far, I know "get sbdy off" only as a sexual term, or did you mean "if daddy doesn't **** her to orgasm?")

Well, what makes you think she's stupid?

the fact that she's stupid??????

the fact that she's stupid??????


No-one is completely stupid. We all try as hard as we can, but even so, what's your issue with her? Why do you think she's stupid? (Man, you must be able to name some things, c'mon!!) :lol:
Newsflash: After 3 days in jail, Paris' sentence was reassigned to home confinement after medical issues surfaced. Rumors say she's taking high doses of a schizophrenia medication, and she apparently had a shortness of breath on Wednesday night, which she believed was a sign of a heart attack.

(I've taken a schizophrenia medication for a couple of weeks myself last year, as a cure for burnout syndrome, and I can say these pills are dangerous. One of the possible side effects is indeed shortness of breath, so if she really had that, then it could've been caused by the medication! the dosis should be lowered, or she should discontinue taking the medication)

In other news, Paris is apparently scheduled to attend a hearing before court in 9 hours, because the attorney wants her back in jail and the judge said the Sheriff's department's decision to put her into home confinment was legit.

I really hope she can stay in home confinement for the assigned period, that's much safer health-wise.
To be honest, paris isn't actually that stupid.

She knows exactly what will put her in the spotlight and what won't. I'm sorry but that doesn't make a person stupid.

I don't like her, purely because she's set an image for other girls and it's not one I agree with.

Yes this will push her into the spotlight even more.
More news: Apparently she was told today she could phone with court from home, after her lawyer talked to the courtpeople, and after the Sheriff department refused to pick her up, but then the judge had her picked up and driven to court by the police.

Late-breaking: After 3 hours, it now leaked what the judge was saying, namely that the Sheriffs department apparently took their act of courtesy too far, and the motion to place her in home confinement never arrived at the judge (strange, wasn't it said yesterday when he okayed it off to the press? perhaps it's all about formalisms now).

Poor girl, whan an ordeal!! :no:

(and this morning I read that Paris was apparently supposed to write a diary in jail which was supposed to be sold later on; WTF is happening there? So if that's true, has she to return to jail just to write that ****ing diary? If she signed a contract, I mean it's just paper, her health should have a higher priority ... )
i don't feel sorry for her, not one little bit. she's been eating from a silver spoon her entire life, with everyone around her adoring everything she does and talking about every little detail as if it actually matters. she needs a serious wake-up call, and i think this is just about right.